They won't let me forget it, they're still wearing masks here. Proceeds to next paragraph whistling familiar tune....
I'm looking forward to it too. When I didn't see you on the guest list I was like "WTF?!" We'll be in Prague the 6-10, then Budapest the 10-18. But I had already told LivingUK last month we'd be there so I felt about this big when the dates light bulbed—ding!
Pura was able to alter our return flight a couple days ago from the 18th to the 17th. This meet-up better not suck!
See you soon Steve.
Ahaha. Nah, I doubt it will suck man, after all we have a special guest from across the pond, spoilers.
I'm a little confused that I wasn't on the guestlist as I responded A.S.A.P as I enjoyed the last one so much. It really is a cool thing to meet some of those we have only encountered through text thus far. Not for even the tiniest most infinitesimal moment did I ever envisage meeting the 'Double D', but life's funny like that isn't it?
I'm in a temporary health funk at the moment, thankfully I am getting that outta the way now, rather than mid June, so that's pretty damn good.
Prague and Budapest, wow! That's a pretty nice itinerary you are both getting to take in, I envy y0u both, it's just a shame that you had to alter the flight dates, now begins the pressure to make it a great decision!!!
Looking hugely forward to the day even more than I already was. Is Pura going to up to attending, or busy recuperating from the travel?
See you/both soon, enjoy your preceding travels 😎
Very British of you to end a statement in question form. ;P There's that whistle again....
I'm a +1 Steve. And you, will you be solo or?
Oh, I'm a solid 10! Oh heck, I understand what you mean now...
Although m'lady may well be travelling to Halifax with her absolutely inferior partner, I doubt very much if I will convince her along to the meetup, she would be far too self-conscious to go in to a room of people she does not know. Which is crazy as she is such a natural, caring, empathetic, friendly, smiley person, I am very lucky to have her. ((I suspect we both struck gold in the very best way possible for living a fulfilling life)).
Also, wherever we go, ((true story)) she has to field the very same question, over and over:
How do you cope with him???
Usually quickly followed up with:
You must have the patience of a Saint!
Hurtful, right?
Cue the whistle... That's just her passive aggressive way of calling herself a Saint. Du-d-du-d-dooo.
We have a lot in common, your wife and I. I'm 'prickly,' Pura calls it, I don't do stuff like talk to landlords for example—real long list of phone calls I'm forbidden to take, she has to do that stuff. American, Los Angeles you know how they are. All demanding and entitled and me me me, say what they think type shit. I'm on my best behavior when she's around plus she makes me look real good.
Especially around here. All I gotta do is say fuck, for example, and they look at me funny like I have horns but to me it's just a verb.
See you soon you 10, you.