Drunk in charge.

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago (edited)

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There was a slaughterhouse behind the house on Camden Street where I lived as a child. Perhaps it made some impression on me for I was never much of a meat eater. In my teens, after seeing a documentary about factory farming, I never again ate another bite of meat. And those were the days when a vegetarian meal was a meal with the meat taken off the plate. Since I didn’t eat vegetables, I existed on a diet of coffee and toast.

I was vegan for a while, not to save the animals, but to give me a reason to talk about myself every 5 minutes. I came to my senses pretty quickly though when I was advised by an emaciated young lady with severe alopecia, that to be a real vegan, I’d have to divest myself of my leather shoe collection. No can do. Not all 15 pairs!
Besides, trying to live life without eggs borders on the ridiculous.

But fear not, you don’t have to hide your bacon sandwich from me—every man to his own conscience. I’m neither preacher nor teacher.

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As well as being vegetarian, I’m a life long teetotaller. I despise alcohol and the effect it has on otherwise commonsensical people. I know. I sound like a positive riot, but at least I’ve never woken up in the morning with a blank where my memory of the previous night should be ... though there was that time when someone gave me a microdot. Well anyway, where were we? Oh yes, drunken parents and their antics. I could write you a treatise on excessive parental alcohol intake and its effects on children.

My mother was an infamous neighbourhood drunk. If you wanted your sofa peed upon or were partial to an earful of maudlin drivel, she was your man. ‘Every woman is a lady until she proves herself otherwise,’ my R.E teacher Fairy Adams used to tell us, and let me tell you, she did!

When we kids awoke one morning to find a turd in the middle of the bathroom floor we immediately presumed one of my parents to be the culprit. Though it later turned out to be the dog, it speaks volumes that our first suspects were our parents.

When I eventually escaped and bought my own house, my father thought it hilarious to despatch his drunken artist friends from the pub to my door with masterpieces to swap for cash. One ne’er-do-well arrived with only a note, in my father’s hand, which read simply ‘Give bearer the dosh’.

To those who think that drinking renders them more sociable or more attractive, I say, you are mistaken. It seems to me it impairs your higher faculties, removes your logic filters and leaves you operating on pure, unchecked emotion. I’ve never come across anyone whose disposition was improved by drink.

Personally, I don’t need alcohol to be a scintillating conversationalist and a fine addition to any dinner party. I’m also well known for my humility.


'would you ever embrace the vegan diet' Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking "Alcohol, do you drink it in moderation and to be sociable, simply to get drunk as quickly as possible, or not at all? ' and

The photos are my own but do not necessarily reflect my opinions.


Haha what an entertaining post!

Taking 2 of the Weekend Experience prompts in the same post is next level. A vegan diet is a cruelty on the poor carrots and you need your leather shoes! Alcohol may not make me more sociable or attractive but I will take one for the team and take your drink tickets so you can be the scintillating conversationalist for the both of us.


Thanks for the offer but that wouldn't work for me. I need those drink tickets to get everyone around me drunk so they think I'm a scintillating conversationalist!:)

Both amusing and poignantly acerbic. Nothing like drunk parents to scare kids of alcohol. Glad you survived relatively intact. I've had my share of excesses, wish I hadn't, but such is life. At least I'm moderate NOW if verging on abstinence.

I think scared about covers it. Neither of my two siblings drink either.
Thank you kindly for the reblog, etc, etc, etc.

My Dad always said his Dad was an absolutely fantastic bloke, until he drank. Dad would see the brown bottles on the back step and scraper, sleep in the car or at a mates.

I have no such memory - my Dad made sure of that. I only recall him drunk once, accidentally, drunk under the table by visiting Germans. It was hilarious. He kept saying 'dont tell the girls!' but at the time we were living in a caravan and my sister and I could hear him vomiting in the sink saying 'oh my God I'm throwing up blood' and Mum saying drily 'Habs, that's tomato'. We couldn't stop giggling.

Hahaha, very funny! Your father sounds like a darling. You are fortunate to have good parents....and thanks for the hugs:)

I am super lucky - and yes, he is. Funny, we had a convo just yesterday about that very thing, in contrast to his brother's family who have a whole set of dramas and misery. As my folks said, often parents just make it up as they go along, but perhaps it was just because they were sensible as people that made them get it right. Whatever they did, I totally lucked out.

PS hugs to small deirdyweirdy, who shouldn't have to have been scared.

You had a choice. You could have emulated your parents (which many children of alcoholics do), or you could have learned from their example. I think if you had chosen the first path, I probably wouldn't be enjoying your clever blogs today :)

I don't know about that. I could have been the female Brendan Behan!

No, please not that. He died in his early 40s. You certainly wouldn't be here to write :)

He did. Sad case. My father grew up in the same area as the Behans and was good friends with Dominic, Brendan's younger brother.


I've had friends die prematurely from alcoholism. Could never seem to break free of it.

My mother and grandmother, both alcoholics, both died in their 50s. I was determined to buck the trend:)

Lucky, smart, @deirdyweirdy. 🌹

I like to drink, but not too often, and not too much, because I don't like being drunk. Just one or two pints or cocktails. I don't mind at all when it takes the edge off my chronic pain, but I definitely don't want to black out or lose control of my faculties.

I can understand vegan desires to minimize suffering through their lifestyle choices, and I appreciate their influence on the food industry in providing a wider market for dairy-free alternatives to common food, but yeah, leather shoes are unbeatable. Natural materials trump "vegan leather" in every practical respect. Also, I like bacon, and I've tried substituting plant-based proteins and other vegetarian-ish lifestyle changes in the past, and it never made an improvement in my health conditions, so no veganism for me.

Sorry to hear you have chronic pain. Despite my loathing of alcohol, if I was in pain and it helped, I might even consider it.
Thanks for the visit.

No matter which way you swing the cat, excess in anything is not good for you.

Balanced diet is called for without the fancy trimmings, additives or other, alcohol is by choice, life is but once...., live it!

Good advice but I find I can resist anything except temptation.:)

Always fun being tempted.... 🙃

I laughed out loud about the turd. There is a positive in this story - you chose the opposite path - with a lot of humiluty. However, I can well imagine that you are the life and soul of the party with your humour and stories. I am not a teetotaller but I do not like to drink. I could hold a glass in hand all night at a social gathering or none at all. It is just not my thing. I feel great the morning after too.

Great that you can maintain the vegetarian lifestyle. I just made a banana cake because the bananas became over-ripe. I realised after crushing them that there were no eggs. I was reminded of when I tried to be vegan. I proceeded and the outcome is super delicious cake. yummy

Great blog as always.

Good to see you!
I've never had any trouble maintaining the vegetarian lifestyle. There's only one rule...no meat. The vegan thing is soooo complicated. Banana cake without eggs? Next you'll be telling me you made banana cake without the bananas!:)

Well everyone of us right now is proud of the decisions you made right now

Every one of you? That's delightful! I am mighty pleased to have made you all so proud:)

It's very interesting post.. 👍👍 thank you..

I wish I could say the same about your comment🙃

Lolled at this one.

It had to be said!:)

Yeah, agreed. If I said what I was thinking more often here...well, let's just say it'd not probably go down so well. 😏

Hahaha, I'm sure we could learn to love Mr. G's evil side. I'd try it for a week if I were you, just to see would anyone notice:)

Haha, some people think I'm evil already, you know those fuck knuckles who do the wrong thing and get a downvote from me, if they truly knew...well, it's probably best they didn't. I don't think Hive is ready for my evil side. Lol.


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