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RE: 13 Successful Blogging Tips Explained By A Professional Blogger Guru Extraordinaire

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Good morning cmplxty, thank you. I'm glad you think so or else I'm just talkin out my ass. Back however long ago when I followed you I knew you were a lead by example kinda guy, I'm not surprised you practice repeating some of the techniques that got you here.

I probably haven't managed to stay away as well as you, but I sure did learn quickly you can't just 'I should tame that sentence down a' little Nah.. this is a blockchain. What I do, though, and you've probably noticed, is I'm not scared to edit the shit outta these comments (more issues than People Magazine). Fix grammatical errors, etc, but it's not the original and everything we've done is concrete only stronger.

Cancel culture. Never heard it phrased like that but it's perfect.

Thanks a lot for keeping an eye on me man, I appreciate it more than THIS. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm double parked at the shitter.