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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

My wife thinks I’m silly for keeping a to-go bag full of some basics in the back of our car. It’s a duffel bag so it’s got quite the amount of storage space thankfully. Just need to top it off with a first aid kit now that I cleaned it!

Good choices here, the drone and solar panels would be some good stuff to have for sure!

 4 years ago  

My wife always complains about that too "why do you even bother". Then the day comes and I will be all like "see, told ya so". 🤣 first aid kits a good but my kid seems to raid it to play doctors so I had to restock it and put it in a higher location.

 4 years ago  

Yeah it’s weird until you need it! Lol. Our son used the bandaids in the kit to patch up one of his trucks from surgery he performed. Need to get a new one lol

 4 years ago  

Oh man! I know this feeling. So many dolls have been turned into mommy's 🤣🤣🤣

I asked my lil one what she was doing and she said "they're sick, silly daddy!"

Argh! The mess lol

I have this same issue. Our daughter unpacked our bandage kit the other day and left it in smithereens 😓

 4 years ago  

Hahah nice, the things they do for entertainment! Worthy of the sacrifice I think lol

She's a bit obsessed with band aids and bandages, but it's a good problem to have I think.

 4 years ago  

Future nurse or doctor in the making maybe!

I carry a go-bag too! :) That is why I didn't need to think much about it.

 4 years ago  

That's great and very important! I think it's good to just have the mindset that you can be prepared if the situation arose and you needed to go somewhere. It's also good to have a small one in the car with some necessities just in case. Never know!

I actually do as do my kids. We used to have to have one, so we know the drill.