I saw you mention your wife saying she appreciates "real instruments" since you've been tributing Van Halen all week--tough not to. You and I agreed we have a favorite lead though I wouldn't contest anyone's opinion on the subject, Diamond Dave is great!
Good engagement topic this week, sir.
I would've been either 4 or 5 years old, kindergarten so 'about' 1980. I got two records for Christmas that year. One was Michael Jackson's Thriller and the other featured the following song (aI have a feeling you've heard it). Tell Faith this is the first real instruments I heard.
Hasn't Sammy Hagar got a unique voice, and pretty versatile too. If you've heard any of the VH ballads, slower songs, which I'm sure you have, you'll know what I mean. I'm glad he came to VH as he added a grittyness to the band that I liked, less showmanship which was Roth's trip. Of course, both have their place. Thanks for sharing this one, I remember it well, although I was 12 in 1982 when this album was released and it wasn't until a few years later that I discovered Hager when he started fronting VH.
Ah, it must've been first grade then, not kindergarten. I lived at that house for two years. Hey Man, how cool of a mother did I have, though? That's how cool she was, got me those records for Christmas that year. I said 4 or 5, guess The Luckiest Guy I Know would'v been 6. Thanks for the correction.
The Red Rocker at the top of his game! I liked Hagar a lot before he joined VH but really liked him fronting that band.
I'm right there with you @bigtom13, His voice is recognizable miles away and under water, no mistaking that one.
I was and still am a big fan of Van Halen, Dave's energy started a revolution of stage performances, but it was Sammy who got me into them.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend man.