My dad was an artist, made his living from being an artist his whole life. I know what he'd say about my drawing...He'd smile and find something positive to comment on, encourage me. He was like that.
I'm not embarrassed of my drawing...Indeed the opposite. Who wouldn't be proud of such an amazingly artistic creation?
wise words, when we are children or we become children again through painting or drawing, we express what we are, then when we are adults everything makes us ashamed, but it is because of the bad criticism that parents, teachers and others make us, we must do everything perfect.
I do smell like summer, don't I? It is always the sweet perfume of the summer flowers that clings to me. I hope you take the time to make a drawing! :))
Las flores te las dejo para que tengas algo de belleza que mirar. Hola mi querido amigo. Espero que estés teniendo un día maravilloso. ¡Quién diría que no sabría dibujar! Ja ja!
Winner winner... chicken dinner! Right? This certainly was a fun post today and I have to admit, drawing that picture at 1 or 2 am was my downfall. I might have looked very different had it been 7 or 8...
That is my lie and I'm sticking to it. Thank you! Of course, I love this GIF! What is not to love, right?
Oh, Denise. It's truly hard for me to accept that this prodigious work is a self portrait. You know, even Leo didn't get the self portrait thing very well. He was much better with his friend Mona than his own self portrait (though he used his left hand to handicap himself for that effort).
The feeling and bold use of color is just exquisite I'm glad you included the flower to certify your authorship!
Lol...This is gold! That dress too, showing a nice turn of leg there Denise!
I think the best part of this is that you have captured your actual likeness with pinpoint accuracy. I can tell you have great skill with the crayon. Of course, I also like the addition of arms which, lamentably, I have forgotten to add to my own masterpiece.
Lastly...Those red Manolo Blahnik flats you have on...Classy girl. Classy.
You are brilliant! You know Manolos when you see them! You are a keeper. Haha! Yes, my likeness for sure. See that smile? It's real and almost always there.
Oh, yes. The arms. That was unfortunate. Do you need them to be armed and skilled? Just wondering.
Thank you! Thank you. I wore a dress, just so I could curtsey. This was fun. :))
Absolutely, My first pair were as high as they come, but, hey, they were Manolo's! I was hooked. You are right. Magic doors. :))
I choose to ignore your skills. I'm sure they are sufficient in a pinch.
I do smile a lot, my coworkers always wonder what's up or what drug I'm taking. (I don't take drugs and everyone is drug tested randomly. LOL) Thanks for the heads up. No bowing. The dress is not short. It is trendy.
Far be it for me to make judgements of a woman's flatness or not-flatness Tom...I am a knucklehead, but not stupid so I stay silent, and appreciative of a given situation when appropriate. 😉
Remind me. How many times have you been married? I think I'll spend the rest of my day pondering the advisability of staying silent.
Or I'll just listen to music. :)
Speaking of I turned on my TV and watched Summer of Soul on Hulu. Pretty damn good. 50 year old tape from the Harlem Social Festival that's never been seen. 19 year old Stevie Wonder (on drums, too) Mahalia Jackson, Gladys Knight and many others. Oh, Mavis Staples is young, too.
I remember when I graduated high school in Connecticut, one of my best friends got a rent-controlled apartment from his grandmother in Harlem and I would take the train up after work in the summer and go spend the weekend there.
I had no idea that Harlem was as colorful in music and art. It was an eye-opener.
Now I have a true story. I have a friend that I've owned several businesses with (on line) and have worked with for a few years. I first met her because her first Avatar was a pair of Red CTAs (on feet, with lower legs attached). I gave her the famous "Since you showed me yours I'll show you mine" line.
Of course I did. I promptly posted a picture of my much larger red CTA's. I had an (expensive) 1mp Hewlitt Packard camera that I'd bought to post pictures to a website for my off line business. That was over 15 years ago :)
We've lost more money than we've made, but had a lot of fun and met some good people doing it. She's around here every once in a while. We stay in relatively close touch. I hope to get to PEI and meet her in person next summer.
I went back up there the fall before COVID. It is such incredible beauty up there. And did I say rural? You can buy a house for a cracking good price when I was there, so shocking, living like a kind for a fraction of the cost here.
It was the natural beauty that always takes my breath away. I hope you get up there. It is heaven.
I like it!. The important thing is that all the parts are in place and the flower is the chili pepper of the drawing 🤣. The talent is always there hehe
Somebody said at least all your body parts were here. I think they just called you flat chested. 🤣
Well, Im not showing my cards. I may or might not be.
Who's the brat that called me flat chested?
Wasn't me! Honest.
Of course not, choir boy. The thought never occurred to me.
That's funny. Best reply of the day so far!
Hehe... you mean he isn't?
Lol, choir boy. The last time I was one those was...Well, never.
So cute. I know you love flowers and you know, your draw skill much better than mine. ♥️
One doesn't need skill to draw, one just needs to draw to draw.
The more one draws, the less embarassed one feels -> not said by Pablo Picasso😅
Yes, I can see how that works.
My dad was an artist, made his living from being an artist his whole life. I know what he'd say about my drawing...He'd smile and find something positive to comment on, encourage me. He was like that.
I'm not embarrassed of my drawing...Indeed the opposite. Who wouldn't be proud of such an amazingly artistic creation?
wise words, when we are children or we become children again through painting or drawing, we express what we are, then when we are adults everything makes us ashamed, but it is because of the bad criticism that parents, teachers and others make us, we must do everything perfect.
If only humans could carry the wonder and joy of childhood throughout life.
I agree, generally, though some of us just can't hide our perfection. Just sayin'
Haha! OMG Tom! You are as bad as
Galensomeone I know. No names. That would be just rude.Claro la perfección es algo muy humano, pero aveces no disfrutamos en proceso
Absolutely! Stand proud! I smiled when I first saw it. It has that effect on people.
Lol...I don't mind people smiling at my terrible art...It's better than recoiling in horror like they do when they see me in real life! 🤪🤣
Don't put words in my mouth. :))
I smiled because it was a happy little image and well, no arms just made me smile, thinking, perhaps he needs some help after all.
Seriously, it was cute and a great way to start a post.
Wow I don't think they will run away from you
Conclusion: you have drawn a lot😂
So true. In fact, I would try to compete with your drawing today.
I don't have decades of experience. But I have grit!
Grit accounts for a lot.
All that is important in life. Sloth on!
My artistic creation🤓

True for some, but, untrue for others. I can't even draw a straight line! :)
Maybe you need a ruler
I've been married three times. The very last thing I need is another person ruling me. Really.
Oh, you went to the wrong counter when you ordered one up! @bigtom13
No way! I'm the queen today! :))
Yeah right Galen :)) Just need to draw to draw, I will do it 💪 I can draw :) will show you tom :)
We have to wait until tomorrow? Yikes! Are you buying professional supplies? 😂
To win in this competition, one thing you need is
professional suppliesTO BE IN THE FLOWScheduled to be an NFT? They will be worth millions!
LOL Oh, now that might work for me!
Hehee, I will get crayons from my nephew next time Sweetie :)
I see. Well, they are the professionals when it comes to coloring!
Yes, totally agree Sweetie and it looks more lively. 🥰
Everyone has the mind to draw but fear is the discouragement between them.
Oh yeah, thanks to your inspiring words, I finally made it and it came out really well :)
Truth. I drew mine in less than a minute.
A lot of magic can happen in a minute.
Only if you believe. I do. I do!
Yes, one must believe; it's in that belief that the magic lies right?
Oh, yes! The world is full of magic and it is our belief that keeps it alive.
Things you can draw in 60 secs...
The magic can happen 3 or 4 times in a minute if you don't count the foreplay and cuddling after. Just sayin'
Now we're getting down to it. I guess though, that people's interpretation of magic can differ.
Yes. I might be magic if you were 90.
Shocking, Tom! @bigtom13 Cuddling counts the most. Just sayin.
Wow! I had no idea! :)) I live in the lap of luxury and didn't truly appreciate it!
You are right. There is no skills in drawing but one just needs to draw.
No way!!! Let me see! :)) How could I post without the flowers, yes? You need a beach with yours! @trangbaby
Oh yeah, I did. A sun, bicycle and my big roller-feet 🙂
The roller feet MUST save money on skateboards! I'm really glad to see you included your motorcycle in the picture!!
Thank you TOM, oh you can recognize the bike in the picture, actually, it's the bicycle, been crazy about cycling so far 🙂
Hope you're having a great weekend :))
See? I always thought you were such a colorful person! Imagine my surprise! :)) This is great and I love those roller feet!
#alwaysaflower LOL
Yes I am :) I will make my art super colourful next time :))
!LUV #alwaysaflower 😍🌸🌻💐
@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @trangbaby.
Learn about LUV at @LUVshares. (2/3)
The tricycle for traveling, it's a hell of a lot better than I do! You exaggerate hahaha, I like it. Cheers Trang :)
hello you smell like summer and flowers.
You dance to the summer, but do not take the flower, let it bloom like you
i love it haha
muxus @dswigle
I do smell like summer, don't I? It is always the sweet perfume of the summer flowers that clings to me. I hope you take the time to make a drawing! :))
Las flores te las dejo para que tengas algo de belleza que mirar. Hola mi querido amigo. Espero que estés teniendo un día maravilloso. ¡Quién diría que no sabría dibujar! Ja ja!
That is pretty good! All body parts are there and you look cheerful and happy!
You noticed! Thanks for that! :)) It's almost the weekend! A happy time!
Cheerful on the red gown. Hoping to pluck a flower.
That's cute! ^_^
Lol...Shapely legs, that's for certain. Denise works out, clearly.
Oh, Denise really does! But who could tell with my stick legs.
:)) Hehe Thank you. I should have cheated and let one of the kids draw. I would have had a better chance of a likeness.
But would it have captured the very essence of you? :D
Probably not. I afraid of what I look like through their eyes! :))
It shows that you are a genius with this drawing/painting. I m so much amazed on seeing you and the owner you drew.
Hehe, is she running to pluck the flower. I see she's leaping toward la it. 🤣 art is gone weird here.
I was running to pick the flower and then realized if I did, there would be no more, so I left it. Yes, art has been derailed today! :)
Oh! You did. That's thoughtful of you. If that flower is gone, there may not be another.
That is true! If I see another, I promise to pick it! :)
I will need one too. Let the picking be two 🤣😂
Deal! No picking unless there are two!
Good. We move. I'd be expecting a flower from Her Majesty 😂
Great Stuff right here folks. Award Winning and First Post...
Win Win...
Winner winner... chicken dinner! Right? This certainly was a fun post today and I have to admit, drawing that picture at 1 or 2 am was my downfall. I might have looked very different had it been 7 or 8...
That is my lie and I'm sticking to it. Thank you! Of course, I love this GIF! What is not to love, right?
:time out:
It's early, did I see that correctly?
135136 responses on this comment?! L👀k thefuq out Vango!I think it's the red Manolo Blahniks, honestly. They almost beg for a comment.
Good morning, Dan! @dandays
1 more hand. I'll ₛqᵤₑₑₑₑₑzₑ that in between being in two places at once and happy with what I got.
It was last minute, 'hurry up you know I hate posing' seemed inappropriate.
Oh, Denise. It's truly hard for me to accept that this prodigious work is a self portrait. You know, even Leo didn't get the self portrait thing very well. He was much better with his friend Mona than his own self portrait (though he used his left hand to handicap himself for that effort).
The feeling and bold use of color is just exquisite I'm glad you included the flower to certify your authorship!
This was the best comment, ever, Tom! @bigtom13. I just knew you would notice! You have got the eye!
Hi and hello @dswigle, your drawing is very cute..I love it. It is a picture of a happy lady with positive thoughts.
Hi, Olivia! @Olivia08
You win!! 💖
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Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Lol...This is gold! That dress too, showing a nice turn of leg there Denise!
I think the best part of this is that you have captured your actual likeness with pinpoint accuracy. I can tell you have great skill with the crayon. Of course, I also like the addition of arms which, lamentably, I have forgotten to add to my own masterpiece.
Lastly...Those red Manolo Blahnik flats you have on...Classy girl. Classy.
You are brilliant! You know Manolos when you see them! You are a keeper. Haha! Yes, my likeness for sure. See that smile? It's real and almost always there.
Oh, yes. The arms. That was unfortunate. Do you need them to be armed and skilled? Just wondering.
Thank you! Thank you. I wore a dress, just so I could curtsey. This was fun. :))
One must know what Manolo's are...It opens doors. 🙄
I'm so skilled arms are optional Denise. [Ok, not really. I need them.]
Good to know you smile a lot, it's a good condition to be in. Also, remember to curtsey not bow...That dress is short.
Absolutely, My first pair were as high as they come, but, hey, they were Manolo's! I was hooked. You are right. Magic doors. :))
I choose to ignore your skills. I'm sure they are sufficient in a pinch.
I do smile a lot, my coworkers always wonder what's up or what drug I'm taking. (I don't take drugs and everyone is drug tested randomly. LOL) Thanks for the heads up. No bowing. The dress is not short. It is trendy.
High heels: Good. Boots too. (I'm a simple man). 😊
Not short,trendy. Lol. Yeah right! It's short.
Almost 3am. I will outline the diffetence for you tomorrow. I know that will be riveting, yes?
I'll hold my breath until then. I promise. Night.
Did you even observe the yellow hair she added? It made it looks awesome and beautiful.
Yes, it's a lovely shade of yellow right? I agree.
So you're the one who called Denise flat after all? I didn't realize that Manolo was an underwear brand.
I HAVE a pair of red CTAs just like hers. Chuck Taylor Allstar's. High topped sneakers. Named for an NBA basketball player.
Far be it for me to make judgements of a woman's flatness or not-flatness Tom...I am a knucklehead, but not stupid so I stay silent, and appreciative of a given situation when appropriate. 😉
Oh! Your goose is cooked.
Of course, I never cook goose until December. I'll simmer it til then.
Lol...Well, I'll accept deferred punishment, despite not doing anything wrong in the first place. I'll take one for the team.
Ask Tom. He put it in perspective for me. :)
Tom is a trouble maker...That's why we get along so well. Lol.
Remind me. How many times have you been married? I think I'll spend the rest of my day pondering the advisability of staying silent.
Or I'll just listen to music. :)
Speaking of I turned on my TV and watched Summer of Soul on Hulu. Pretty damn good. 50 year old tape from the Harlem Social Festival that's never been seen. 19 year old Stevie Wonder (on drums, too) Mahalia Jackson, Gladys Knight and many others. Oh, Mavis Staples is young, too.
I remember when I graduated high school in Connecticut, one of my best friends got a rent-controlled apartment from his grandmother in Harlem and I would take the train up after work in the summer and go spend the weekend there.
I had no idea that Harlem was as colorful in music and art. It was an eye-opener.
Seems a good use for TV when most of the other stuff is trash.
Oh!! I almost missed this AND that comment slipped past me like greased lightening.
Thanks, Tom! You know I'm a little jelly of your Chuck Taylors!
Now I have a true story. I have a friend that I've owned several businesses with (on line) and have worked with for a few years. I first met her because her first Avatar was a pair of Red CTAs (on feet, with lower legs attached). I gave her the famous "Since you showed me yours I'll show you mine" line.
OMG! You didn't!! Of course, you did!
Now, I need the rest of the story. ;))
You know you are a hoot, right??
Of course I did. I promptly posted a picture of my much larger red CTA's. I had an (expensive) 1mp Hewlitt Packard camera that I'd bought to post pictures to a website for my off line business. That was over 15 years ago :)
We've lost more money than we've made, but had a lot of fun and met some good people doing it. She's around here every once in a while. We stay in relatively close touch. I hope to get to PEI and meet her in person next summer.
I went back up there the fall before COVID. It is such incredible beauty up there. And did I say rural? You can buy a house for a cracking good price when I was there, so shocking, living like a kind for a fraction of the cost here.
It was the natural beauty that always takes my breath away. I hope you get up there. It is heaven.
She sounds fun. :)
The way he even placed the crayon while drawing, I can imagine it. He has the way of drawing the hand coupled with the painting. It's really wow!!!
He truly made his sketching the best by attaching some things into it. He added arms to make it look unique.
we are children again.... jajajaj and with a pretty flower
Yes. What fun!!
Crayons is give it an art look, nothing to be ashamed of if it's the best you can do!
😉 poor me!!
Omg this is so cute 😍
Hehe! You think? :)) I know you probably don't realize this, but, I am not an artist! :)) 😂
I like it!. The important thing is that all the parts are in place and the flower is the chili pepper of the drawing 🤣. The talent is always there hehe
It's all about the flower, always!
I think that's some damn quality artwork here! Love the flower lol
I fooled you, didn't I? Next time, the real deal!!
Thank you!
You have done a great job here. You tried in the drawing. Hehehehe...
Well, tried is giving me credit than I deserve. :) It was a fun little deed to be doing at 2 in the morning. It is when the silly comes out.