And wordsmith, don't forget.... dammit, what was I saying? I remember putting it in my pipe but I forgot what I was gonna say.
HUGE flattery comparing me to family. Big huge pink heart on that one. 💖
You mention I could talk us out of anything. I'm not making this up. When the topic of guns comes up which happens regularly and I have plenty of personal protection, by the way, I say "I'll kill'em with my mouth." Just like a catch phrase I invented regarding crypto, "it's fun when it's fun." Same thing... I'll kill'em with my mouth.'
Personal protection, that's a good thing or you may end up with a few rugrats.

Did I interpret that wrong, were you talking about
Something like that
But I'm undefeated with my mouth so they're just an in case. Even the cute little pink one will stop the bad guy.
Locked and loaded, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan.
Can't believe I missed the rugrats comment. Went right over my... head! Way, way, way OVER as in over and around and keep on going. Protected. 👍🏿