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RE: 13 Successful Blogging Tips Explained By A Professional Blogger Guru Extraordinaire

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

NoNamesLeftToUse, you mean the entertaining mufuker who makes you laugh and arguably one of the best artists in this whole blockchain who's on an extended leave of absence right now..

Never heard of'em


I heard that dude is a fucking asshole.

 4 years ago  

Oh, that guy! moving along....

lol. Someone reblogged this. Even back then, apparently I wasn't here.

 5 months ago  

Funny, I remember the moving along thing started on jaynie's blog. Wasn't until I messaged you there I learned she muted me. Moving along...

I don't remember this, moving along, thing. Anyway. Moving along...

 5 months ago  

I didn't realize I missed August 2nd til yesterday—34 days later and here I still thought we're in July so moving along..

I thought it was Friday last Sunday, but it turned out to be Tuesday morning when I finally realized it was Wednesday. Time flies when you're moving along.