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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

I used to have a cat named Dixie as well! Then the vet informed my mother that Dixie was a he...Dixie quickly became Tom after that until Mom got mad and forgot the new name. I know we've talked about the kitties before and it's a bit late in the weekend but I still couldn't pass up a chance to post about what has to be my favorite cat ever, the Tito.

Floof and his shadow s.jpg

TIto What s.jpg

This cat is fearless and will eat just about anything (bugs, flowers, plastic, kale, cardboard, just about anything you don't want him to). He's also the floofiest thing I ever did see, his fur makes him seem twice as big as he actually is. All Tito ever needs is a bowtie and some bugs to chase...


Tito the everything eating cat! And cat that can stomach kale get's a brownie point from the old G-dog...Something I can't manage. Lol.

Is it ok to make the observation that Tito has dem crazy Samual L Jackson eyes? :)


Lol, I don't think I would have ever noticed that but you are on the money, Tito is the feline Samuel L. Jackson.

Kale ain't my favorite either, I'm beginning to suspect that Tito was a rabbit in a past life. ..

Tito the crazy-eyed rabbit-cat! :)

Lol, I will have to remember to call him that! I'm pretty sure he's been called much worse...

Lol. I'm sure he won't mind. He'll wear it like a badge of honour. (honor).

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That Dixie/Tom story reminds me of a Dennis the Menace cartoon. He and Joey each have a kitten in hand and Dennis says "I don't know. My Dad tells by looking at the bottoms of their feet."

Tito is a good looking if slightly dingy cat. Probably the very best kind.

Lol, that sounds like as good of a method as any I've heard! Tito thanks you, I believe he considers dingy a compliment. I'm still not sure what a 'normal' cat is like but he is the very best :D