A couple of weekends ago my partner and I joined a group of friends for a night time ghost tour at the Old Adelaide Gaol, an historical building complex here in Adelaide built in 1840 and finally closed down in 1988 - Gaol is how 'jail' used to be spelled in the English language prior to jail becoming popular.
I've not written about it because I don't know how to; there were sightings, people were touched, one friend said she felt like she was being rained on (it was not raining that night and she was inside), it was oppressive, the air was heavier in some places and other such things; maybe not surprising considering the 45 hangings conducted there and truly miserable conditions inmates suffered through. I don't know how to write about it but I found the tour fascinating if somewhat unnerving, and enjoyed the company (of my friends not paranormal ones) later for coffee and cake...and to review some very strange photos one of my fiends took there. (Unexplainable and disturbing photos.)
On the back of that outing another ghost tour at a place in my city called Z Ward has been planned. The evening has not happened yet but I was close to Z Ward today while working so I wandered around the front to get a feel for it as when we arrive on the night it'll be after dark and the place is not at all lit up...I felt a little unnerved, not something I usually feel.
It was built in 1885 to accommodate the criminally insane, that is, people who have used their mental disorder to explain their criminal activities and were acquitted - Not let go however, they were incarcerated as criminally insane in Z Ward. Closed in 1973, it's now a historical place used for daytime tours and the tour we're going on at night, the ghost tour.
Between its years of operation this asylum held some of the most violent and dangerous 'criminally insane' inmates, truly disturbed individuals, behind its inescapable walls and it's said to have been a terrible place to be an inmate and I imagine it made already troubled individuals more so.
I'm not much into the paranormal stuff but love history which is what made me agree to go however Z Ward is said to be...well, let's just say a lot of strange and disturbing things still occur behind those walls and within the empty rooms and corridors. It is said the tour can be challenging and at times downright scary and I'm not sure how I feel about that - I'll find out soon enough I guess.
The Old Adelaide Gaol was an experience I can't find words for and Z Ward is said to be exponentially more active from a paranormal perspective. Today, I went to the area to scope it out as I was nearby and it felt very weird and disquieting, the whole area felt oppressive, and I think once I've emerged from that tour I'll not want to write about it, so this post and image is all you'll probably get.
This topic is not something everyone likes I guess, but if you have a comment to make feel free to make it.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
I don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural at all myself, I believe in the human psychology playing tricks on us as survival instincts kick in and tell us to get out of that situation (while being in an "haunted" place).
But with good haunted places comes good history, which I'm all for and for someone who isn't a believer, I actually really like places "haunted". Abandoned stuff, asylums, prisons etc.
History is one my favourite things and I'm rather voracious when it comes to it so stuff like Z Ward and other such places always fascinated me.
My son wants to go on those haunted tours. He keeps prodding me to go with him and I refuse. I don't know how I feel about the paranormal. Nothing has proven to me it exists, but nothing has proven to me it does not. Some of these places, like you mention in your comments, have some very negative energy. I am not sure I need negative energy like that.
Ok, so at the Adelaide Gaol, my partner saw someone standing on the stairs leading up to where the gallows were - the entire group were looking there as the guide was pointing something out. She said nothing to me until two days later. One of the other people on the tour, someone my partner does not know, saw the same thing - a person - which he told me about a day before my partner told me and there was no communication between the two.
I don't know, I didn't see anything, but I trust my partner and what she says, and she sees things all the time, all the way through those castles and historical places in the UK and Europe, on people's houses and all. The other guy, he died and came back to life, they resuscitated him after a heart attack, and since then he sees things. I don't know, like I said, but if you ask them it's real to them.
It's an interesting thing I guess, but not something everyone is into and that's ok,everyone has their opinions and are entitled to them.
I got the chills just reading that.
Yeah, I've got a few stories I could tell. One of them I posted about way back when.
My partner doesn't tell me mostly, she knows it gives me the fucken creeps. I've seen loads of scary shit, but scary shit you can shoot and scary shit you can't are two completely different things right?
Yeah, I prefer things I can see and touch.
Hi Galen, I am not surprised by what you tell us. I have relatives working in a building in Madrid, in which during the Franco regime, not so long ago, terrible things happened. The workers who work in the basements talk about the apparitions of a being, it seems that of a detainee who died there, and they also say that the lights turn on and off, that they notice that cold you are talking about...
Although looking at the photo, no one would say that it was such an oppressive place.
Greetings Galen
It's interesting how some places have occurrences and others do not and I wonder why sometimes. I've been to a lot of very old and historical places and not all of them have the feel I mention. I guess it depends what happened there.
It is a mystery, but it seems that in some places the suffering is impregnated.
I don’t believe in ghosts or paranormal activity, but places like this still give me the chills. I’m not sure if it’s because I subconsciously do believe in it, even though I tell myself I don’t, or if it’s just my imagination running wild about what might have happened here.
I know many people like that, I was one of them; I guess sometimes we need to see it feels something before we'll admit to it being seen or felt - and even then some deny it. That's the beauty of choice.
I do like this subject, in fact I have had paranormal experiences and I wouldn't go to that place because I know that I would see things that would make me sick. Because I have seen beings from other planes and it is not pleasant.
It has been happening to me since I was about 24 years old and I can see beings that have passed away for example. But not all of them have gone well, some in disturbing circumstances. And that is the most frightening thing. If you are hypersensitive you will see or feel things, if not maybe not much.
I can't go to those places, I'm extremely sensitive to the other plane. But you wrote about a subject that fascinates me. !!!!
Each person's experiences are unique I guess and I respect them. Some don't see it feels anything, others the opposite. It will be interesting to see how things go on this tour althoighbim sure there will be some feelings of some sort for some of the participants and maybe much more.
An interesting topic though.
I've lived through many of those experiences... I'll just tell you that's why I don't watch horror movies.
I'm going to walk Tony!
Well... hahaha... there's a lot of suggestion from the moment they tell you the story. And in the group it creates an energy... oppressive. However, I don't rule out that these energies from beyond exist. Some people can see them and feel them... others cannot.
Thank you for the data. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience.
Energies from beyond...Not a bad way of putting it.
I think there's many things humans do not understand and many some humans do not want to understand and maybe the paranormal is one such thing. Some people vehemently deny its existence and some confirm it...either way it is something that might be difficult to truly comprehend.
Thanks for you comment.
I was curious about what you say about the photos that were taken there.
G, of course this is a difficult thing to understand and there is a valid difference in criteria about it. I will be watching you very closely these days to determine through lines if you have any energy attached to you from beyond. LOL
Time will tell, but I think I'll be happy to have those buggers leave me alone completely.
In this day and age, I don't think I've heard much about paranormal things outside of fiction. Folklore and spiritual beings were popular when I was younger, but they died out eventually. I guess science being able to explain a lot of things, and technology improving video and camera captures quickly eliminated fakes and hoaxes. I have heard of people with third eye, and they say they see ghosts. I'm glad I don't though. Have fun with your tour.
Let's see how it goes, if I get taken by some paranormal entity and never post again then we will know for sure.
I had a friend who used to go to cemeteries and take photos looking for "orbs" and stuff like that. I always told her she should be careful lest she bring something back with her! I'm not big into paranormal stuff, so I probably wouldn't enjoy this at all. I would probably need to wear a diaper!
Lol, diapers are issued at the door. Ok, not really.
To be honest, it's not my thing really, I've never seen anything, but I've felt things, the 1800's penal colony called Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia for instance (in the asylum as it turns out), but I'm going with the group as an outing and we're hitting the pub after for dinner and discussions. I'm not sure how my partner will go, sometimes these places can feel malevolent, and she sees things too, so if she feels ittnit appropriate her and I will not go in...I'm not about to leave her out the front by herself.
Maybe I'll write about it after the event. Depends on a few things.
Also, I'd not go courting it as your friend did...doesn't seem smart to me.
Haha, maybe they should on some of these. I think it's interesting to watch some of the shows where they investigate places like that, but I would never do it myself. I get chills sometimes just watching those shows. I think there are a lot of things we can't explain in the world, so why risk it!
That Adelaide Gaol is one of the places they do paranormal studies and they find things all the time...at Z Ward too...phones flying across the room and all, someone said she felt like she was being hugged uncomfortably tightly...Fuck, now I think I'll need diapers too! I seriously hope I see nothing and feel nothing.
Yikes! Best of luck to you!
Seems like interesting places but I am not sure if I would want to visit them. I don't watch horror films. At all. Also I am not sure if visiting such places for someone who has mental problems is a great idea. Who knows it may make my condition worse. On the other hand maybe I would fit right in even though I don't think I am quite insane yet.
In Lithuania was a case not so long ago when a policeman shot to death a woman with mental illness. Apparently it was a self defence. But what I find interesting is that according to police no other measures were working on that woman.
It's not for everyone, that's for sure and I think it's not until the moment of going in, or perhaps the moment and event occurs that a person knows whether they can deal with it or not. This place housed many incredibly disturbed and disturbing people and maybe some of that 'energy' has seeped into the walls and leeks out from time to time?
We'll see how it goes I guess.
I'm such a mouse, the type who watches a horror film ( very occasionally) covering my eyes with slit in between my fingers, so I'd never go on one of these tours.
Just out of interest, you're normally very good at writing, do you not want to write about the tours because you don't want to re-live the experience or do you feel it's not appropriate for Hive?
Yeah, I get it, this sort of thing can be confronting.
On the other thing, I don't want to write about it as I can't without saying what happened, personal experiences my partner had, and others, and I don't want to do that (indelibly) on the internet, you know? I don't want everything laid out here, that's not appropriate.
Wow, that sounds like an intense experience! I can understand why it would be difficult to put into words. The history of these places is fascinating, but the added layer of paranormal activity makes it even more unsettling. 👻 I admire your bravery for going on these tours. Looking forward to hearing more about your future adventures.
Do you like history and if so what was the most interesting place you've visited?
Thought I do not like history my mom does and we have visited many palaces and caves, some say the caves reach another city altogether and was use during wars to escape. Few would go into the caves in recent days and feel claustrophobic. We have one very close to our home, built by former local king called Tippu Sulthan. 👑
Human beings are very suggestive. The information that reaches our brain, through the appearance of places, the history that surrounds them and our susceptibility to paranormal themes makes us all experience different sensations when exposed to this type of event. I am not particularly fond of horror tours. I prefer to get to know the places and their history in a conventional way, during the day without the tension generated by the psychological component. Regards ☺️
I get it, some people are not inclined to do tours such as I mention here. History is something I'm very passionate about so from that aspect I'm pretty keen and I've spent my whole life delving into it.
I am also interested in visiting such places and finding out the history. All our friends also find a similar place which is closed by a long and go there and get knowledge about it. A horror movie scene is playing. We have a friend who is very afraid of all these places but we take him along and it feels so much better to scare him later. We keep him with us so that he doesn't get too scared.
What is the most interesting place you've visited?
Our city is historic and there are buildings that are 100 to 200 years old, so there was a house that was 100 years old, we went there. The location of the places here is not available over the net.
I may or may not believe in ghosts but I love to explore that place someday. I wanted to know its structures and history, too.
History is something we should all try and understand as many answers for the present reside there.
Exploring haunted history at the Old Adelaide Gaol and upcoming ghost tour at Z Ward. Eerie and fascinating experiences! 🌟👻
Eerie indeed, but sometimes I guess history can be exactly that.
Absolutely! History often echoes through time, revealing patterns and parallels that can be both fascinating and eerie.
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
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Yeah, nah. Good luck and have fun and all. Yeah nah.
Lol, I get it...having second thoughts myself.