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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Ah for sure that helps! I’m not too familiar with the range stuff yet but I do know that hunting big game with a .22 is foolish in my opinion lol. We shoot tin cans with those things and not much besides that hahaha. I couldn’t imagine taking it deer hunting! Squirrel or rabbit sure but not deer lol.

What do you typically use for deer hunting? My dad said he would give me his other SKS (I’m licensed already, though unfortunately don’t get to go to a range which is brutal!!) but I’m holding off until I’m ready. The SKS sounds like it’s certainly a good gun but not for these situations. Just getting a feel for what others have preferences for, there’s a lot of information to sift through! I don’t want to buy a cheap 200$ thing that ends up being something sitting in the safe lol


For my typical hunts I usually go with my Savage Axis 308 it’s light, rugged and works good! For coyotes or longer range hunting I opt for my 6.5 creedmoor which is a Remington 700 PCR, it’s set up more for longer range accuracy!