Unless you're rapidly approaching age four in blogyears (400 in blockchain years) and successfully managed to capture audience attention by seamlessly blending an intimate mirage of ha, ha funny! with ha, ha fuuu, the fuuu?! beginning with an opening sentence so convoluted viewers require two paragraphs before guesstimating the direction of this one, don't attempt a bullshit title like the one you just clicked on—that's 1 and 2. Tip 3—cover image:
IC King Lake, East TN. Images - GoPro Hero 5 Black
You only get one. It's the first thing your audience sees, objective—can't ignore it. Only your profile pic is recognizable but it's tiny. Consumers don't remember the title of your previous article and your homepage is only memorable to you. All they know is that tiny little profile pic so make the cover image count like fingers—you only get one. Advocating for murder at first sight in graffiti on an otherwise beautiful piece of #nature isn't recommended. Neither is #tagging mid sentence—that's 4 and 5.
Cliff face @ Lake Concord
'What number are we on?' Engage—tip #6. When the opportunity to insert your reader in the article presents itself, don't hesitate, pull out a chair and keep it simple, 'what comes after 6?'
Lucky number 7—they can't all be home runs. You'll notice quite a few content producers on the receiving end of big autovotes and there's wallets around here worth more than you know what to do with, Lucky number 7 doesn't pertain to everyone. But for the rest of us, they can't all be home runs. I've released content that took five days to process compared to content that took less than five hours and the five day'er received little support whereas the five hour hit trending. Emotions grab everyone differently and curators are people like you. What you believe is your best work isn't necessarily the opinion of the community and vice versa, something you threw together quickly was rewarded unexpectedly. Like traditional and crypto markets—you just never know. They can't all be home runs.
Ate—don't bite the hand that feeds you. It only takes one fuck up to erase a lifetime of attayboy's/attagal's. We may only remember a portion of your content over the years but we'll never forget the time you went off about how disgusted you are with the inner workings of the platform and how Hive should be different because it doesn't compare to bla bla and bla. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. There's tact and there's ugly. If you're incapable of presenting your idea tactfully and gain the support of a decentralized community willing to carry you toward your goal, it's ugly, wait! Chill out for a minute. Walk it off or sit down or something, take a breather. How many fuck ups?
9, 10, and 11. Support new content, support communities, don't forget how you got here.
Random confusing photo / repurposed page break
Everyone remembers being brand new and when receiving double digit upvotes was an emotional rollercoaster. Don't skip content because the authors rep is low or the payout isn't substantial enough to grab your attention. They're new, skipping them can be intimidating. Motivating and supporting isn't. Support new content—9.
Communities are fairly new to the blockchain and haven't stopped gaining traction since their introduction. They make it easy for like-minded people to get together and share content, there's a lot of content here, communities are an easy to use tool designed to avoid content you're not interested in. All the big curators nowadays are supporting more and more communities and the more you familiarize yourself with them, the likelier your content is noticed. Support communities—10.
When you registered your wallet however long ago and engaged, engaged, engaged your new platform, running around consuming everyone's content and shaking virtual hands, look around...
Ijams Nature Center - West Knox
Don't forget how you got here. Maybe you skipped content released by high reps only to entertain producers at or around your rep in the beginning. I did a lot of big wallet chasing back when I first started hoping they'd upvote my comments, did things like reblog high paying authors, shit like that, I tried all kinds of techniques to get where I am. I'm learning what does and doesn't work for me, personally, it keeps me on my toes—practice. I'm proud of my accomplishments. I've achieved more than I ever imagined on this socially internet thingy and I won't forget how I got here—11.
#12. The simplest pair of words in this whole thing and the most important—be yourself. We've all heard it, seen it written a million times, 'be yourself.' I can't stress it enough. What does it mean?
It means if talking out your ass is what you do, let'er rip! If politics is your thing and you designed the most elaborate road map down the rabbitist of rabbit holes, share the map! I probably won't follow you but who cares, there's plenty of people around here who think their opinion makes a difference in the grand scheme of things, I'm just not one of them. More? 'Ok.' How to be yourself between sexes, first up—fellas.
Gentlemen, if you only have one testicle after surviving a freak encounter with a blow fish and now your life consists of unprecedented comfortability such as, but not limited to, simple hurdle jumping, laying on your stomach, less noticeable jumping-jacks, write about that nut! Careful consideration before you do, this is a blockchain, you can't have it back. What happens on the blockchain stays on the blockchain. Be yourself.
Ladies, be yourself. This is an unintentional attention to genitalia, by the way, I didn't plan this, it's just an easy way to separate sexes, dammit!! 'Separate sexes' probably has legal ramifications these days. If you got the miracle yeast cure all, one size fits all, revolutionary yeast be-gone ya'all treatment, write about.. it! Be yourself.
Don't try to mimic someone else because you think they're successful or you think they're cool, it won't work. You can't be them, only they can. The reason you think they're cool is because you don't know anyone else like them. Easier than pretending to be something you're not—be yourself.
#13. More like a final thought but I like that number so I'll use it to wrap this up. If you practice some sort of variation of each of these tips and stay true to that practice while making it your own, you will get good at this. You'll be on the receiving end of tips you thought only professional writers earned. I've used 'overwhelming' to describe it. This is like anything else—cooking, free throws (with the exception of Shaq), archery, exercise, cycling, traveling, typing, painting, anything else. You will get good at it.
Attention-grabbing openers, got it.
Epic cover image, with no mid-sentence tagging, understood.
Insert reader, kk.
I want them all to be homeruns tho lol.
Have tact, support others, righto!
I don't know about all this high-rep stuff, I just post great content and click on what I like. I'm a picky person, if Hivians hate me for that, so be it. The world needs picky people with high-standards and I intend to turn up. :) I guess that counts as being myself!
Anyway, great post, well-written, love the humor blended with tips.
Thanks sincerely, from a 'simple-hurdle-jumper' to you. :P
Humor? Careful.. last dude who laughed at a monitor got drug tested and is prohibited from Uber now.
Wassup man? That's cool you stopped by. I can tell you're comfortable behind a keyboard. Most of us, myself included, were intimidated as shit to do this. That post button is still my nemesis and that's not an exaggeration.
That part about be yourself is the most challenging part, it's an ever evolving thing, you're no stranger.
Speaking of stranger, don't be one.
:confession: Ok, you're gonna experience something that goes against everything I taught you earlier, I need to explain myself. I upvote this first round of engagement between you and I to show thanks, obviously, also inviting the reader to come back. I've managed to build a little HP, though, so you'll actually receive what I give. Upvotes that don't equate to $.02 go back to the reward pool (if I'm not mistaken.. there's people around here way more familiar with this stuff than me) and the consumer on the receiving end of the Upvote never sees it. $.02 is where it's at, $.03 to be safe.
Hence I suggested against upvoting comments. With your voting strength, the consumer doesn't see it.
Damn these things are long but could you imagine not being able to drive drunk people home for Uber anymore and it's 107 degrees outside, she's puking in the center console, the A/C's broken and drunk guy's saying something about either plastering a pool or criminal justice but he's mumbling plasaminttoodititsoffplease.
Feliz y bendecido día
Es un placer @ edwing357, me alegra que lo hayas disfrutado. Estoy usando un traductor para responder, así que creo que esto sale bien.
Muchas gracias por ver este, que tengas un gran fin de semana. no seas un extraño.
Thank you, happy weekend. I will also use a translator hahaha I hope you understand what I write.
¡Claro como el día!
Great advice here Days! There's a lot to be said for just turning up and being consistent anywhere, more so here. Take care of yourself
I'm glad you think so, Nicky! Thank you. We stay in close contact with our English friends just waiting for restrictions to ease up so we can get hump outta here, "consistency," it just ain't happening! Everywhere else is loosening their grip and ya'all just keep getting tighter. Any good
newsnoose comin down the line over there?UK is our resting spot so we can't get back to touring until.... UK is our resting spot.
Thanks for checkin this one out, Nicky. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Well, the schools opened up again across England last Monday so we wait with eager anticipation to see what that does to our case numbers over the next couple of weeks. If all goes well and according to plan, we'll be back in full swing in July according to government - believe what you will with that
Have a great weekend too mate!
That's good noose! The friends I'm speaking of are both school teachers actually in Brighouse. The restrictions they're faced and class numbers and at home training seems so extreme. Please keep me posted if you don't mind. If you hear something positive and think of ol Days.. shoot'em a line.
Side note. I got some nice UK engagement outta this one, I felt deserted for awhile. Been really questioning my British jokes like 'they're 'just' jokes, get it?? Ha! Ha! The fuuu?!' I've been explaining myself like this here and there to you guys.
'You realize Pura's British, right?! They're just jokes, there's really no other way an American can express his love for England more gangster than marrying one.'
Solid tips. No 12 though. It is the one that so many people fall at. The thing is, yeah being yourself might not get you any votes in the short term but when you play the long game it will.
At first glance, that photo of the graffiti looked like Kill your local heroin BEAVER
Lol, I am so easily amused
…just gonna drop this here…
You can't go without squiggly jibblers! 😀
HAHAHA no, it would be nearly criminal to try.
You and I haven done much of this so maybe you're unaware, waking up my wife is a BIG no-no.. turn the water cold, starve her, totally acceptable. Tip 14 - DONT WAKE HER UP!
What I'm trying to say is, I didn't see Beaver until you said it and she's gonna kick the ass I talk out of!
Good morning, Boom! Thanks for checkin this one out. Couldn't agree more with the long term. Oddly enough, the longer I'm here the more I get comfortable being myself. The more I do that.. the more I'm appreciated. That's some blowfish shit!
for you
Have a great weekend @eii!
thank you for sharing.Thank you @dandays for your valuable tips, I am new on Hive, I must admit, I've done quite a few of those f..ups. But, picking myself up and trying again. thank you for the advice will take heed.
My pleasure artywink! My name's Arts, by the way, so I can't help but notice your handle when Lizelle promotes your gorgeous art work. Your content is refreshing, I'm glad you found the place, it just wasn't the same without you.
Tip 10 😉
Back in my job days when someone would say something like "how??" Or "Your way is perfect" I'd always say 'It's just a little better than last time and the only reason you think I'm good is because I've 'F'd UP' so many before this'
Hope you're enjoying your weekend. What's a Saturday look like in SA? You live in Waterfall?! The name of your city is "Waterfall?" Ol.. I'm gonna need an image or something to prove how it got its name.
Thank you @dandays Arts, you have just given me an idea for one of my next posts. Thank you for the inspiration, still have a lot to learn though, but enjoying along with all the f.....ups, 😅
Inspiring? Don't tell anyone else, they'll expect the same treatment!
No worries @dandays Lol, I love your humor, it's very refreshing.
These are some great tips man. They all have good parts to them for sure. One thing I love is to try and expose new accounts for others to see they bring some cool stuff on board. It’s not often but when I do I’m hoping I make a difference for them. The things that kept me going were the posts and votes I would get on random things here and there as my account slowly grew. I try to do the same for as many as I can, as a way to pay it forward.
Ah the blockchain doesn’t forget for sure. Once you hit post or comment it’s on there! Even if you delete a comment it’s still there. Learned that the hard way, nothing bad but things you don’t necessarily want to be permanent you know. I’ve managed to stay away from content I may enjoy reading but it’s too tempting to drop a comment that I might not want to stay there forever lol. Cancel culture is insane nowadays, it’s very annoying. People can’t have opinions any longer.
That port a potty picture gets me whenever I see it lol. Who parks their car against those?
Good morning cmplxty, thank you. I'm glad you think so or else I'm just talkin out my ass. Back however long ago when I followed you I knew you were a lead by example kinda guy, I'm not surprised you practice repeating some of the techniques that got you here.
I probably haven't managed to stay away as well as you, but I sure did learn quickly you can't just 'I should tame that sentence down a' little Nah.. this is a blockchain. What I do, though, and you've probably noticed, is I'm not scared to edit the shit outta these comments (more issues than People Magazine). Fix grammatical errors, etc, but it's not the original and everything we've done is concrete only stronger.
Cancel culture. Never heard it phrased like that but it's perfect.
Thanks a lot for keeping an eye on me man, I appreciate it more than THIS. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm double parked at the shitter.
I still don't forgive Shaq for being that bad at free-throws... Actually I don't forgive any bball player for it... Don't miss those throws, they're free! 😃😃😃
Great tips though. Consistency might be an overarching one to add to all of the points...
You're right, consistency. Between all of us we could probably create a triple digit list. Consistency is a good one. 👍🏿
Shaq. The only reason I've ever been able to defend those guys with massive hands and giants who can't shoot free throws is compare them myself with the use of a little kid basketball hoop.l that's plastic and flimsy. Tiny little ball (just one though) smaller than my hand.. tiny little rim that's barely larger than the ball... Bounce! Boing!! Is this thing even regulation size?!
Thanks for checkin this one out @gvkanten. I've seen you around lately, nice to see you enjoying yourself. Don't be a stranger.
The fuuu is strong with this one. Always a good read and the tips are great for newbs and veterans alike. I think its easy to get a bit ahead of yourself when you start posting things to the block chain. Kinda operating on the basis of If I post it, will I regret it as it stands. Seems to be keeping me honest.
Things hopefully gonna calm down a bit here in the near future and I can dedicate more time to HIVE.
Keep on keepin on.
Come and go as you please man, you know where to find us. Thanks for keeping an eye on me. I had the exact same thought—true story. Am I gonna regret this? I my returns from time to time.
I totally get it. Take your time, thanks for tuning in when you do. Let me know if you need anything.
Thanks man, its a bit of a shit storm here at the minute. Its appreciated.
Glad I aint the only one!
Good morning my friend. A bunch of good stuff here, especially #, I forgot the #, I'll go back and find the number, no I won't, fudge the number. Be yourself, whatever # that one is, is the best advice of all. If you hang out long enough on this platform, it will only be a matter of time until someone figures out that your gig is not your gig, but a gig that is a combination of gigs that you think is necessary at the time to gain the attention of others.
Next great point that you spell out in this post falls somewhere between #1 and #13.
Don't hesitate to take a look at material that you find interesting no matter what the rep score of the author. We all started with a score of 25. Just recently I went way back to look at some of my earlier posts and thank goodness someone checked out my stuff. I think I made about $5.00 in total on my first 100 posts, but a few upvotes and a few pennies was very rewarding. Throw in a comment and I was happy as a pig at a barbecue, obviously not the one on the spicket.
I feel that another key to finding some modicum of success is to really enjoy what you are doing.
If the only reason for blogging is to get rich, you've got a better chance of doing that by working flipping burgers, even if they don't raise the minimum wage rate.
Initially, the only reason I got started was to leave somewhat of a recorded history for future generations to view.
For me, that is still what motivates me the most.
Just one last thing before I check out, and this one I know the number of.
Since you used numbers 1 thru 13 I figured this one would have to be #14.
If you happen to run into one of these, A Professional Blogger Guru Extraordinaire, don't hesitate to ask for a little guidance along the way, and if he goes by the name of @dandays you've got the right dude in the fox hole with you.
I was going to try to write my own insightful comment, but the running trails are calling. So for now, I'm going to say ditto what Sweed said because I wholeheartedly agree! 😉
Posted using Dapplr
The fuuu? Me.. trails.. me.. trails. Where tf are you and I'm not just talkin out my ass!
Posted using Dapplr
"Dammit!" #14 really stumped me.. the fuuu?! There's a word for it, 'overwhelming.'
Good morning Sweed!
Hope your toes are frozen
This engagement is most valuable of all, guess I didn't mention it specifically because it isn't a rule.. it's necessary. Trails are nice, autovotes are
niceprobably nice, but making connections like this has potential to extend to really weird things like trading Halloween decorations for syrup, lunch in Atlanta with @plantstoplanks, and virtual friendships that are equally valuable to homeboys I've known forever.Back when I first started I didn't know what a hyperlink was and now I attach them randomly. I look back at my articles, too, before I knew how to edit and text align and engage... my style is gradually becoming my own thanks to support from people like you. If that ain't enjoying what you do please explain it in greater detail. I know you know what I mean when I say back on the job when young men would praise me and be in awe over something I did I would explain: 'You only think this is good because you didn't see the previous thousand. It's only a little better than last time, you think it's good because you didn't see all my fuck up's before this.'
Something like that
Know what I mean by this? (#6)
You've been motivational in everything I do around here, Bob. I mean that. Know what I mean? I'm glad we met. Well.. we could've and should've met-met in North Carolina about a month ago but your got dang generation is so got dang terrified of this got dang Covid thing cuz your generation watches the noose and we don't and I better stop before I bite my own hand and can't feed myself.
No frozen toes here, I think, I really haven't been able to feel them since we got home so I'm not really sure.
I figured if you where in the fox hole with me, we would be good to go. I've got a gut feeling you could talk your way out of just about anything!
For me, a guy that hasn't made a new friend in many decades , I'm not sure how this relationship has gotten to the point where genuine feelings about each other's well being and happiness are a concern.
Robin and I have had a few laughs over this and just the other day she said something that had crossed my mind as well. " In a lot of ways he reminds me of our own boys."
Yeah, there are a lot of similarities, free thinkers, resilient, dedicated to loved ones, not easily swayed by what others think, and an array of moral principles that guides the way they conduct their actions.
Now take that and put it in your pipe and smoke it.
Talk about smoking, that is another similarity.
Could've, should've , would've, you know where that leaves us, right where we are now, virtual friends enjoying each other's company, with the desire to one day come face to face.
Have a great day!
And wordsmith, don't forget.... dammit, what was I saying? I remember putting it in my pipe but I forgot what I was gonna say.
HUGE flattery comparing me to family. Big huge pink heart on that one. 💖
You mention I could talk us out of anything. I'm not making this up. When the topic of guns comes up which happens regularly and I have plenty of personal protection, by the way, I say "I'll kill'em with my mouth." Just like a catch phrase I invented regarding crypto, "it's fun when it's fun." Same thing... I'll kill'em with my mouth.'
Personal protection, that's a good thing or you may end up with a few rugrats.

Did I interpret that wrong, were you talking about
Something like that
But I'm undefeated with my mouth so they're just an in case. Even the cute little pink one will stop the bad guy.
Locked and loaded, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan.
Brilliant post, as usual bonkers in style but spot on in content. And true to your point 12. Just be yourself.
Doing what you're best at is what makes one stand out, and not shoe horning yourself to write whatever is trending and gets the most upvotes. Experimenting writing different genre is good, but don't try to be a defi expert or marco photographer all the time just because everyone else gets big upvotes. You (not you personally!!!) isn't everyone else.
Bonkers? Certainly you don't mean intimate mirage do you?
Inserting reader
Good morning, LivingUK! Afternoon over there. Man I can't wait til England opens back up. It's Pura and my home away from home so we can't go mobile again until ya'all ease up, any good noose?
I sure do appreciate you keeping an eye on me. When you agree with what I say enough to where you emphasize your own tip it leads me to believe I did something right.
💖 Thank you.
Hmmm this sounds like a real experience. Thanks for sharing...
Real as in not virtual or real as in virtually real?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and everything else I didn't say.
Real as we perceive 🙂
This is a beautifully crafted posts that resonates with the belief system I have adapted on the platform.
I like the part where you highlight how rewards can be just about luck and emotions of whoever wants to support you. Because that's what most rewards are usually distributed. I have seen content creators that really put up some effort only to have their works be overshadowed by content that can be down in minutes.
Sometimes it's just the connections one built that gives people the advantage. Nothing wrong with it as you also have to work for these relationships. Investing in people takes a long time and its understandable to be bias about voting friends over strangers. That's just how human relationships work.
The thing that grinds my gears the most is that sense of entitlement and being complacent when you're on the favorite list. It's like there is no need to waffle for engagement because the upvotes are secured and the slightest disagreement for rewards can make the author go reeeeeeee. It just kills part of my belief in humanity that some can't get past the realization that likes or upvotes on a post don't mean worth.
The first part of the post is solid advice. I sure am not going to like reading a post without pretty pictures just to act as page break. Heck even my wall of text comment like this already makes me not want to engage with myself because there is no eye candy.
The latter parts are speak of wisdom acquired being on the platform. People buy into the personality and not the post. So if one is just a copy of someone else, there is no merit to supporting a copy and better support the original. I hope to see more creative people being creative about their blogs instead of following a status quo of how they format posts or tackle niche topics.
I don't always receive thoughtfully crafted comments like this but when I do, I commend the sender, stay engaged my friends.
Impromptu spin on worlds most interesting man
Good morning, adamada. That part about no images, I'm gonna agree only because your comment is article worthy. Thanks for the reblog, yes!! I didn't forget!!
I think I know what you mean about entitlement. Depending on wallet value, a simple questionnaire can value at $100 and the week long, well thought, infinitely edited article gets swept under the chain. But I've learned to accept it, it is what it is and entitlement is a natural emotion. Just like voting for friends like you said. Pointing fingers will only propel you backward around here. Talking about it like this, however, totally acceptable.
That part about people buying into personality, you nailed it again. I'm glad I wrote this article actually, otherwise I wouldn't have received this response. Back on the job, back when I had to do that shit, I would coach the younger guys when we get to big projects. 'You're gonna make a name for yourself.. there's too many people here not to, the name you make is by your design only, not mine or anyone else.' Buying into personality seems similar.
Thanks for stopping by. And thanks even more for drawing this response out of me. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
I'd vote for a friend not because their post is great but because I know them. I'd vote for a stranger because their post is great and I'm willing to invest some time knowing them better. The proof of brain part can wait, imma go be Bro for someone first. So I hope newcomers get this part down that not all the votes will go to them for posting something awesome.
I got the term from @nonameslefttouse though I knew about the concept but didn't have the right word for it. Generic topics can just be googled from another site. Personal stories, now these take some time getting invested into. So if a user just pumps out fancy articles aimed at nothing and showing how empty they are, there's really less points trying to keep them on a newsfeed.
I struggle with building my own brand from realizing the concept but then I just ended up saying fuck it, it's not like I'm a content creator 24/7 and there's no fun trying to be prim and proper organizing blogs in a platform that majority hardly thinks engagement matters.
Good to hear your response too. Have a good day :D
NoNamesLeftToUse, you mean the entertaining mufuker who makes you laugh and arguably one of the best artists in this whole blockchain who's on an extended leave of absence right now..
Never heard of'em
I heard that dude is a fucking asshole.
Oh, that guy! moving along....
lol. Someone reblogged this. Even back then, apparently I wasn't here.
I really feel that you were speaking to me the whole time, this is a masterpiece, except you got one thing wrong, I have 2 testicles, sir and I can prove it!!
You bring up an excellent point, Honesty. Who's testicles are they really, yours or Lee's?
Whenever something I say strikes a chord (no pun) with you, the results are usually 'overwhelming' so I must've done something right here. Thanks, Ed!
I wasn't being completely honest
That 'Thanks' was for back when we first met and you challenged me to draw that cartoony ass picture that took less than an hour to draw and that was the first time I ever received trail action. 👍🏿
I was going to leave a really GREAT comment, but changed my mind when I saw it would be like '49' places down on the trail...!!! I'd have to read them all for hours in order to not repeat something somebody else wrote and get called out for being lazy😇
Who the hell is going to scroll that far to find me - anyway...?!?!?!? I'm not going to comment; that's all... Pfffffffttttttttt....
#14. When a commenter fumbles through a response about how they waited too long to comment and now they're at the bottom and bla bla and bla, ignore'em! He's probably just an old bitter weight lifter New Yorker anyway.
Ok you got my measly 100% vote!!! Loved the post and helps me to know that I’m on the right track! I have absolutely seen how posts I thought were awesome just go nowhere and others take off when I though they were crap.
I think another tip would be to post and write because you enjoy it! Not just for the rewards. I haven’t read the million comments here so maybe someone else mentioned it already.
Entering the contests and engaging have also become a part of my week, I definitely don’t make income off those, but it has brought loads of conversations my way which is so cool!
Love the post as usual.
I felt it! That big vote woke me up. Well then I love that you loved it so love that too, loverlady.
Do this because you want to, absolutely! I probably didn't list it because I can't help but do that. I've never powered down my account except for the whole Steemit debacle. I've powered up every award ever earned and have never cashed out one token.
Cool if we just pretend that was #14 but 13 is such a special number to me I could extend beyond it?
Let’s make it 13b then!
I was gonna say 13b is tiny like Gumby but I didn't want it to appear I'm still stuck on genitalia.
Good morning Mr. Days, you gave some excellent advise in this post. We will always remember how gracious you were to us when we first started on the blockchain. Your help and guidance was priceless.
I remember when you didn't realize I was the sweed's wife, and yet you still helped me out and were so supportive.
So thanks big guy, you have a generous heart.
Be yourself, now that is what I think is so important. You either like my stuff or you don't. Period. I am who I am, not a brilliant author by any means, but I enjoy gabbing, sharing my photos and connecting with people from all over the world. Very cool in book.
Best part, my family will be able to have a look at what I did here on this earth, at our farm, my zest for life.
Most importantly, how I loved my family with my heart and soul. Unconditionally.
Enjoy the day my friend.
Do you ever think about what you may regret you did here? I think about that often. I think about it pretty much every comment actually like 'maybe I shouldn't send this.'
Husband or not, I just can't help but melt when grandma's show up and I see they need assistance. Wouldn't be able to live with myself otherwise.
Thanks a lot for the reblog, yes!! I didn't forget. Now where was I?
(#6)? Means this guy's out! Not sure where we're peddling today but there's gonna be some miles involved, I know THAT! When I say we I mean just myself and everyone else helping my type this right now. I was just telling Galen the other day, 'as much as I love waking up next to Pura, I love being by myself on my bicycle.' I'm never too fast or too slow and I only stop to piss when I have to piss. I can do whatever I want, the only clock out there is the one in the sky and the mailman doesn't know where I'm at.Sun's out @farm-mom, know what that means
You enjoy what? "Gabbing?"
Never heard of it
Yes gabbing, ya know just chattering, talking too much.😁
Happy cycling , it's snowing here today, like really blowing that white stuff every where. Go figure .
The mountains can be so unpredictable, throw in the lake effect snow, poop! We were hoping to pick up another 15 gallons of sap but without the sunshine and milder temps it just isn't going to happen today.
I think it's healthy for couples to do things on their own, you just need the space sometimes. I will buzz off to Jersey to visit friends or family and leave my guy behind, we are both fine with that. But when I asked the sweed if I could go to Paris with my new French friend, Pierre , it took a while for him to stop laughing long enough to say 'hell No". 😂🤣🙄
I'm only responding to this because I realized what day it is so the trails are gonna be packed, the clouds have rain written all over'em and that's all, has nothing to do with I'm so got dang tired from bicycle, gym, bicycle, gym I'm much likelier to get this response with my phone on me.
It's what happens when you sissy out and don't go peddle
When I read this I was 'she's such a farmer!'
He said no?!? My first instinct woulda been
Can I go?????
His first response, after he managed to get up off the floor from laughing so much, would have been, does Pierre have a female friend? hehehehe
Now, let me see ...hum? 'maybe I shouldn't send this.'🤔
Well shoot since we're still here. This dude is from where I'm from. Double K, 43 years old, just died. From a group called People Under The Stairs (PUTS), I'm a BIG fan of these guys @farm-mom, I'm really said to see them go.
A couple buddies and myself have been sharing PUTS tracks since just hearing about it. Anyone who doesn't know who they are, I would use this track to introduce them. If you guys got a minute and you can chill out if you know what I mean, please give this track a listen. Don't forget to chill out first!
And if you do, let me know what you think.
Good stuff, music is a great de-stresser (if that's a word.) Loved the mix of jazz and funk with beats that just make you move. I love to dance, don't know if you knew that about me. Alexa is in my kitchen going all day long with me moving to the tunes. Makes doing the dishes a little more fun.😄
I haven't heard "marijane" in a while, now that's old school.
What a shame, just 43 y/o and so talented. You just never know.
My son Derrick is still coming to terms with losing his best friend recently, he was only 36. Heartbreaking.
Me encanto totalmente esta publicacion, de verdad esto nos enseña a los pequeños como yo sobre muchos valores y muchas estructuras a tomar en cuenta, de verdad muy animado y muy agradecido por su tiempo y sus palabras de verdad unico y hermoso, =D!
Estoy muy contento de que pienses eso, ¡gracias! es un ruego para mí ofrecer ayuda a cualquiera que esté dispuesto a escuchar, sire lo necesitaba cuando comencé. No lo sé todo @mau189gg, pero te enseñaré todo lo que sé. ¡Pasa por aquí en cualquier momento! Disfruta el resto de tu fin de semana.
Y gracias por compartir esto con tus seguidores.
Life on Hive can be a roller coaster ride at times but to just be yourself is the best piece of advice you can give anyone here; it's the most natural thing to do and blogging will become a breeze.
How often have I been more than pleasantly surprised when I've just sat down and written something from the heart and suddenly the votes and comments start pouring in, yet that well researched blog sometimes gets ignored.
Did you mention that Patience
Do not be disheartened either as...Well mr @dandays, you certainly have the gift of the gab plus know how to sum things! is the name of the game here? Can't remember seeing that, but that's one piece of golden advice my son @deanoza gave; he introduced me but gaming won the race as that's his passion, could have done both I believe but we have to go where our heart takes us not so.
Totally agree with you on everything!
Just keep on plodding...I meant blogging, as the world's your oyster here on Hive imo!
You are a shining light here for many mr @dandays 🤩
I'm thinking I should've at least taken a shower first before I respond. Shining light? That sure was nice, Lizelle. You know any of them whale autovoters? Maybe you can put in a good word for me.
Patience, absolutely. I'm a chess player by birth so maybe patience is just something I assumed we already knew.
I'm glad you liked this one, thank you! Thanks for always supporting my content. Pura and I are off to Virginia Beach today. Until England reopens we can't get back to what we're good at so we're gonna enjoy a mini staycation for four days. If you don't hear from me, that's why.
Muah!! 💖
Passion and personality...That's the key...And some effort too.
Copy that and a big 10-4. Good morning Galen.
Personality is gonna shine through everything, always does. Maybe it's just me but completely sharing my personality in this virtual world the way I do in the physical world is a practice I'm still working on.
And patience, absolutely. I'm a chess player by birth, patience is one of those things I just assume everyone has.
Much love from the other side. Enjoy your week. We're off to Virginia Beach for four days. Until England reopens we don't have a home away from home so we're gonna try to enjoy some mini staycations while we're here in the meantime.
Sounds great! I hope y'all have a great trip and we'll see you on the other side!
Wow! These are nothing but the truth, great write up Boss!😁
Thank you @ricardoh, I'm glad you liked this one. Thanks for the reblog.
It's a pleasure Boss. 🙏
Yay! 🤗
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Tips 14: Your shit can still be upvoted on day 6!!!
I like to paint pictures with examples
I Like Tip 14, ever hopeful me!
You like what?!
Gotta love some badda Bing when the old Motors running at 200% not to mention Ed's day 6 is true, but that neon lady got me all excited . What can I say, I'm easy
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Hey @dandays, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.THIS much. It's only the second time someone Posh'd an article for me without me asking.@penderis. Thanks
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Hi @danday
I agree with you "not everyone can be a home run", and even more if we consider the nascent world of social networking in web 3.0 where all members want to stand out as creators of extraordinary content, without a doubt emotions make the difference.
any day.Good morning @lupafilotaxia. Maybe not home runs but I just checked your blog and you're pretty close! Congratulations on the attention your content is receiving. I'll take a buncha in the park triples
What's it looking like in Venezuela today? Got any big plans for the weekend?
Good morning @dandays. It is part of managing emotions and being constant, my posts are about science mostly about the wonderful plant world, in Venezuela we love baseball to the point that it is considered the main sport of the country. The situation in Venezuela these last months has stabilized a bit, maybe it is an effect induced by the pandemic. I am writing something about the scars of mother nature, this weekend I will visit my father, I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks.
Well have a safe trip. Glad to hear something positive coming out of Venezuela, for a long time there it was bad, really bad, and worse.