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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 50: The natural world

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Shout out to Galen for the topic this weekend Cuz that photo is special. Very nice Tom. Happy Friday! Got anything goin on this weekend? We've been in so many surrounding states lately a 3 hour drive to Nashville and back today's a cinch.

Is it too warm to ride yet? Shit!! Scratch that. Sounds like something a Californian would say. 👍🏿


I"m seriously considering a run to the White Mountains in the near future. Makes it about 6 hours in and out in the real heat, but it's not really hot yet. So, no. Not too hot to ride yet :)

Nice thing about that ride is lots of really great roads above 8000 feet of elevation so wonderful cool.

 4 years ago  

Sounds like it.