Haha! Evidently you followed those rules to the letter as your artwork has one out very well indeed. The way you've captured the essence of you so accurately clearly demonstrates your skill with a pencil.
What I like:
- Your Elven ears, or is it Martian?
- The way you have captured the intellect around the eyes, the great wisdom you posses.
- Head shape. Who doesn't like a fellow with a head the shape of a donut box.
- That smile Zac. Handsome.
You have perfectly and accurately captured yourself to the most fine detail here...Looking at this image of you is like looking at the real thing.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you so much for your appreciated adoration of my work.
I think that's why the females love me so much as I remind them of donuts.
Maybe I must submit that masterpiece to the Guinness World Records in order make my country proud. Just think that your post will also receive worldwide recognition as the place to be for master artists. We will both flood Hive with aspiring artists.
You certainly have an excellent eye for true talent mate :)
Donut-heads get all the girls. It's widely known.
Oh yeah and that's why they always walk around with empty wallets 😜