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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 50: The natural world

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Good morning Galen...😊

Waking up to my natural world of remains.

I have to admit I just let the cursor run and it stopped on this picture. Which I really like, because as you know taking pics of the deceased is kinda a hobby of mine. And this is just an innocent fish bone 😁 .

I captured it on Lake Michigan, in Grand Haven. Loved being there, the Great Lakes are stunning and impressive. And I got excited to find this piece of fish lol.

Also there is sand which is the most valuable resource on the planet lately...yah people you can learn something here and if we still wanna show off pictures of the natural world in a few years we all have to take actions to save this planet from humanity now...just saying 😉 ✊ ...if not I will be the only one that can show off pictures of remains in a few years 😅

Ehemmmm have a great day/night y'all!


Cursor running is sometimes the best way to pick things an, like in this case, can result in something very interesting.

This image reminds me of a dinosaur fossil and in truth this is exactly how the fossils we dig up today would have begun...Alive, then dead, then covered over by millions of years of silt, mud and silty-mud and muddy-silt and...That's all I can think of.

Sand...Fucking hate it Anna...But yep, you're right it's a valuable natural resource...Kind of like water, but that doesn't stop humanity taking it for granted.


I know you hate sand, sand is just midget stones, it peels your skin and your concrete house and windows are made of it...just a few pros for sand...but don't worry, soon there will be none anymore lol, sounds crazy hu? These days you can impress the mafia with a kilo of sand rather than with a Bugatti 😄...back to the fish...

I love sand when it's turned into glass and concrete etc, those things don't make their way into my hidden crevices...But grainy bastard-sand? Nah, never going to like it. Lol.

Morning Anna. :)

Good morning sunshine 😁 just made me laugh...thanks 😄

Lol...Always happy to make people laugh, the alternative doesn't always go so well for them.

I just got back from a two hour hike...Watcha got happening today?

I will head over to do my help out in 5min. The neighbor is in hospital again since Thursday. Then walking Joy, cleaning up my place, making pancakes and waiting for Scholli to show up, walking Joy again, in between I will stop at da Hive ;), and later hmmmmmmmmmmm...reading maybe...not much to do...a lot opened up again, but just for the vaccinated, healed or tested...I'm none of that 😂

Seems like a reasonable Saturday - Make the most of it.

a lot opened up again, but just for the vaccinated, healed or tested...I'm none of that.

Yeah, next there'll be soldiers on the street corners saying, "show me your papers," like in 1939.

Maybe I'll see you around the place with a comment or two. Have a good day!

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Very interesting your photo and it gave me a lot of laughter what you wrote 😅, and out of the moment of laughter I agree with you that if we don't start taking care of our nature in a few years we will have less colorful photos 🌎

Yah I laughcry a lot lately 😅

Good to see I am not the only one that takes pictures of fish bones on the beach. having a beach to walk along is always fun and camera needs to be handy because you just never know what kind of flotsam you are going to find. I found a dead Russian watch once, and no there was no hand attached.

Gosh...thank goodness... I'm not alone. Beach is awesome, finding stuff on the beach is even more awesome, a Russian watch with no hand...mehhh lame 😂. I have a whole collection of dead birds, mice, whatever I find but I have to say in an esthetic way. I honor their lives with it cause they get overlooked but are so precious...

A few years back this was a pretty grisly story:

More than a dozen feet in shoes have washed up on B.C. beaches — and 1 case remains unsolved. Five years ago, a grisly discovery was made on Botanical Beach on Vancouver Island, B.C.

That was kind of what I was thinking, pretty much macabre humor.

Oh I just recently watched a documentary on that. They found out that most of those feet where from suicides from a bridge in that area. Because of the current they got washed up there. First they thought it might have been the mafia because in that area they are or used to be kinda big. But it turned out it was mother nature washing the poor souls taking their own lives up there. Maybe the one or other murder was in between but yah...still kinda creepy to find a foot lol. They didn't got eaten up as the rest of the bodies because of the shoes.

very impressive catch.

You should se the others 😁

 4 years ago  

I skipped a rock on Lake Michigan. Went around all the Great Lakes that trip and skipped a rock on each of'em. Last time I went there I had Pura with me and she was gonna skip a rock too. It was shortly before a super bowl (football.. football) so we burned a bowl—woulda been early February.

The whole massive, gigantic body of water was a solid ice cube! Skipping rocks just wasn't the same. But you shoulda seen our moonwalks!!

Dead things. Not sure what it is but I've been featuring dead artists at Jaynie's place on Fridays which reminds me, I didn't get a reminder this week. 🤔

🤔 True, me neither. What's going on? Nice story bout da lakes. Must have been awesome to see them frozen. I loved it and talking about it makes me miss being at a beach, no matter where.

Great lakes need to be looked after, each grain of sand reminds us of time slipping if we don't take action and reverse a lot of what we are doing, yes the picture tells a story!

Sadly that is true, and even more sadly I think we ran out of time already. :(

Yup, tend to agree... spoiled people expect everything neatly packed in plastic we have created a big hole of.... read my lips!

We are throwing away our world in a mass produced throw away world.

I love walking the beach and taking pictures of all the random things I find. This is an impressively intact fishbone and it would have definitely made the cut, too.
Reminds me, while I was looking for a photo to share in G's thread (side note: should have used your cursor scroll method) I came across one I took in Denmark of a dead red crab - your photo reminded me of it.
Right there with you on the state of our planet - sad truth 😩

Where is the pic of the crab? Drop it here :)

Here you go, one red dead crab, found and photo taken on Fanoe, Denmark


Hehe cool...another natural world of remains...poor little thing zodiac sign is cancer so I feel for it 😉

Yeah, I know. There's no way around it - nature is beautiful, but it can also be very brutal. See the positive side, the seagull probably had a nice lunch 😝

But seagulls eat this...😂

Bwahahahaha - they sure are thieves and now this is proof. Arrest them!!!

What is this world coming to.... 😂

I went a lot to the beach when I was a kid and you wouldn't know how many times I stepped into something like this. Why? I have no idea 🤣. It is like setting foot to nature's LEGOs.

That's funny lol...Galen did you read it? Natures LEGO 😂

Ha, ha, ha. It's a totally legit comment 🤣

It is :). Thanks for a good laugh before going to bed now ;).

My pleasure! :D

That's just a stunning photograph. I am familiar with the area, but the truth is I tend to gravitate to Lake Superior when I'm between the two. It is truly a beautiful area.

If a Kilo of sand is going to be worth more than a Bugatti then I vacuumed up about a Chevrolet's worth this morning. :)

Who knew? Arizona is going to be the richest place on the planet and so hot that nobody will be able to live here...

Lol, you might wanna keep the sand. The lakes are fantastic and I wished I could be there one day again.

There has been some effort (mostly from the Chamber of Commerce) to get the big lakes in North Idaho included as 'Great Lakes'. They really are big glacial gouges, but I don't think you can be out of sight of shore on any of the three. Which happens early on a couple of the Great Lakes.

Yah if you get dropped on one of the Greats and you don't know it you can mistake them for a sea. They don't feel like lakes. When I visited Lake Garda in Italy people wondered why I wasn't impressed. I mean I love it, would move there in a heartbeat but once you felt a Great Lake everything else feels little 😄. Lake Garda is still a very spiritual place for me but for other reasons than the size lol.

I know the big lakes in Idaho way better. Intimately :) I know the rivers that feed them, and have traipsed all over around them. I love them and have considered living nearby several times.

I probably prefer Coeur d'Alene but only because my favorite river on earth feeds it. The St. Joe. I hope one of my nephews will tote my ashes to Prospector Creek where it runs into the St. Joe. That's how much that place means to me.

It is nice to have a place like that. Do you live in that area?

I used to. I've lived in Arizona the last 20 years. I'll go take another look in a couple of months when I'm up there visiting.

Es volver a la creacionIt is to return to creation.


A fish bone.. HHAAA THIS ONE'S GOOD 🤣🤣🤣🤣

The first thing that came to my head was.. who's cat did this on the beach

Must have been a big cat....was a big bone 😄

Perhaps someone brought a lion to the beach 🤣