Weekend-engagement topic week 57: Draw you or someone else [60 hive in prizes]

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

No you don't need to draw well, the worse it is the better, so you don't need to have any artistic skills or talent at all. The #weekend-engagement topics are about fun and getting involved, so read on and find out how you can win a portion of the 60 hive prize pool. There will be a first second and third prize this week.

If you're not familiar with the #weekend-engagement concept just respond to the topic in the comments below. The idea is that you stay around and engage with others also - It's about engagement and building relationships so get involved, engaged and have fun.

On Monday 12th July I'll transfer hive to a few who engage below, just for your scribble and engagement. It's an easy concept - It's not a competition, simply a chance to interact with a few other hivers over the weekend and to have fun with the community.

Weekend-engagement topic week 57

dazz (1).png

Draw yourself, family member or another hive user

It's pretty straightforward I think...Just draw yourself, a family member or a hive user, take a photo and drop it in the comments below. Add some detail, like a background or just draw yourself, it doesn't matter - Scribble some shit, take a photo and post it...The worse your picture is, or the funnier it is, the more I'll probably like it so have some fun and don't take yourself too seriously...This is not about being serious. Stick figures count y'all. Anything really. Explain your picture a little too.

It doesn't matter what you use: Pen, pencil, crayon, digital, wood-burning, charcoal, paint, sharpie, bite the end of your finger off and use blood - I don't care. Just be creative, and don't worry about how bad it might be...I'm looking for bad!

Note: Please don't use invisible ink.

Read this bit so you know what to do. ⬆️

Here's mine - I call it...

Summer evening in the fields with my smoldering eyes, masculine legs and charming smile

I know you want to get a better look at my own picture without all that pesky text obscuring its true glory and sheer brilliance; Just look at the way I've used light to capture the movement and essence of life itself, finely honed musculature of my manly legs and my striking, but slightly mysterious eyes. And oh my, that suave, slightly mischievous smile. Behold the glory. [No swooning ladies, please...Ok, you may swoon.]

You see me here depicted in a tranquil setting of rolling hills below a lovely clear sky.

The crayon strokes, obviously expertly applied, hint at movement of time itself as the sun retires low upon the horizon and rich reds and purples stain the blue sky as the sun moves west. One can almost feel the evening breezes gently caressing the summer grasses [and my beard] causing both to sway in an alluring and hypnotic dance that seems to celebrate the beauty of life, connection between the soul and nature and the coming of the night and its possibilities. One can feel the breeze that lifts the scent of a million wildflowers, their fragrance a heady combination hanging think in the evening air. It's all masterfully depicted here and yeah, you can gape in awe; no one would blame you.

So here is my picture, the one I crayoned with love and great dedication. Sheer brilliance.

@artywink, I told you so. ⬇️


There's a term, Monet's light, referring to how Claude Monet used light in his paintings to show the passing of hours; morning to evening...Yeah right mate...Amateur!

That's the topic for this week folks. You have until Sunday night your time to get your response into the comments below and I hope you'll engage this week, stay around and get friendly with some of the others who participate as it'll be good to see you around over the weekend. Have a great weekend whether you engage or not though.

Hey folks, remember not to take it too seriously, just get involved, engage with others and have some fun if you would like to.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209



Well, the crayons are as lost as my talent, but, at least I have arms.

Somebody said at least all your body parts were here. I think they just called you flat chested. 🤣

Well, Im not showing my cards. I may or might not be.

Who's the brat that called me flat chested?


Wasn't me! Honest.

Of course not, choir boy. The thought never occurred to me.

That's funny. Best reply of the day so far!

Hehe... you mean he isn't?

Lol, choir boy. The last time I was one those was...Well, never.

So cute. I know you love flowers and you know, your draw skill much better than mine. ♥️

One doesn't need skill to draw, one just needs to draw to draw.

The more one draws, the less embarassed one feels -> not said by Pablo Picasso😅

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yes, I can see how that works.

My dad was an artist, made his living from being an artist his whole life. I know what he'd say about my drawing...He'd smile and find something positive to comment on, encourage me. He was like that.

I'm not embarrassed of my drawing...Indeed the opposite. Who wouldn't be proud of such an amazingly artistic creation?

wise words, when we are children or we become children again through painting or drawing, we express what we are, then when we are adults everything makes us ashamed, but it is because of the bad criticism that parents, teachers and others make us, we must do everything perfect.

If only humans could carry the wonder and joy of childhood throughout life.

I agree, generally, though some of us just can't hide our perfection. Just sayin'

Absolutely! Stand proud! I smiled when I first saw it. It has that effect on people.

Lol...I don't mind people smiling at my terrible art...It's better than recoiling in horror like they do when they see me in real life! 🤪🤣

I'm not embarrassed of my drawing

Conclusion: you have drawn a lot😂

Who wouldn't be proud of such an amazingly artistic creation?

So true. In fact, I would try to compete with your drawing today.

I don't have decades of experience. But I have grit!


Grit accounts for a lot.

All that is important in life. Sloth on!

My artistic creation🤓

True for some, but, untrue for others. I can't even draw a straight line! :)

Maybe you need a ruler

I've been married three times. The very last thing I need is another person ruling me. Really.

No way! I'm the queen today! :))

Yeah right Galen :)) Just need to draw to draw, I will do it 💪 I can draw :) will show you tom :)

We have to wait until tomorrow? Yikes! Are you buying professional supplies? 😂

To win in this competition, one thing you need is professional supplies TO BE IN THE FLOW

Scheduled to be an NFT? They will be worth millions!


LOL Oh, now that might work for me!

Hehee, I will get crayons from my nephew next time Sweetie :)

I see. Well, they are the professionals when it comes to coloring!

Everyone has the mind to draw but fear is the discouragement between them.

Oh yeah, thanks to your inspiring words, I finally made it and it came out really well :)

Truth. I drew mine in less than a minute.

A lot of magic can happen in a minute.

Only if you believe. I do. I do!

Yes, one must believe; it's in that belief that the magic lies right?

Things you can draw in 60 secs...

The magic can happen 3 or 4 times in a minute if you don't count the foreplay and cuddling after. Just sayin'

Now we're getting down to it. I guess though, that people's interpretation of magic can differ.


Shocking, Tom! @bigtom13 Cuddling counts the most. Just sayin.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Wow! I had no idea! :)) I live in the lap of luxury and didn't truly appreciate it!

You are right. There is no skills in drawing but one just needs to draw.

No way!!! Let me see! :)) How could I post without the flowers, yes? You need a beach with yours! @trangbaby

Oh yeah, I did. A sun, bicycle and my big roller-feet 🙂


The roller feet MUST save money on skateboards! I'm really glad to see you included your motorcycle in the picture!!

Thank you TOM, oh you can recognize the bike in the picture, actually, it's the bicycle, been crazy about cycling so far 🙂

Hope you're having a great weekend :))

See? I always thought you were such a colorful person! Imagine my surprise! :)) This is great and I love those roller feet!

#alwaysaflower LOL

Yes I am :) I will make my art super colourful next time :))
!LUV #alwaysaflower 😍🌸🌻💐




@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @trangbaby.

Learn about LUV at @LUVshares. (2/3)

The tricycle for traveling, it's a hell of a lot better than I do! You exaggerate hahaha, I like it. Cheers Trang :)

hello you smell like summer and flowers.
You dance to the summer, but do not take the flower, let it bloom like you
i love it haha
muxus @dswigle

I do smell like summer, don't I? It is always the sweet perfume of the summer flowers that clings to me. I hope you take the time to make a drawing! :))

Las flores te las dejo para que tengas algo de belleza que mirar. Hola mi querido amigo. Espero que estés teniendo un día maravilloso. ¡Quién diría que no sabría dibujar! Ja ja!


That is pretty good! All body parts are there and you look cheerful and happy!

You noticed! Thanks for that! :)) It's almost the weekend! A happy time!

Cheerful on the red gown. Hoping to pluck a flower.

That's cute! ^_^

Lol...Shapely legs, that's for certain. Denise works out, clearly.

Oh, Denise really does! But who could tell with my stick legs.

:)) Hehe Thank you. I should have cheated and let one of the kids draw. I would have had a better chance of a likeness.

Heart On A Course (L).png

But would it have captured the very essence of you? :D

Probably not. I afraid of what I look like through their eyes! :))

It shows that you are a genius with this drawing/painting. I m so much amazed on seeing you and the owner you drew.

Hehe, is she running to pluck the flower. I see she's leaping toward la it. 🤣 art is gone weird here.

I was running to pick the flower and then realized if I did, there would be no more, so I left it. Yes, art has been derailed today! :)

Oh! You did. That's thoughtful of you. If that flower is gone, there may not be another.

That is true! If I see another, I promise to pick it! :)

I will need one too. Let the picking be two 🤣😂

Deal! No picking unless there are two!

Great Stuff right here folks. Award Winning and First Post...

Win Win...


Winner winner... chicken dinner! Right? This certainly was a fun post today and I have to admit, drawing that picture at 1 or 2 am was my downfall. I might have looked very different had it been 7 or 8...

That is my lie and I'm sticking to it. Thank you! Of course, I love this GIF! What is not to love, right?

:time out:

It's early, did I see that correctly? 135 136 responses on this comment?! L👀k thefuq out Vango!

I think it's the red Manolo Blahniks, honestly. They almost beg for a comment.

Good morning, Dan! @dandays

1 more hand. I'll ₛqᵤₑₑₑₑₑzₑ that in between being in two places at once and happy with what I got.

Oh, Denise. It's truly hard for me to accept that this prodigious work is a self portrait. You know, even Leo didn't get the self portrait thing very well. He was much better with his friend Mona than his own self portrait (though he used his left hand to handicap himself for that effort).

The feeling and bold use of color is just exquisite I'm glad you included the flower to certify your authorship!

This was the best comment, ever, Tom! @bigtom13. I just knew you would notice! You have got the eye!


Hi and hello @dswigle, your drawing is very cute..I love it. It is a picture of a happy lady with positive thoughts.

Hi, Olivia! @Olivia08

You win!! 💖


Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Lol...This is gold! That dress too, showing a nice turn of leg there Denise!

I think the best part of this is that you have captured your actual likeness with pinpoint accuracy. I can tell you have great skill with the crayon. Of course, I also like the addition of arms which, lamentably, I have forgotten to add to my own masterpiece.

Lastly...Those red Manolo Blahnik flats you have on...Classy girl. Classy.

You are brilliant! You know Manolos when you see them! You are a keeper. Haha! Yes, my likeness for sure. See that smile? It's real and almost always there.

Oh, yes. The arms. That was unfortunate. Do you need them to be armed and skilled? Just wondering.

Thank you! Thank you. I wore a dress, just so I could curtsey. This was fun. :))

One must know what Manolo's are...It opens doors. 🙄

I'm so skilled arms are optional Denise. [Ok, not really. I need them.]

Good to know you smile a lot, it's a good condition to be in. Also, remember to curtsey not bow...That dress is short.

Absolutely, My first pair were as high as they come, but, hey, they were Manolo's! I was hooked. You are right. Magic doors. :))

I choose to ignore your skills. I'm sure they are sufficient in a pinch.

I do smile a lot, my coworkers always wonder what's up or what drug I'm taking. (I don't take drugs and everyone is drug tested randomly. LOL) Thanks for the heads up. No bowing. The dress is not short. It is trendy.

High heels: Good. Boots too. (I'm a simple man). 😊

Not short,trendy. Lol. Yeah right! It's short.

Almost 3am. I will outline the diffetence for you tomorrow. I know that will be riveting, yes?

Did you even observe the yellow hair she added? It made it looks awesome and beautiful.

Yes, it's a lovely shade of yellow right? I agree.

Those red Manolo Blahnik flats you have on.

So you're the one who called Denise flat after all? I didn't realize that Manolo was an underwear brand.

I HAVE a pair of red CTAs just like hers. Chuck Taylor Allstar's. High topped sneakers. Named for an NBA basketball player.

Far be it for me to make judgements of a woman's flatness or not-flatness Tom...I am a knucklehead, but not stupid so I stay silent, and appreciative of a given situation when appropriate. 😉

Oh! Your goose is cooked.

Of course, I never cook goose until December. I'll simmer it til then.

Lol...Well, I'll accept deferred punishment, despite not doing anything wrong in the first place. I'll take one for the team.

Ask Tom. He put it in perspective for me. :)

Remind me. How many times have you been married? I think I'll spend the rest of my day pondering the advisability of staying silent.

Or I'll just listen to music. :)

Speaking of I turned on my TV and watched Summer of Soul on Hulu. Pretty damn good. 50 year old tape from the Harlem Social Festival that's never been seen. 19 year old Stevie Wonder (on drums, too) Mahalia Jackson, Gladys Knight and many others. Oh, Mavis Staples is young, too.

I remember when I graduated high school in Connecticut, one of my best friends got a rent-controlled apartment from his grandmother in Harlem and I would take the train up after work in the summer and go spend the weekend there.

I had no idea that Harlem was as colorful in music and art. It was an eye-opener.

Seems a good use for TV when most of the other stuff is trash.

Oh!! I almost missed this AND that comment slipped past me like greased lightening.

Thanks, Tom! You know I'm a little jelly of your Chuck Taylors!

Now I have a true story. I have a friend that I've owned several businesses with (on line) and have worked with for a few years. I first met her because her first Avatar was a pair of Red CTAs (on feet, with lower legs attached). I gave her the famous "Since you showed me yours I'll show you mine" line.

OMG! You didn't!! Of course, you did!

Now, I need the rest of the story. ;))

You know you are a hoot, right??

Of course I did. I promptly posted a picture of my much larger red CTA's. I had an (expensive) 1mp Hewlitt Packard camera that I'd bought to post pictures to a website for my off line business. That was over 15 years ago :)

We've lost more money than we've made, but had a lot of fun and met some good people doing it. She's around here every once in a while. We stay in relatively close touch. I hope to get to PEI and meet her in person next summer.

The way he even placed the crayon while drawing, I can imagine it. He has the way of drawing the hand coupled with the painting. It's really wow!!!

He truly made his sketching the best by attaching some things into it. He added arms to make it look unique.

we are children again.... jajajaj and with a pretty flower

Yes. What fun!!

Crayons is give it an art look, nothing to be ashamed of if it's the best you can do!

😉 poor me!!

Omg this is so cute 😍

Hehe! You think? :)) I know you probably don't realize this, but, I am not an artist! :)) 😂

I like it!. The important thing is that all the parts are in place and the flower is the chili pepper of the drawing 🤣. The talent is always there hehe

It's all about the flower, always!

I think that's some damn quality artwork here! Love the flower lol

I fooled you, didn't I? Next time, the real deal!!

Thank you!

You have done a great job here. You tried in the drawing. Hehehehe...

Well, tried is giving me credit than I deserve. :) It was a fun little deed to be doing at 2 in the morning. It is when the silly comes out.

During my creative journey I have done a few self portraits over the years - hinting at my avatar. This one here is the latest one I painted in January, off of a photo taken in November last year. It is painted in water color, sorry no crayon (I guess I just can't stick to the rules - sorry) and in my somewhat stylized style e.g. huge eyes and magically erased wrinkles - lolol - at least most of them.

Anyways, have a fantastic weekend and enjoy your BBQ and buddies!
2021-01-01 19.02.04.jpg

It's a beautiful piece of art, I don't know why but I've always loved the color pink in hair. I checked out your work and you draw amazing! I'm a fan of the one you did of Will Smith :)

Thank you very much, Gab. I really appreciate it, also that you checked out my profile. Glad you like 'my' Will Smith - it was a fun trial of new brushes and techniques. Sadly I haven't posted very many of my drawings/paintings/mixed media pieces. I think I'll post another painting tonight or tomorrow, depending on how tonight goes.
Thanks again for your comment!

p.s. I loved that pink hair and I'm pretty certain that one day I'll have it again 😍

Sweet! I'll be looking forward to seeing it, even though I'm pretty bad I always enjoy seeing a good drawing like yours. Pink hair is the perfect expression of freedom and rebellion, plus pink is pretty cool haha.

I'm totally with you on the pink hair, but unfortunately, I value my corporate job's income too much to be a 'hair rebel' 😂

I think that's exactly why I didn't get my whole arm tattooed in a fit of madness! 😂

Nothing wrong with a little bit of reason, all in the name of self-preservation, of course.

Wow. This is a superb art. The poster colour painting gave it a professional touch.
Have you heard that ladies with large eyeballs are beautiful, yes they are, like the one you drew.

Thank you very much!
LOL - I guess that is a reason why I'm in love with painting eyes 'larger than life' in my portraits 😍

Your reason is good enough to make one giggle. Painting is one part of art that I will love to venture into soon.

I agree with @mrenglish his comment was extremely hilarious! Still smiling hours later...

You'll have to paint me someday...Although, large eyes...I might come out looking like Gollum if you paint me true to life.

OMG - @galenkp you made me LOL this morning so loud my hubby in the other room asked what was going on and I couldn't reply here then.

So, I went to work and now I'm back. The thought of Gollum - lol - this is just too good. Now I'm picturing you with Gollum's head, and eyes - bwahahahaha - and maybe an Akubra? 😇

Haha,yeah it's a good image. In truth I wish I had a button I could press that made me have a Gollum head! Oh the fun I would have with it. 😬

You want a Gollum head? You really wish to have a Gollum head?! 🤡

Shut up!

What a great painting! This is so cool, the shading, eyes and all. And here's me thinking my drawing was sheer brilliance. 😁

Thanks so much for getting involved and sharing this painting. So great. Would be cool to some more if your work you know.

That's a hint.

Get on it.

Searing flesh and bro's tomorrow night. Should be good. Good fellows all.

Have a good weekend.

Just realized I didn't reply to you - oh no!!!

Thank you very much! I know the pic doesn't quite comply with your ruleset and intent of your post, but I just couldn't bring myself to post a funny version. I hope I'm forgiven. I'm loving everyone's images.

A great topic with an even better approach to it! 👍

Forgiven yes. Nothing to forgive though. You got involved which is what was required.

I do the draw badly thing so that people don't get scared off thinking they can't draw so won't enter. Draw well, draw badly . it's just about getting involved and yeah, it's good to see some do so and have some fun.

Did you do this topic previously? Before I surfaced on Hive? You really did, do succeed putting people at ease. I know quite a few artists from online courses who will not post their artwork - quite sad really.

I did this topic once before back in the early days, like within the first few weeks if the topic. It went really well. I think I asked people to draw themselves doing something they enjoy. It was a pretty funny week.

I work on getting people to engage, to join in with the community, and to have some fun. It also makes it more fun for me. Taking oneself seriously all the time leads to...Well, too much seriousness. Life is there to be lived and enjoyed.

Thanks for getting involved. I am very grateful.

I'm glad you're doing this. While I try to get involved or engaged as much as I can, this weekend's topic, I just had to chime in. I couldn't let it go. It actually inspired me to post another painting, probably tomorrow as it is getting late here, but it will be a fantasy piece. Thanks for the little push 😇

Looks so perfect 😍

No, not perfect, far from it in every way, but that is totally o.k.
Thank you very much!

It's because I have not seen you in person or your actual pictures but the painting or the drawing seems perfect to me

I understand what you mean, Abrar, and thank you for valuing my painting skills. People who know me IRL will recognize me from the painting, but it is far from reality. Yet since I didn't aim at a reality piece (I can take a photo instead) I am totally fine with it. In fact, I do like the painting, or I would not have posted it here. I'm happy to hear that you and others like it, too.
Again, my thanks for your comments.

Perfectly you, then. That works right?

Absolutely, that's exactly what I meant 😄. I know I am not perfect and happy about that. My paintings may tell a bit of a different story and cleaner picture, on purpose or by accident.

 3 years ago (edited) 

I always say, it's our flaws, fractures and fallibility that makes us each perfectly us. We are all a litte imperfect and so no one's painting can ever be flawless.

I like that very much.

Omg so beautiful 😍

Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you like it 😚

it's accurate, I like hair

Well, *accurate *may be a little too strong a word, but I'm recognizable. A younger and stylized version of myself.
I looooooved that hair. It was a really, really bright pink and then faded to this very soft and muted pink and I'm still in love with it. But with the end of the vacation the pink had to go, back to the corporate world in blond...

The translator has not put it well, he wanted to say that the drawing is perfect. now you are a good girl haha

Hahaha - translators can be a bitch, but just like GPS navigation they also can be very, very helpful.

yes si jeje

Man this is really good! Love the pink hair as well!

Thank you so much!

Yeah, I'm still in love with the pink hair. But sadly it had to go for my day job. One day...

It really is good. Like embarrassingly so. Sigh.

I presume your hair color is closer to natural than mine...
(Most of my hair is disguised as skin).

Hahahaha - I like that, it's like my hubby's hair 🤣

(Most of my hair is disguised as skin)

At the time my hair was really that color, but not too long after I went back to blonde to fit into today's corporate world. But one day I'll be pink again, or purple - time will tell.

Thanks a lot for your kind words!

Some excellent quality here with this! I think it's very difficult to do faces and you nailed it!

Thank you so much!

Totally agreed on the faces, it took me a lot of time and tons of practicing to get where I am at now. And I am definitely not at the end of my journey.

I have a pink phone case. It's in my hands as I type this. And my belt's pink too. Well so is my backpack. Beanie, shit like that. And last night my wife replaced our tooth brushes and, like all the previous tooth brush replacements, mine is pink.

I like your hair. 💖

Oh yeah. I knew where you were going with the pink toothbrushes thing. Really.

When I still smoked (over 6 months, now) I often carried a pink lighter. It's the one you get back everytime.

Have we talked about this before Tom? Seriously. And the pink ones are easiest found in the two-packs. Always at the Target check out line. That's my theory exactly sir.

Someone goes home with extra lighters at the end of the night, totally Mornal. However, it's equally Mornal for the same lighter thief to "anyone lose a pink lighter?" With their hand in the air, twirling the thing around like it's a joke but it isn't. It worked perfectly!

'Thank you? That's mine.'

When I was a bartender my friend and I kept a box of empty lighters. When we had a chance we'd exchange a drunken customer's full one for one of the empties out of our box. I didn't buy a lighter for several years. I honest to God don't remember a single pink one in the box.

Wow - you're apparently a real pink lover with so much stuff in pink 😇.

I only had my pink hair as an accent to my otherwise rather black or neutral-color appearance. Much more would have probably been overload for me. Actually, now that I think about it, one of my work-out shirts is bright pink - yay me!

Perfect!Bravo miss beautiful!

Thank you very much!! 😚

You are welcome.

Hey @oceanbee, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

This is more than artwork. It seems real. You have done a great work here. This means you can even sketch me in full.
Nice work...

Hah - I don't know about that. Well, I am sure I can sketch you in full, however, if you recognize yourself - that is a whole different story 😅

But seriously, thank you very much for your kind words, I appreciate them very much.

This is the first and only portrait I have done 4 years ago after a photo of myself. My eyes are kind of green only in a certain light, or, at least someone dear to me says that. Otherwise, they are brown. Anyway, the wrinkles are there 😂


Pretty good! I like the way you captured such a natural looking hair colour. Masterful brush strokes, you even captured wrinkles? Magnificent artistry. Was this picture done for a y particular reason, or was it just for fun?

Thank You! I like natural hair, never dyed my hair which is not that blonde, but still a light brown hair 😁 I sometimes paint or draw for fun; it relaxes me. So, I had no particular reason except I thought it was not easy to make portraits and wanted to give it a try with myself first and also to check on how I would portray myself / see myself.

I've never drawn myself either, mainly because I don't look that good in real life and a drawing of me would be even worse, and partly because I simply can't draw...Clearly evidenced by my drawing in this post.

I'm sure you are saying it in the opposite. Why on Earth will you not look great in drawing and I'm real life? That, I can't believe

In real life I have a terrible visage, I'm a hideous beast really.

All the kids in the neighborhood run away when they see me coming, or pelt me with stones.

Here's me practicing my smile in the hope I don't scare the kids away...

The beauty is subjective...in the eye of the beholder how some would say. Even so, I think the fact that we are different and unique needs to be celebrated in one way or another. By the way, I like your drawing. It is funny.

Thanks for liking my drawing...I worked so hard on it. 😁

And yes, it's the beholder that determines beauty. Well said.

You have done so well. Starting by drawing yourself first is rhe beat and drawing for fun is what most of us always do.

I am glad you liked it. I guess it made me think of the ''Draw
-a-Person'' test, a psychological test that tells you some aspects about yourself by interpreting the drawing. But fun is also great.

Oh no!! What happened to her left eye? She has a black eye.

lol. I didn't say it was perfect 😂 Even one of the eyes is smaller than the other one...but I kind of think this is a more reliable fact 😅

🤣 I have seen a lot funny pictures today. Yours is funny too but it was amazing seeing it though.


Oh my gosh!!! What are those in his mouth? Worms?

Hahaha...It's all food. I think it's asparagus 😉

So funny, Lol

reminds me. I have some asparagus to cook today.

Are these ones teeth or mouth..? Hehehe...

This is a very raw and minimalistic approach that I've seen around the artworld and I like it. Maybe I'll give that a go next.

I am glad you like it and if you'll give it a shot, good luck with your drawings 🙂

I will, eventually, currently I'm on a little different artistic journey, but I usually go back to portraits.

hello this is great, how we see ourselves haha

Yes, drawing is a good way of finding things about ourselves 😁

It's a great start to make portraits, I love the details of the wrinkles because it conveys self-confidence, they will always be a sign of experiences, it's a portrait that conveys your being. Good one!

Great feedback! Thank You.

I think you look great and hardly even noticed the wrinkles but the no neck is unmistakable.

Thank You! Great sense of observation!

I felt the need to answer you because it was a topic already started and I find it respectful, but I will no longer engage too much in Hive. I realised simply commenting on posts is just another manipulative way for others like @spaminator to downvote you.

Best to you all!

Sorry you feel that way. I've never experienced what you're talking about. I rarely see comments receive downvotes unless they're phishing attempts or mass sent.

Good luck to you.

Still, it looks awesome and not all people can draw. Good luck.

With time you will be perfect. This colourful drawing is truly great and awesome.

Bravo!!! I did it. This an art or drawing of my wife. I hope she doesn't see this though. It's entirely different from what she looks like.
When I came across @galenkp post concerning drawing, my heart first giggled as I wasn't sure I could hold a pencil or paint with a crayon. This nothing except creativity.
Pencil, and crayons that's all I needed to do this beautiful art 😅🤣😂

Hmm, pretty good indeed! I think you captured your wife's look when she finally sees this picture you drew of her! Well done and thanks for having a go at it this week, that's what it's all about!

I wonder, what do you think your wife will say if she sees this drawing?

I have kept the drawing in my suitcase. My plan is to present it to her during dinner tonight. I bet you, my kids will laugh their way through the night.
She will be happy though that I had enough time to do a sketch of her.
Here is what she looks like. A direct opposite of what my drawing displayed.


Lol, yeah she's the complete antithesis of your drawing...But I have a feeling she'll get a laugh out of your drawing and to make ones partner laugh is a wonderful thing.

Ahahah🤣 that's the initial purpose of choosing to draw her. She will laugh her heart away.

Your wife's reaction will be priceless. I love that you drew her, it shows love ❤️

She accepted it with a lot laughs.

give him a flowers hehe

Efforts appreciated. Well done mate 👍😍❣️

Thanks bruv. What gotta do what we gotta do.

Good luck and have a nice day.

Hmmm.... I think @mrenglish has done the work or art before. With this, you must be a great artists as time goes on. All thanks to @galenkp for bringing out this idea of sketching.

🤣 I haven't done art in recent times until @galenkp initiated this move. I hope to do better in the future.

I just had to try it and it worked out this way.

A lovely artwork by Leonardo Da Smith.

Right, I Googled and found the 5 rules for drawings.

  1. Sketch Lightly. So, I dimmed the overhead light a bit.

  2. Look at Shape. Yes I looked and I am developing a slight stomach.

  3. Look at the size. Easy as I am 6 foot 3 inches.

  4. Look for the light and shade. Also easy, light at the top and shade under the desk.

  5. Take your time. So I took the alarm clock to the lounge.

After following all of the rules, I created this masterpiece and I am sure that it will take the absolute top place at an auction sales of masters of the art.
The fooling around art that is.

Well. It is not often that I admit to being out drawn, but this absolutely must be one of those times. I bow to your obvious better preparation and execution.

Oh yeah Sir Tom, during my earlt years in the trade we were taught that preparation is 80% of any job.
So I follow the instructions litterally, to the word so to speak 🤣

Have a !BEER

Hey @bigtom13, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Oh my God! At least you smile!handsome!

Hahaha, for some reason I like that handsome word and thank you my friend.

Have a slice of !PIZZA



@olivia08! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @papilloncharity.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)

So here my

Hey @papilloncharity, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hahaha nice art, deserves auction. I would buy it for sure! Nice draw 😄👍

Oh! Another nice person and I am indeed flattered, as there are not many others like you on this planet.
At the auction I will give it to you as a gift :)

Have some !LUV

Sweet! I will hang it in my living room for sure! Thanks to you for sharing it man, and for the gift hehe, have a nice day 😸

And you also have a nice day!

#1. Most I laughed this morning and I've been awake an hour.

Hahaha, so glad that I could start your day with some humor my friend.

Have a !BEER

Hey @dandays, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I really like your application and strict following of the rules you found😁. I especially like the step when you're moving to the lounge. I second that!

Hey another one here that truly appreciates outstanding art.
Thank you kindly and I am one of those that stick to the rules 🤣

A nice kitty here.

Have a slice of !PIZZA



@oceanbee! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @papilloncharity.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)

Haha! Evidently you followed those rules to the letter as your artwork has one out very well indeed. The way you've captured the essence of you so accurately clearly demonstrates your skill with a pencil.

What I like:

  • Your Elven ears, or is it Martian?
  • The way you have captured the intellect around the eyes, the great wisdom you posses.
  • Head shape. Who doesn't like a fellow with a head the shape of a donut box.
  • That smile Zac. Handsome.

You have perfectly and accurately captured yourself to the most fine detail here...Looking at this image of you is like looking at the real thing.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you so much for your appreciated adoration of my work.
I think that's why the females love me so much as I remind them of donuts.

Maybe I must submit that masterpiece to the Guinness World Records in order make my country proud. Just think that your post will also receive worldwide recognition as the place to be for master artists. We will both flood Hive with aspiring artists.

You certainly have an excellent eye for true talent mate :)

Donut-heads get all the girls. It's widely known.

Oh yeah and that's why they always walk around with empty wallets 😜

hello I see you very favored hahaha
in another life we could be boyfriends

Hahaha, boyfriends?

Wow, you've already found a partner... This is a good exercise to make yourself known as we are....

Thank you partner and I am glad that my art touched your heart.

Have a slice of !PIZZA



@jennynas! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @papilloncharity.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

si jeje yessssss



Winner here @galenkp

Simpler the better, and this is dark art. Obviously drawn in the dark. Genius to dumb down the rules of art to something even an idjit like me can understand and follow.

Move over stick figures. There is a new sheriff in town. And He has a square head... lmao

Great post, great drawing. Love it.!!


Well now what can I say to this great reply?
My heart is flowing over as finally there is someone here that appreciates art out of the top bracket 🤣
At last another true true connoisseur of the finer things in art, as @galen also seems to know true talent when he sees it :)

You have just made my day and you deserve a !BEER

@galenkp gets it. With his father who was a true artist, it is nice that he can poke fun at our different levels of artistic greatness. He understands that ART really is in the EYES of the beholder. Even if some need our eyesight ✓'d out.? ( @bigtom13 ) lol



I'll have you know that my current spectacles are less than one week old. That is not the problem, guaranteed.

My ophthalmologist is still betting the come line. Since I only have one eye neither he nor anybody else wants to address my cataract. The come bet is that I die before I am desperate for the cataract surgery.

Glad I did not make fun of your pet turtle that just died..?

I had no idea you were really walking around with a white cane... Sorry.

So Sam is really a Seeing Eye Dog?


No. Though we each have a friend that is A: blind and B: a service dog.

Oh yeah, in all honesty I also have a short sighted problem, but the good thing about it is that every time that I see my wife she looks like an attractive stranger 😉


Mmmmmm... BEER..!!

To wash the !POPCORN ...

out of my teeth...


Hey @krazzytrukker, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

It's a kind of Frankenstein hahaha it's cute.

A Frankie? I thought that it was more of an Elve and his squinty eyes reflected his scattered mind as he forgot his longbow at home 😜

Great creation no doubt, only you know what is the reality and the value of his work.... Jiji

Hahaha, just fooling around and trying my best to get some smiles my friend.
A smiling person is a positive person and then my job is done.

Have some !PIZZA



@jennynas! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @papilloncharity.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)

You have drawn yourself so cute ❣️😁

Well well well this is creative and I was looking for something like this as I had created something just required in this engagement topic.

Drew this in an app called Ibis paint. Digital painting sounds easy but it needs equal effort to draw something like this. Though not perfect but still seems similar 😂 I bet this is not as cute as the one @galenkp has drew for himself.


Ps: both pictures are mine.

It's ok, you can tell the truth about the picture I drew...I know it's horrible! 😊

Is that app one that simply takes a picture and recreates it in a style or do you have to actually draw the picture? Seems you've done a pretty good job. Even captured the expression.

Your drawing is not horrible at all 😂 though it does not carry the charm you have. It's cute ☺️

We can to draw everything on this app it does not capture and convert pictures. It provides brushes of different sizes and colors of varieties. Helps in minute details ❣️🌿

Ah ok, sounds like a cool app. I'm not good at drawing so not something I'd use but I can see how someone with an interest in art would appreciate it.

Hi again 😃 - if this is a hand-drawn picture (as opposed to traced or photo as @galenkp asked) it is really good.
I don't know that app, but I agree, freehand digital drawing or painting is just as difficult as it is on paper.
I paint both digitally and traditionally - whichever mood I am in...

Thanks a bunch for your kind words 😁❣️ It is drawn digitally. The app only provides with a blank sheet and brushes and colors and we have to paint in real but on the digital screen 💫❤️

Neat! Well, you captured yourself perfectly.

a smile please

Your comment made me smile 😁

Hey dude this is actually quite impressive. Even captured some depth around the eye. I see you just joined Hive 1 month ago, welcome. Have you found your way to any of the art communities yet such as #sketchbook or #onchainart ? I think you might enjoy both of those communities.

Don't be a stranger.

Perfectly done! Keep up the good work.

When I saw your drawing, it motivated me to participate in this. This made me to sketch my daughter's portrait.

I'm just learning and I hope you all will like it.

This is a great little sketch here and you've managed to capture a lot of detail, you must have some skills in drawing I'd say, I could never hope to draw like this.

I'm glad you've joined in this week and hope you stay around to engage with some of the others.

He even managed to capture his daughters style. That's an automatic disqualification if you ask me.

He drew too well you reckon?

It is my pleasure to join this and I really just make sure to try my best to make the sketch out and truly I made it out.
Thanks a lot.

You did a good job, thanks for getting involved.

You are welcome. We hope for more of this to come. I truly enjoyed the engagement we all had with each other.

I like it! A lot of detail and the basic proportions are pretty good looking. Such lovely dress.
I'd say - keep practicing!!

it shows that she is a queen

I like it! It has a lot of details! I didn't even dare to get started on any detail haha

You managed to capture your daughters style. I'm impressed. That and she doesn't have six toes or anything. You're a natural!

Wow! beautiful art! How I wish I could have a good drawing too.

Oh my, this is the most difficult challenge so far....
But here we go:

So I drew myself, with some mountains (love mountains) and on a green paper as I love nature as well. I am a horrible drawer as my students will say as well (I'm a history teacher so sometimes it makes it easier when you draw something). I am not totally unhappy with it I must say, though my hair got a bit wild haha I guess this is my morning hair haha.

Might be in the running with @papilloncharity here for best selfie drawing... lol


Haha that is just as awesome as the monkey that made selfies!

I like green and those casual hairs

Hhahaa looks great honestly :) We are the same level~~ a potential talent, you know, wait for the right time to evolve. At least, I believe it :))

Haha that would be a super late in life discovered secretb but who knows, never say never

The portrait - not bad, but the mountains - oh my - they're exquisite and expertly drawn in every possible detail - hahaha - nice entry for the OP's totally serious weekend engagement request 🤣

Haha thanks a lot! They would be terrifying and unclimable mountains in real life I'm afraid haha

I'm sure you'll find some nutty people that would give them a go. Not me though, I'm afraid of heights, though I do like mountains.

Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Great effort Plint. That hair... Interesting, although considering the image is set in the mountains maybe it's wind-blown? Anyway, people pay lots of money for hair like that so own it. 🙄

I also like how you added some continuity to your masterpiece with mountains in the background and on your shirt. Such creative artistry.

Thanks for having a go and adding your own amazing artwork to the blockchain.

Haha I like it, let's go for windy hair!

Ahahah. Pretty background, those shoes, long-nosed like the dolphin. I have seen a lot of amazing pictures today, this is one.

Haha thanks a lot! Yes I seem to have very pointy feet haha

That shoe looks like that of Jack Sparrow of the Pirate of the Caribbean.

..and on a green paper as I love nature as well.

Ok, wait up. :time out:

I'm not a tree hugger or anything but wouldn't loving nature on green paper be the same thing as medication called sober pill?

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about haha

I'm sure you're not the only one.

I love the mountain and the cute version of yourself.

Thanks a lot!

Hey @plint, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Heheheh...you really tried to make it out at last. Well done.

I only have a notebook and a pen, here is my work, @galenkp :)) Me, sun, bicycle, flower ..hehe
Since technology, smartphone and computer dominate, I haven't used a pen to write something properly on paper for a long time :( Sad

Hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful weekend all ^^



Hey Trang, pretty good effort here...Because you know bad is good right? At least on the #weekend-engagement drawing topics anyway. Not that this is bad, it's actually good. I especially like your roller-feet, like wheels, so you can get about much faster. I also have to say, you have quite elegant and dainty hands. So lovely. 😜

Overall I'd say it's a perfect likeness.

Hihii thanks for your kind words and appreciation :)) I used to be on the top students good at drawing subjects 🤪 when I was in primary school :) A long time ago :) Now just need time to practice and passion to thrive :))

#weekend-engagement drawing topics anyway.

Yeah, that's why I love your weekend's topic and engagement as we can do everything, don't need a great skill- one just needs to draw to draw.


It's all about fun...If people are having fun they'll engage and that's a good thing. Your support here never goes unnoticed and is very appreciated.


How beautiful I see you, but put music on and shake your body hahaha
Why do girls always have flowers?

Haha yeah, great idea dear, need some music to make my body move. I look like a ROBOT in this drawing. 😃

Why do girls always have flowers?

Interesting question 🙂; I just took photos of flowers in the garden a couple of days ago so yeah 🥀 🌸


Another great selfie drawn here...

Maybe I should have went with the mirror image.

But instead, I went to the G- dog.

Here is a hidden video of our #weekend-engagement curator as He could not sleep last night...



Hahaha great video, don't know where you can find this funny stuff? Or you make this video? Just exactly what Galen did last night? 😃😃


We gots secrets...

If I told ya, well then I would have to...




I know a good ballerina when I see one.

My grandmother had the nicest hand writing. That art began losing its form around her era. Weird isn't it? I hardly write anymore either. Everything from this to shopping lists are done with a keyboard.

The older generation seems to handwrite much better than us. I did writing essay tasks every day when I was little but now getting lazy to use a pen. I'm glad that many schools here still hold handwriting competitions for students and encourage them to practice more.

Yes we have now done everything with the keyboard. :((
One of the major disadvantages of tech is laziness


Thank you @olivia08 !LUV and hope you're doing well




@olivia08, you've been given LUV from @trangbaby.

Learn about LUV at @LUVshares. (1/3)

I must be doing better everyday.


Hey @trangbaby, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @trangbaby, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Well, here we go. I try not to take unfair advantage of all the phesants here that aren't so classically trained in art as am I. But sometimes @galenkp just forces my hand. Without further ado, behold:

self portrait.jpg

Note please, how much better my thick dark hair looks than some of the recent photos that seem to show balding and grey. That is simply a trick of the camera lens.

I'm wearing my pink linen jacket (it's actually not short sleeved but with the artists liberty I can show my bulging manly arms). Real men DO wear pink. The shirt and pants are matching blue silk and the ascot is of the finest silk known to man.

The boots are Grenson Fred, the tan wingtip model. Modestly priced and sooo handsome.

Pay no attention to what looks like a former horizon line on this canvas. I started to allow Sam, the smartest dog in Arizona, to draw himself in the picture. In quite short order I could see that it was going to go badly because he doesn't have any thumbs to control the artists tools.

Speaking of Sam: You can clearly see how handsome he is and can't see his tail because he is per normal wagging it ferociously.

I am truly sorry for having set the bar so high. It is the true reason I gave you all a day to put forth your efforts. I fear that some will not participate after seeing my entry.

Tom my friend, you should really leave a little room for the mere mortals you know...Work like this is so far above the reach of others...Although I think also it's good that the bar has been set so far up there as it provides a high-mark for the rest of us to reach for. Thank you for showing us all how lacking we are and providing the motivation to seek more from ourselves.


Boots: Legit.
Pink jacket, green short and blue tie: The only way to go.
Fingers: No words needed here.

Look, it'll be easier to simply say it's all pretty legit.

Oh, and Sam? It takes a dog comfortable with his dogliness to look that much like a sheep.

Overall...Nailed it.

Sam is fluffy like a sheep. He is gaining weight because it's too hot for us to go to the desert. How hot you ask? It was 54C yesterday in appropriately named Death Valley (about 150 miles away). It's 35C at 0730 and predicted to be 46 here later today. We had a bit of rain overnight (the edge of a thunderstorm) but all signs of it are gone by now.

I did want to participate but waited a whole day to let the mortals air their efforts. Some of them are new since our last drawing effort and might not know my expertise.

54? Hmm, warmish. Lol.

Me no likey the hot weather.

I just saw yesterday's stats for Furnace Creek, Death Valley: Minimum 40C Maximum 54. Damn. I don't even have a smart ass comment.

Ridiculous temperature.


A Fucking Sheep. Priceless, I posted my comment before reading yours.

Our eye glasses are clearly up to date with our oncoming loss of eyesight.

If @bigtom13 wants to set the bar, he needs to get with @papilloncharity go over the rules, and draw some dark art, in the dark, with square donut box heads...

I laughed my fucking arse off, litterally had @pooky-jax pause the show we were watching to join in on these shenanigans...

Great post Tom. Great Selfie drawing. The belly laugh was much appreciated. I just hope Sam is not in need of therapy after all this..?

Young Tom did good right?

Not sure if it is the bar He set high, or if he is high from sipping that nasty Mexican Cartel Imported Tequilla again...

That shit puts hair on the chest... Women that drink it will also have hairy boobs...


Young Krazzy said that to Young G-Dog...


I have never tasted tequila. Probably sounds weird I guess, but it's just one of those things. For a light drinker like it's probably not unsurprising.

I am very glad that I posted my pic before you posted yours, because I am not sure I would have mustered up the courage otherwise.

So I'll refrain from commenting on the exquisite color choices and shapes, because I just wouldn't be able to find the right words for such marvelousness. No words can do it justice, so I'll send you this gif of appreciation 😏

One thing that I just have to ask you: Are you absolutely certain that Sam is a dog and not a sheep? 😁


Love the shirt. I've heard about these animalistic mosaics only the creator can clarify. Very creative. First glance it was a sheep and then I realized it has horns so maybe a goat the legs resemble a saw horse. Sam is a Dog. Shoulda known tha'aa'aaa'at.

I love the goat hahaha!


For some reason not clear for me or myself, I've been making self-portraits like this one even before I was able to grow facial hair.
Be careful what you wish for they said. Thinking that a mustache or a beard would make me look old enough to be able to ######### and ######### and sometimes ####...nowadays I can hear my beard grow and within days I look like a werewolf...

For this drawing I used one of my high grade 6B pencils to bring alive that silly self image that doesn't seem to have changed a lot in all of these years :)

Haha, great image indeed! Well drawn and probably a perfect likeness, though I don't know what you look like. Just a guess. ☺️

A masterful piece of artistic creation here, and well-suited to the #weekend-engagement topic style!

Thanks for getting involved.

Thanks! I know I could do better but knowing it didn't have to be a Picasso and we all could use a laugh :)
And thank you for doing this

This #weekend-engagement topic started as a place to have a laugh, get people involved with the community and to get some relationships started...I thought it would go for a few weeks, maybe a month and 57 weeks later here we are, still going. About 4000 hive has been transferred directly to people's wallets over that time and whilst some come by for a week or so then disappear others have been here every week. I think that's pretty cool and I always have a bit of fun with the topics.

Week 58 is a bit different again, not artwork, but a few people will come by and get involved and that's what matters.

Thanks for your participation this week and for taking the time to draw a legit picture that is right at home on the #weekend-engagement topic.

see, I told you I can't draw.

I don't know...I'd not sat can't draw at all because this is a pretty good example of a legit picture. A painting of you painting. I wonder though, in your painting of your painting what are you indeed painting? A mystery that shall go unanswered I guess.

This is a pretty good effort I think and just so you know, I have the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, on the phone right now...They want your painting...I'm acting as your agent but don't worry, I have only your best interests in mind.

Get ready to be famous.

Thanks for getting involved. 😀

Lol!! thank @galenkp you are so kind. The painting? well that's the secret hee!hee! We will never know.
Thanks for the fun group, it made me feel good and happy. Go well stay safe.

Great to have you along, so thanks for joining in.

You welcome @galenkp ,always a pleasure.

This is actually a high bar Selfie Draw. @bigtom13 set that bar so high it doubles as a pull up (chin up) bar.

Is that music I see playing, and looks like your doing a Wine Canvas painting in this painting. The paint cup could double as a Wine glass. And Wine makes all our art work "High Bar."

Most important thing is You did the heavy lifting and gave us all something to look at and smile, giggle and enjoy.



Yes @krazzytrukker wine , music and art, nothing better, never thought anyone would notice the wine glass though, dry red it is. Well! the painting remains a secret Lol! Thank you for your kind words. Stay safe and have a happy day.

I liked it :) Nice drawing, the important thing is the naturalness and the essence you can give it. I like the detail of the music while painting, I guess it was the same case recreating the draw!

Thank you @gabrielserra ,yes music and a glass of dry red wine is a great way to relax, unfortunately we are in lock down at the moment and the bottle stores are closed, so no wine for awhile, nothing wrong with dreaming though lol! Stay safe and have a great day.

Yes! I'm totally a fan of that plan 😄. Same to you, have a nice day and soon start of the week :)

You too @gabrielserra go well and stay safe.

Uhm the hell you can't. I heard Sam Cooke loud n clear.

Hi everyone 😃

me and jonathan.jpg

This is me, along with my best friend. We are finally making the bike ride together that we promised each other in 2019, but haven't made yet because of the pandemic. He lives in the Netherlands, so we have to wait until we see each other again. And I hope that during our real bike ride, we will have as wide smiles on our faces as in my drawing. I really miss him and I'm looking forward to this day.

@galenkp Thank you so much for this opportunity. Thanks to you I got a little more creative today. I discovered today that I gave away all my crayons and paints and markers to my nieces and nephews. Apart from my ballpens, I only had 1 green and 1 yellow marker. But I wanted to join you all so badly. That gave me the idea to color my drawing with my unused makeup. It was so much fun to daub with lip glosses, lipsticks, eye shadows and eye - liners. I haven't enjoyed coloring so much in years. I got dirty fingers, but I am so proud of the drawing I made.🤣 I will keep this drawing until my best friend and I have actually made our bike ride. Then I will surprise him with it. @galenkp Thank you once again. ❤️

Ten out of ten and for creativity using makeup to create your masterpiece! Very unique and a great solution indeed!

I hope you get to make that bike ride with your friend in the near future. Do you have idea where you'll ride or are you just going to wander about with no fixed plans?

Thanks so much for getting involved and doing a drawing for us, I really appreciate your support of the #weekend-enagement topic.

@galenkp We didn't decide that yet, because we're not sure in which country we will meet again. I guess we will decide that after we are both vaccinated. But we both love nature very much, so we will ride definitely in places with lots of green.😅

It'll happen I'm sure, and until then you can always draw with your makeup some more!

Well done on coming in second place by the way, the wrap up post has just gone live.

@galenkp yes indeed..I just saw it ..thank you so much 🥰💚

Creativity points are off the charts. Good morning from wherever I am. Can I talk you into responding with a little photo right here your make-up mediums? Thank you.

this might not be a legit entry because I made this in the past...But my birthday is in the december so... I turned myself into a snowman.


Are those ballpoint pens? I can't tell if they're markers or not. What's the size of that canvas? Very cool piece, how much time do you think you have in it? That should enough questions. Ok, one more..

Do you think four questions are too many?

thank you very much. Neither ballpoint pens nor markers.

I never properly counted time of my works but I would estimate that my more complex pieces took at least few hundred hours. So this one I would say maybe 20+ hours...

Do you think four questions are too many?

That depends on a question. If you would be trying to sell me something and I would not want to buy it more than one question would be too much. If 10 hot girls would all ask me if I want to fuck them that would not be too many questions. If hundreds of people would ask me if I want sweets/money that also would not be too many questions.

You don't think 10's too many Huh?

Pencils and paint, I was way off. I'm surprised that piece didn't generate a shot ton more upvotes than it did. Sorry I missed it man.

No problem. Perhaps at some point in the future I will make an animated version and who knows maybe it will earn more?😜

Am I doing something wrong? I clicked it and was directed to your NFT page which, by the way, that was my first NFT page visited. But all I got was a black screen.


that is weird. For me it works well.

Sweet! Looks like a good Viking boat setting out on a good adventure to unknown lands, I liked it 😃

all color is special, long live the color

super colorful and represents a lot of ti.... what date in December is your birthday?

thank you very much. 10.

Haha I love it! So colorful and happy!

thank you very much.

It looks to me like you're riding in a multi-coloured Viking ship holding a fishing rod.

those stars won't catch themselves😜

This is true, and what better way to catch stars than with a fishing rod. Is there a special bait for the task?

no. but it takes patience because quite often stars manage to escape.

Lol, well a net might help...But it's ok they escape sometimes I guess, means there's something to catch another day. 😉

dynamite could be another option...But you are right.If I would catch them all my ship would not hold all the weight and would either sink or throw me into the sea and run away with all my stars.

Your drawing is amazing. This really creative and beautiful :) Love it.

thank you very much.

Hi friends
Here is my contribution, drawing like when I was a child, since I am learning to draw in digital, I never thought it would be so difficult and what was easy on paper and pencil becomes a digital nightmare.
But this is me or so I look hahaha
I didn't want to miss it and have a laugh
Happy Saturday


Sheer artistic brilliance!

Now I've got that out the way, let's take a closer look at the magnificence.

Scissors and a tooth brush your hair? Seems legit that you capture an every day occurrence in your drawing. I can also see you're a person of great taste as you have a Canon camera around your neck which, I'm sure, you also put to great artistic use. Don't let me forget the flower in your hair...Who could get through a day without one?

I'd have to say, your digital nightmare, is the paragon of artistic creation when placed in the #weekend-engagement topic...Perfect!

Thanks for joining in and having a laugh with the rest. It's great to have you on board.

haha it's supposed to be a comb hehe hehe it's my profession, the camera my passion and my cats, that's me
flowers is the essence.
I like to participate without commitment and leave the shame aside
you look very handsome

I like it. I love that you incorporated all the important things around you. Totally dig the scissors and comb - LOL - and I love the crazy curls.

Keep practicing with digital and it will get easier. Not sure which hardware and software you're using, but stick to it and eventually you will feel more comfortable with it.

Hello happy sunday
That's me with my hair in the air and my work weapons, I know I have to put in many hours to do something decent. But my mind is hard already.
I use galaxy tab s7 and clip studio paint program, all new to me

I don't know the Galaxy Tab - does it have pressure sensitivity to the pen? I feel that that really helps emulate the traditional drawing feeling.
CSP - I have tried that a while back and it is a legit good drawing/painting program.
It really comes down to practicing and not giving up if something doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it.


Are those scissors in your head or are you just happy to see me? I bet that Mercedes necklace wasn't cheap.

How can I not be happy to see you hehe? I need the scissors to work
Only you have noticed, that is my secret dream, with round eyes and without a hood and since I do not have a stroller of those I hung my necklace
Happy Sunday

Your secret dreams are safe with me.


That's great. I love the artistic vibe and the curly hair.

are my curls crazy haha

Hello here is my drawing hahaha. Reproducing my day today where I danced with my biodanza group.... And we were birds or angels flying and dancing life.... That's me, with my wings expanding, taking flight.

I wanted to do another one, this one seemed to me, disproportionate, but I said it's the first one that came out so it's the best one to show.

I hope you like it.

I wanted to do another one, this one seemed to me, disproportionate

Nah, this one is excellent, no need for another so I'm glad you ran with the first attempt. I like it a lot, especially your crab-claw hands which are way cool, although might make it hard to play the piano I guess. You've captured your graceful dance moves and the joy on your face gained through dancing so I'd say it's a pretty legit depiction of your day at dance.

Thanks for joining in and having some fun, it's always great to have you around.

Thanks for your comments, you are a great observer, you see details in every drawing that amuse me.... That in my crab hands hahaha, but I'm harmless.... Hahahahahahaha and yes the dancing gets a lot of smiles and tears out of me.

Crab hands can come in useful you know...Taking the tops of bottles and jars, cracking nuts etc. Lol.

Jajajaj 🤪😬

I had a sneaking suspicion it was either a biodanza group or a Red Bull audition.

Hahaha yeah I got my wings, no net bul.

Well... I want to make it clear that I made a good effort because I'm very bad at drawing. However, I tried to portray a picture of me and I also did my version in doodles haha.

CamScanner 07-10-2021 15.png

Sin título-1.jpg

Do they look anything alike? I don't think so :P

The truth is that I rarely bring out this side of me but it was quite relaxing to take some time to draw myself and see more or less if I came out with something ... Decent, yeah lol. Don't judge me harshly hahaha. Nah, just kidding, I know this is the perfect space for me to relax, we're in family.

Hahaha - Gabriel, that's some born-to-be-wild hair! You captured it perfectly in your drawing. Even in the little stick-figure on the writings - dancing away with wild hair and laughing on top of the world.
Nice going! Or in Galen's words - Louvre worthy brilliance 😇 😂

Hahahahahaha Thank you so much for another art connoisseur who appreciated my Louvre worthy work 😎. I think my hair is my toxic relationship but it knows deep down I love him.

I'm no art critic although I think it's pretty safe to say that you've created a masterpiece that will find a place amongst the true greats like, the Mona Lisa, Monet's Water Lillies and Da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks. I know true brilliance when I see it.

You've captured every detail perfectly from your free-sprited hair to chiseled jaw and mysterious eyes. It's like a perfect recreation of the real thing.

Ok, maybe not perfect, but good enough for the Louvre to have already contacted me seeking your details as they want to hang it there.

[Ok, maybe not.]

Thanks for getting involved and showing the hive world your picture, and uncontrollable hair!

Hehe thanks Galen, always a pleasure to share (and show uncontrollable hair too, that's for sure lol) on weekend-engagement. I'm talking with the Louvre to work out a deal for my masterpiece 😎.

You're going to be famous Gabriel, I know it...And it all started here on the #weekend-engagement topic and with a rogue head of hair! 😬

The power of #weekend-engagement. I will duly sponsor as a token of my appreciation when I become famous 😄

You're an arty-rockstar!

Absolutely Smashing, the likeness is scary, spooky, mirror like...

I must ask tho, is that bed head hair, or just another Tuesday hair doo...


Here is my crazy just got outta bed head -o- hair...

Thanks a lot! Hahaha it's my hair normally after getting up. It goes on like that all day long, sometimes it was torture so I just decided to live with it.

Cool! Long live to Rock-hair lml. Although being honest, I have time since the last time I cut it (a year and a half being exact), I'm tempting to cut it off haha. Let's see.

Here goes nothin. I don't have crayons and colors so I just grabbed a brown paper bag and scribbled something, this is my girl Zoe, my family.
I hope you don't laugh.. the hubs did though


and this is the real girl

What a great drawing that captures Zoe's likeness perfectly! So good and a. Ice touch to add the bow! Masterful indeed!

Why would you hope we don't laugh though? Laughter is the best medicine you know, and even if one isn't sick it can heal the soul. Anyway, there's nothing to laugh at here, you've done a great job!

Thanks for getting involved.

Seriously, LOL I just scribbled with my pen making holes in that paper lol.
Thanks a ton.
Laugh away.. I join in wid you🤣😆

 3 years ago (edited) 

It's good people can make others laugh from around the world right? That's what the hive community is all about; making the world smaller and bringing a little happiness to each other.

Aww... you summed that up so succinctly!! 😍

I'm a knucklehead, but sometimes manage a lucid thought or two. 😬


It took so much effort to look like this then they decide to run away from me. This is the reason I have so much GRUDGE!

I really like the darkness in this one, the look of the eyes too. Thanks for sharing it.

Well isn't this a fortunate coincidence.... I just finished last week a drawing of myself...


It is not a happy drawing. In a few words it illustrates how sad I felt as a kid. I have written more in here https://hive.blog/hive-158694/@creativemary/why-painting-this-was-so-powerful-solitude-on-the-planet-of-dreams

Hopefully my sad entry will not spoil the overall joy of your post G.
Galen Monet....... This sounds so artistic lol

I don't think it is a sad entry at all, but one that gives hope. Hope and knowledge that out of a dark place in your past, you are able to evolve into the beauty that is you today. An artist creating beautiful art from her heart.

I have come across similar exercises in my own art journey, but I honestly don't think that I have dug quite that deep (yet).

I love your painting in all its detail (and I am very happy to see that you are not 'selling' it for a couple of $$ like so many others). I know from my own work how meditative drawing these kinds of details are. I love doing it a lot!

Thank you so much! It is such a therapeutic experience for me. I am very grateful for my talent in arts, as art has always been my loyal companion throughout my journey in life.

I couldn't agree more with you 🙂

It's a lovely picture and yeah, I know, sometimes we get sad as kids and adults too. But there's always a smile to be found I guess.

If you were a neighbourhood kid around the place when I was also a kid you would have had much to laugh about because I did some stupid and funny things, most of which ended painfully for me, and with with laughter for others!


Good morning everyone!

I am here to engage again to this funny weekend theme. I try to draw myself hahaha. That is how I look when I am in a public place in Saudi Arabia. When I was new, I felt uncomfortable but lately I can not go out without cover. During my vacation in tha Philippines, I could not see people eyes to eyes contact most especially when they are wearing seductive dresses. It is normal in our homeland but because I stayed here for 23 long years, I already have adopted their culture and way of dressing up. I need to respect the host country where I work. Thank you @galenkp for continuous running of your weekend challenge. God speed!

Hi there and thanks for getting involved with the #weekend-engagement topic this week and sharing your drawing with us. 23 years in Saudi huh? That's a long time. I guess you'd be used to the heat by now right?

Yes, too hot and air conditioning can't almost help in the kitchen and sala unless it will be opened 24hours. I am sweating early in the morning until I finish my work then go to my room and chill. At this moment, we are bracing the sandstorm season. The wind blows with sand that is hot but it covers the direct heat. Sandstorm helped a little way. Before I can walk at noon going to the bank but now, I can't. Maybe I will be hitted with heat stroke!

Sounds like exactly the sort of place I'd hate living.

Hahahaha, I know it, you dont like to stay here. You can't stare someone eyes to eyes most especially the ladies. We have to look downward when talking someone most especially my employer when I was new.

I threw up a little in my mouth just reading it.


I just read through I don't know how many of these drawing explanations and this is the most sincere. Very admirable of you to adapt cultures so seamlessly.

I must do it because I live here for half of my lifetime. I work here as a housekeeper for 23 yrs.


Hey @dandays, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

My artistic creation 🤓


Hi there and thanks for getting involved, drawing yourself and engaging with the community. I noticed you posted the image several times which is fine if you like, but once will be sufficient.

Thanks for supporting the #weekend-engagement topic and the community.

Ok, disculpa, mi Internet tenía fallas y pensé que no se había cargado por eso realice la acción varias veces. Disculpe nuevamente no volverá a ocurrir.

I am happy, and if I have a chocolate bar in my hand even more so. I hope my art can reflect the great happiness it generates in me.


I htink most of us get happy when we eat chocolate, I know I do anyway, and judging by this picture so do you!

This is a great little picture and shows your love of chocolate perfectly. Thanks for getting involved!

It has been a pleasure to take this opportunity to create 🤗

You described everything except what happened to the arms of your drawing.

Got lost in the beard...maybe he traded them in for a full head of hair...so many possibilities

Lol...Maybe they're in the beard, or maybe they're folded behind may back? Maybe I fucken forgot to draw them?

Anyway, I know you're just deflecting your feelings away from the obvious fact that I'm buff as fuck and you're bordering on a swoon.

Well, maybe it's abstract art and I'm being a very literal person.

Oh, yes! That one! Where are those arms? I mean, seriously?

Abstract art! That's it...


Well you said don't swoon, I'm doing my best here! :D

Marielle, you have my permission to swoon...You know you want to.

Alright, now that I have permission, good thing you forgot to draw those buff arms! I wouldn't of been able to contain the swoon!

If those guns were drawn... Anything might have happened.

I'll draw buff for you so you know what it looks like, M'kay?

Wise ass.

It's a good hypothesis.

See here's the thing...Until you just mentioned it now I didn't even think about the lack of arms in my drawing. A bit weird I know. Let's just say my arms decided to do something else that day, to live their own reality for a while, and lets assume they were reconnected with the rest of me later.

How about those legs though?

The legs are fine, but the arms are the arms.

Yeah, the old G-dog isn't much use without arms I guess...Lucky in real life I have them or I'd have to type this message with my nose...

In truth I did it just to see what that would be like. Wasn't that hard. No typos. But my nose is sore now. 😀

I'm sorry! Without a six-pack, there will be no swoon.

Come on...Dem legs! Swoon Denise, you'll feel better about yourself. Just imagine the six-pack. I've been doing that about my self for the last 10 5 years. Lol.

Oh, I have a good imagination! :)) I am all the way up to a three-pack. Give me a few moments!


One, two, three...damn it there has to be more somewhere!

I didn't take them, I swear!

I love it XD Drawn in your favourite environment of some remote hike I see ;D

G-dog in his natural environment, the wilderness...No fucken arms, but that's a small and unimportant detail.

Sshhhh. It's the naivete in your drawing style ;D

At last, someone sees my brilliance for what it is.

Now, things are gonna go weird with this engagement weekend topic. I am particular not very good at drawing but I will give it a try. Nice concept, at least it will bring out the artist in me hehe😅🤣😂

Bad drawing often gets rewarded on the #weekwnd-engagement topic. 🤣✅

Hehe. Then I will do it the way I know best to be rewarded.

Well, just get involved and engaged with some others, that's the true reward, the relationships you may build.

Sure. I will engage. Hoping for a rewarding weekend.

After seeing your drawing, you are not too bad in drawing. You have talent in artwork. Keep going ahead to make something out of the artwork as you have talent.

Lol!!oh my word @galenkp you really got me with this one, to tell you the honest truth, I'm not a very good drawer. It sounds like fun though. I will give it my best shot.

Being a not very good drawer qualifies you to get involved. ☺️

I am already qualifies with my beautiful ugly art hehehe😂

I'm not a very good drawer.

Sure. And I'm not very good at brutal honesty.

Lol!!thank you @dandays , I have broad shoulders. Thank you for passing by, have a great day.

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KrazzyTrukker is an Artist..!

We have done several of these in the past year, drawing might not be for everyone, but this is fun. @pooky-jax may even do another one of these drawing W.E.'s.

Here are a couple of my old ones.
Merry Christmas 2020 Hive WE.jpeg


But this Will have to Wait.!!

I will wait till I get home and do this the way a real artist like @dandays would do it...

Half Drunk and Naked...

This is how I pictured ya'll waiting around for this #weekend-engagement to drop.

The W.E. Gang...


@dswigle gets a shout out from the KrazzyKittyGang.!!

Friggin' Awesome Job right there..!

I must say the first drawing is an awesome weather report of Florida, love it :)

Yes @trangbaby

I used to love to draw as a kid back in 1922. Lmao

Those were the first couple W.E. draw postings from last year.

This G-Dog draw is not my original like those.

Image from web to reference off of. But looks juss like G-Dog mee thinks.


Hah - this is awesome! Love it - I can totally see the G-Dog in it 😁

That was a creative ballpoint art you have there. The whiskers on the human face gave it another look entirely.


I will surf thru and see what other are drawing when I get home and get a few adult beverages in me...



Oh!! I see you're driving. The sunrise looks amazing, I wonder what that adult beverages would look like.

See last weeks W.E. lol

It was a hoot...

Orange Juice and Vodka please...


Wow. This is so inviting. I am salivating already. Vodka? Will that not be too intoxicating?

Don't worry as you will see everything when you are at home. Safe drive.

Awesome cartoonish selfies within a story - what's not to love and laugh about that?! hahahaha

This one is gonna be EPIC..!!

Those were last time we did drawings engagement...

Stay Tuned..!


I look forward to seeing them.

This one is extremely great and good. Drawing is just too great most especially when it comes to group work like this.

Draw a new one mate. Get on it.

Oh I got plans...


 Gonna be huge!


I can imagine and expect nothing less.

I think we should be waiting for your plans. Hope the plans you have will be awesome

Congratulations! Balloons fall on your head.

You just went from this dude's way stranger than I thought to that's the kindest thing he's said to me to smoothest ending gif ever in the comment section of weekend-engagement in under 50 words.


WTF does that even mean..?

Even as... S p ɹ ∀ M S S ∀ ʞ Ɔ ∀ q
Down ǝpᴉS d∩

As my comments are. You are now thee...

Grand Champion.!!


  ^^ ded guy ^^

It means I'm very thankful for that part about how you said I'm an artist.

PS - I've had to do a lot of explaining lately.

Champion remains champion anytime any day.

I can see children or people playing under the palm tree. This is so great and awesome. Yu are good at artwork.
The second one shows two animals but the mother and the child, I guess.

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hello happy weekend. very creative this engagement,
I like your image and the narrative that goes with it, you are witty and funny, you have a mysterious touch, hahahah in a few hours I will participate and stay to see your creations. this weekend seems to be fun.

you are witty and funny, you have a mysterious touch

I'll take this as a compliment. Thank you.

Most say to me, you're a knucklehead and as old as the dinosaurs, so witty and funny is a step up. I'm honoured. 😄

I'll look out for your picture. Remember, it doesn't have to be good. In this post bad is good!

You have a charisma, cheerful and very nice that's why this community grows because of your inventions and humor hahaha don't change,

Why thank you, a nice compliment which I'm happy to accept. Gracias

He truly tried most especially in the aspect of the statement that goes along with the images been drawn. He tried to relate something to us all.

Hello I'm back😝 I find this weekend dynamic very interesting, I just found out about the drawing of a picture, I'm going to prepare my pencil to draw a picture of me👍 I'm going to draw a picture of myself👍.

My artistic creation 🤓 waoo


@sofs-su @nineclaws. Good morning ladies. Come check out what we do on the weekends.

I read this earlier in the day and decided that this is not my weekend challenge. I came here to see your picture @dandays, where is it

Wakey, wakey @nineclaws Come on here I know you are an artist, show us what you can do.

1,000 words :flash: :flash :flash:

Yes. Sensuous... There's a shit ton of comments on the shadow one too. Multiple initiatives smashin engagement home runs sucks said no one ever.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Your profile says it all. 😂 Did you post your picture finally?

Going to check it out.. Oh my goodness just scrolling up and down through these comments seem like a marathon lol
I noticed that there is no post, that's okay. Life happens.

I'm a fuckin gentleman around the ladies.

Ahem, you are a saint I see 🤣


Guilty of being a saint?

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

My Swing At Frustration is a good title for the carving.

Is that all? I was under the impression more effort was required. I probably read it on the internet.

Thanks for clarifying, good thing I didn't call you a sissy.

Is it just me or do you look a little like Monty Burns from The Simpsons?

I actually really like the use of strong strokes and blank spaces here, gives it a dramatic feel. [I'm no art critic so maybe what I just said sounds totally dumb.]

 3 years ago (edited) 

You've captured the dramatic nature of that day well and depicted your Monty Burnslyness with great expertise. Lol.

P.s. You got a special mention in the wrap-up post just now...And a little thank you hive.

Fun is the reward, the hive is my thank you token. Five hive nineclaws! You're a gazillionaire now. Lol.

See the artist in you brought out the emotions, not just a plain and simple portrait. Dark and deep. Hope you are feeling better now.

It is impressive. I can't draw l;ike that in another thousand lives ( if that even happens lOL)

Just doodle? 👀 What would a real drawing be like.. I'll let me imagination run.