How you take something seemingly so insignificant and craft a story that inspires and motivates another...I don't know you do it, but you've got to teach me. I've got to be like you.
I sit down to write sometimes and I am looking for a grand theme to weave into a masterpiece and it never comes.
Besides, I thought I was the only one that could sit down relax and not be thinking at all... Just have a blank mind. Although, I find it difficult to do voluntarily. When I decide to sit down and think of nothing, that's the time that thoughts would flood my head.
I don't know if it's the devil 😂😂😂
I have no idea how I do it to be honest, I just start writing and things unfold from there. I never finished high school and ended up getting out into the world and finding lessons, influences and understanding through life itself. It's seemed to work well for me as I'm still alive (although I probably shouldn't be) and feel I've been reasonably successful in life. I have a good one, (life) and actively shape it. So, I don't know, maybe it's all of those things combined that allows me to string a few words together?
Stop looking for the masterpiece and just write. looking for perfection is a blockage. Just write with passion, pour yourself into the words. Learn how to spell and how to use punctuation and then just write what flows out. Edit and proof read and before you know it you'll have something you're proud of. Why? Well, because you crafted it, you applied effort and you did your best. That's the definition of a masterpiece to me.