What's it all about?

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago (edited)


What the bejaysus are we doing here? Where did we come from? And where the hell do we go? These are the questions that have occupied my mind for as long as I can remember.

I went to a Catholic school, but at home, religion was the subject of ridicule. “Religion is the opium of the people,” my father would warn, being a revolutionary socialist with the Che Guevara poster to prove it. Small wonder I lived in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance. While desperate to believe in the nuns’ benign creator, my young mind could see nothing benign about the constant struggle that was life.

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With my introduction to the theory of evolution in 1969 during a fraught viewing of 2001 A Space Odyssey with my elder brother, I thought I had the whole origin of life thing sorted, and I spent considerable time in subsequent years keeping a close eye on our goldfish, expecting one day he’d evolve.

In my declining years, however, and after six decades of observing our little world and its workings, I can no longer believe that we could be the accidental product of some primordial soup. Everything is too well designed, too intricate, and too calculated to be random. But it's all upside down and topsy-turvy.

Our rulers are the worst of humanity. We are, most of us, good people, yet so much evil is done. We have a world of abundance but live in scarcity. Nobody wants war, but it has always been part of our quotidian existence, and we ignore the uncomfortable evidence of our eyes and ears to pretend that the emperor has a fine suit of clothes.

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I suspect that we are living in a simulation. A simulacrum or image of the real world… but inverted. It seems like the most plausible explanation for the sort of clown world we inhabit. The world has not gone crazy at all. It is as it was designed to be.

What would be the goal of such a simulation? Well, perhaps to examine how an inversion of the real world would work out, or to discover the victor in a battle between good and evil.

Mind you, I also believe that Paul McCartney died and was replaced and that the best cure for seasickness is to stand under a tree.

Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking 'What mystery would you most like to solve or understand?'

The photos are my own


what i am still trying to figure out is whether this insane amping up of clown'ness is done solely for the purpose of waking people up.

so many ascribe what they see on the world stage to incompetence. if they are further in their development they may see it is malevolence and intentional.

but if it all serves to make people sink or swim - to wake them up finally and utterly or to simply perish due to their own ignorance... isn't that an act of cosmic generosity in the end? a final extreme appeal to reason and a push for people to trust in one's own discernment despite their conditioning?

i think what we witness is just the materialization of an underlying energetic trend towards awareness. it's just such a trip to find ourselves in the middle of it


Perhaps we are experiencing a great awakening, or maybe it appears that way only to people of our ilk. I don't know a single person other than my 2 siblings, who wouldn't apply "Hanlon's Razor" to the situation. Naturally, I never put down to stupidity what can be explained by malice:)

had to look that up. i didnt know the gang foster that attitude so blatantly and outright ahahahhaa. what a red flag, huh. but i am not surprised.

aye, the great awakening from the great naivete


It seems like the most plausible explanation for the sort of clown world we inhabit.

I see this too. Once I started to consider it, everything fell into logical place. I wouldn't quite say that everything is as it should be, but rather everything is as it must be for us to get to where the creator of the game intends for us to go.

Funny and very true, all you.

I'm not surprised we see things similarly. I think the periodic resets make so much more sense too, if we're in a simulation.

Ah religions is good and all that but don’t get too mad into it. That’s what my father told me

I've never been into religion, far too many rules, but when people thought that the hand of God might smite them for their transgressions, they were more likely to stay on the straight and narrow.

Mind you, I also believe that Paul McCartney died and was replaced and that the best cure for seasickness is to stand under a tree.


What do I say about this one? I'd just rather not think about it. Gives me a headache....

Hahaha, I think that comment says it all!🙃🙃🙃

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