I can't recall not being a busy man and for years have had what I call a high operational tempo. It means I have a high work-rate and no matter what I'm doing I do it with gusto, passion and determination.
At work it means I am more efficient and productive and solid results ensue. I'm structured, strategize and prioritise with ease, delegate and, as a manager, have always worked hard to develop my team, multi-skill them and then support them; it makes my life easier and I can achieve more.
In my personal life I'm less structured although still apply passion to the things I do whether it's hiking, shooting, playing sports, camping, reading, sitting on the couch watching a movie or even snoozing in my hammock - I apply passion to most things because life is too short not to. Like my work situations, I've gained more from my personal life in this way, have less regret and far more pleasing memories to surround myself with.
Being at rest
I recently spent time on vacation in Cairns, Australia. It's a beautiful tropical location that lies between the rain forest and Great Barrier Reef. I was visiting family and whilst we did a few things it was pretty-much all about being at rest.
For me, someone who operates at a reasonably high rate, moments like this are required; it recharges my energy, emotional and physical, but also allows me to truly hit the pause button. I don't mean taking a moment of solitude during a hike in my day-to-day life I mean almost shutting down completely. It's a wondrous feeling.
Whilst there, I found this green tree frog sitting on a big palm leaf just off the balcony of my brother's house and became fascinated by him...or her.
I called the frog Hoppy mainly because the little bugger didn't move from that spot for hours - That's my dry Australian humour shining through. We sat together, me staring into space doing and thinking almost nothing at all, and Hoppy doing the same...although I can't be sure he wasn't thinking - I'm not a frog-mind-reader after all. Maybe he was thinking, who is that big fucken galoot sitting on the balcony like a lazy bastard, but I have a feeling he didn't mind me being there.
Hoppy didn't talk much and neither did I. We just sat there at rest and it was nice, as was the rest of my vacation. I returned relaxed, recharged and reenergised and feeling much better for the pause.
I'm back at work now and my operational tempo is back to normal however I'm still able to tap into the relaxing moments and feelings I had on vacation and that keeps me going. But, I'll be honest, I miss Hoppy; we became good friends.
I know many have busy working weeks and the weekend tends to allow people to find a little rest and relaxation, just as I did when I was away and I do each week. I wonder though, what do you do with your weekends and how do you relax? Feel free to comment below and let me know...Of course, if you're at rest don't bother...I'd rather you enjoy the moment.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
The image in this post is my own
Some of the ways I relax would be to play Splinterlands (interestingly), write/read posts on Hive, listen to music, or even getting a massage at the spa.
I've never played Splinterlands but reading and music worked well indeed. 😊
Being at rest, is something that comes by often but we don't choose it most times because of our set goals and Target. I'm glad you could get some rest this weekend with Hoppy, funny though.
Sometimes my weekend are always occupied, with somethings I need to get done but sometimes I get to be at rest by having a good nap.
I had fun reading through and I smiled while reading the part of you and your new found friend Hoppy.
I love your quotes by the way.
Mapping is a good way to relax and aobdo it often; the more often the better. 😂
Thanks for commenting.
I know right? but it's not really easy to get yourself to do it at times.
It was my pleasure reading through and making my little contribution 🥰❣️.
Many weekends leave you physically tired from the different activities, but they also leave you with a peace of mind away from work responsibilities that is second to none.
Others are of absolute rest type Hoppy with some relaxation, meditation very well deserved.
We must find the balance and continue to enjoy life.
Peace of mind is a pretty good thing to find I think. I look for it constantly. 😊
As someone who works in an industry where I only get a day of time off, I tend to go all out when I relax. My way or our way (my workmates) of relaxation is through partying or drinking on Saturdays. We do it in moderation though, but sometimes we just cannot control it. Then by Sunday, we would lazily slouch on our beds due to bad hangovers. It's not exactly pleasant, but it keeps us going, so I guess it's fine. 😂
Drinking is certainly one way to do it and there's no shortage of those who prefer that method of relaxation.
Also, let me just add that how I wish my manager is like you. I'm envious of your subordinates. My manager is quite the opposite 🥲
Thank you for the compliment. I've spent a long time developing my management style based in study, research and first-hand experience. It seems to work well and when it doesn't I tend to know how to deal with it.
The weekend just isn't the same when you are working them and days off don't feel like the weekend when nobody else is off.
I love kayaking, letting the water flow and take me wherever it will go. I do paddle, but, I love to just let it drift some days.
I am so glad you ahd a great time!
Kayaking is a legit way to spend a weekend! I don't do as much as I'd like to but my kayaks live on their rack on my trailer so I can get going pretty quickly when the opportunity arises.
I suspect none of us get as much of anything as we would like. :) But, you are the smart one, keeping the trailer fully loaded.
Isn't that the truth!
We need to shoot for a better contract!
For sure, a little tweak here and there and we'll be gtg.
Wow my friend @galenkp how much fun Cleo must have had with Hoppy this weekend I imagine the relaxation for you, watching the adventures of your new friend .
I think I will soon introduce you to molly my daughter's kitty another walking cuchitura on 4 legs.
Greetings and good night
It might be a good idea to introduce Molly, I'm a cat-lover after all. 😊
My dear friend @galenkp happy Thursday on this side of the world, you know I have ready the story of how Molly spent her last Sunday.
It is told in my style. A touching analogy, of friendship, hobies that Molly shares in her life, when there is no light, it rains hard and I stop counting.
I must post it in that weekend community because of the way I wrote it. I was doubtful about the community, because I saw that you published Cleo's story in another one, of course it's a different story.
How do you do it on this platform to chat privately ? thanks for reading me .
Any weekend-related content about any subject is permitted in my community, THE WEEKEND. I posted mine in the pet community as I felt it was better-suited there based on the blog content only.
Peakd has a chat feature you can use or you can use Discord. This is me on Discord: galenkp#9209
I think Hoppy is a good name actually. Quite an appropriate name for a frog. I must say though... Your friend, he looks to me like he might've been poisonous?... I don't know. Hehe... Just saying.
My weekends however, always seem to surprise me in one way or the other – especially these past few weeks. But generally speaking, it's most often a hit or miss with them. Regardless, i try to make the best of both outcomes.
Yeah, he looks deadly, but fortunately he's not. He's just your typical frog, happy to mind his own business and go on with his own life rather than kill them with poisonous neurotoxins.
It's wise to be flexible enough to take whatever comes in a work or weekend scenario. Life seems willing to throw up unexpected challanges and it's those who have the flexibility to pivot, evaluate and find solutions that will make the best of it.
Well thank goodness then and absolutely! I couldn't have said it better myself.
Oy, weekends are usually quite chaotic for me, and usually swap between - and very quickly swap between, at that - house chores, projects, personal projects, and family needs. There has been many a Monday where I've wondered, "WTF did I do this weekend?" and find I really don't know, because I did so much, but completed nothing!
Doing lots and completing nothing isn't so bad mate, it happens. It leaves something for the following weekend and that's ok too. I guess we're all different and relax and work at different rates and levels. You, to me, seem like someone who likes to get things done, or at least feel like you're moving forward, progressing. There's a certain comfort in that feeling right?
Relaxing on the weekend has many different forms, the prevalent one for me is taking time to do ME-things e.g. to paint and then possibly blog about it, to just browse the internet for random things that interest me, to go out for a walk or bicycle ride or work on a house project.
Generally speaking, I just don't put myself under the pressure I have during my workweek and I don't have a schedule to do certain things. If something gets started (or not) and not finished - I don't care. Well, I do care but it is all good.
Taking the load off, not putting oneself under the same working week pressure is the best way to deploy weekends. Even when stuff needs to get done on the weekends I guess it's different, has a different vibe or energy, and never seems as pressurised as the working week.
How you take something seemingly so insignificant and craft a story that inspires and motivates another...I don't know you do it, but you've got to teach me. I've got to be like you.
I sit down to write sometimes and I am looking for a grand theme to weave into a masterpiece and it never comes.
Besides, I thought I was the only one that could sit down relax and not be thinking at all... Just have a blank mind. Although, I find it difficult to do voluntarily. When I decide to sit down and think of nothing, that's the time that thoughts would flood my head.
I don't know if it's the devil 😂😂😂
I have no idea how I do it to be honest, I just start writing and things unfold from there. I never finished high school and ended up getting out into the world and finding lessons, influences and understanding through life itself. It's seemed to work well for me as I'm still alive (although I probably shouldn't be) and feel I've been reasonably successful in life. I have a good one, (life) and actively shape it. So, I don't know, maybe it's all of those things combined that allows me to string a few words together?
Stop looking for the masterpiece and just write. looking for perfection is a blockage. Just write with passion, pour yourself into the words. Learn how to spell and how to use punctuation and then just write what flows out. Edit and proof read and before you know it you'll have something you're proud of. Why? Well, because you crafted it, you applied effort and you did your best. That's the definition of a masterpiece to me.
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Weekends are my time to slow down the world around me. A good book, some strong coffee and a fluffy comforter is all I ask for...And don't usually get 😂
Such beautiful pic of Hoppy! I've read somewhere that green has a calming effect on people so thank you for "erasing" my anxiety for a hot second 😊
Hoppy is a pretty handsome little frog huh? Assuming he is a he, of course.
The colour green certainly has a calming effect on me, that's why I love the outdoors and wilderness places so much I guess. For this weekend I wish you a good book, much strong coffee and the fluffiest comforter ever. 😁
He/ she is the cutest!
Thank you for the wishes. Definitely not happening this weekend either 🤣 But I’ve set aside some time during the week to do exactly that - relax and indulge in a good book 📖
If you were here, I'd buy you a coffee, tell you a few stories and make you laugh, with me, or at me! Lol. Something tells me you deserve that, at least.
Happy weekend.
Awww thank you, that’s very sweet of you! Add some Vegemite and I’m in, my friend 😃
I need that as much as I need to find the energy to get myself out of the apartment.
Vegemite...You know how to sweet talk an Aussie man for sure!
I'm at a café right now, having breakfast and coffee. Because I'm a doctor I'm going to prescribe the same for you, well, the out getting coffee aspect at least. I think you should cut yourself a break, understand that you deserve a moment to yourself and take it.
P.s. I'm not actually a doctor. (Take the prescribed treatment anyway though.)
You know what? I will take your advice. I’ll enjoy a cup of hot coffee on my morning walk tomorrow! It’s definitely better than what the actual doctor told me yesterday 😅
Cheers and enjoy the sunny weekend!
That is one cute frog. I love the bright green color.
It's always nice to meet a new friend like that when you are relaxing and if you like you can have a nice conversation ( mostly you doing the talking)😉
Yeah, Hoppy the frog didn't do a lot of talking. 🐸
Hoppy is so cute, I like how comfy-grumpy he is. I found him a buddy.
I'm glad you were able to get in some R&R on your holiday and just chill a bit without having to think about stuff.
I'm pretty sure Hoppy is a male and your frog is female...you know what that means right?; sexy time.
It use to be great to have a vacation, back when I worked hard a lot. These days, it seems I rest too much !
Haha, if you have any rest to spare you can send it my way.
If you don't rest enough and I rest too much, I guess it balances out the universe... maybe?
ha ha
That's perfect balance indeed!
Although, send rest if you have an abundance anyway. 😜
I think we all need moments like this like Hoppy and you had that moment too. We need that moment of momentary ease where we just rest, lazy around and do nothing. A time where we focus on nothing and just use that to get fired up. It's like a speed bump which isn't to stop us permanently but temporarily... We can keep moving through life at a faster pace and then burn out. We need moments where we can slow down, take it easy and then go again. I would really love a vacation too, Big Dog... I am sure Hoppy muttered that under his or her breathe too after seeing you. Okay, maybe I'm a frog mind reader hahaha.
Even the fastest racing car has to pull into the pits for service and, now that I think on it, fast racing cars need development too; they don't start out fast, they are developed to be so. I think it's an analogy that works for me. I have worked towards my achievements and developed myself to be able to secure them...and I need to shut down also, to pull into the pits for service...like with Hoppy the other day. 😆
Hahahaha Hoppy was just checking the tyres and oils too... Just like you did. I should too hahaha.
Yep, Hoppy, and I, are all good now though. Rested and ready to rock and roll.
🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 rock and roll... I better tag along. My snooze moment is over too.