Solid tips. No 12 though. It is the one that so many people fall at. The thing is, yeah being yourself might not get you any votes in the short term but when you play the long game it will.
At first glance, that photo of the graffiti looked like Kill your local heroin BEAVER
Lol, I am so easily amused
…just gonna drop this here…
You can't go without squiggly jibblers! 😀
HAHAHA no, it would be nearly criminal to try.
You and I haven done much of this so maybe you're unaware, waking up my wife is a BIG no-no.. turn the water cold, starve her, totally acceptable. Tip 14 - DONT WAKE HER UP!
What I'm trying to say is, I didn't see Beaver until you said it and she's gonna kick the ass I talk out of!
Good morning, Boom! Thanks for checkin this one out. Couldn't agree more with the long term. Oddly enough, the longer I'm here the more I get comfortable being myself. The more I do that.. the more I'm appreciated. That's some blowfish shit!