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RE: Asylum and the criminally insane

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

I had a friend who used to go to cemeteries and take photos looking for "orbs" and stuff like that. I always told her she should be careful lest she bring something back with her! I'm not big into paranormal stuff, so I probably wouldn't enjoy this at all. I would probably need to wear a diaper!


Lol, diapers are issued at the door. Ok, not really.

To be honest, it's not my thing really, I've never seen anything, but I've felt things, the 1800's penal colony called Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia for instance (in the asylum as it turns out), but I'm going with the group as an outing and we're hitting the pub after for dinner and discussions. I'm not sure how my partner will go, sometimes these places can feel malevolent, and she sees things too, so if she feels ittnit appropriate her and I will not go in...I'm not about to leave her out the front by herself.

Maybe I'll write about it after the event. Depends on a few things.

Also, I'd not go courting it as your friend did...doesn't seem smart to me.

Haha, maybe they should on some of these. I think it's interesting to watch some of the shows where they investigate places like that, but I would never do it myself. I get chills sometimes just watching those shows. I think there are a lot of things we can't explain in the world, so why risk it!

 8 months ago (edited) 

That Adelaide Gaol is one of the places they do paranormal studies and they find things all the Z Ward too...phones flying across the room and all, someone said she felt like she was being hugged uncomfortably tightly...Fuck, now I think I'll need diapers too! I seriously hope I see nothing and feel nothing.

Yikes! Best of luck to you!