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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 57: Draw you or someone else [60 hive in prizes]

Well... I want to make it clear that I made a good effort because I'm very bad at drawing. However, I tried to portray a picture of me and I also did my version in doodles haha.

CamScanner 07-10-2021 15.png

Sin título-1.jpg

Do they look anything alike? I don't think so :P

The truth is that I rarely bring out this side of me but it was quite relaxing to take some time to draw myself and see more or less if I came out with something ... Decent, yeah lol. Don't judge me harshly hahaha. Nah, just kidding, I know this is the perfect space for me to relax, we're in family.


Hahaha - Gabriel, that's some born-to-be-wild hair! You captured it perfectly in your drawing. Even in the little stick-figure on the writings - dancing away with wild hair and laughing on top of the world.
Nice going! Or in Galen's words - Louvre worthy brilliance 😇 😂

Hahahahahaha Thank you so much for another art connoisseur who appreciated my Louvre worthy work 😎. I think my hair is my toxic relationship but it knows deep down I love him.

I'm no art critic although I think it's pretty safe to say that you've created a masterpiece that will find a place amongst the true greats like, the Mona Lisa, Monet's Water Lillies and Da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks. I know true brilliance when I see it.

You've captured every detail perfectly from your free-sprited hair to chiseled jaw and mysterious eyes. It's like a perfect recreation of the real thing.

Ok, maybe not perfect, but good enough for the Louvre to have already contacted me seeking your details as they want to hang it there.

[Ok, maybe not.]

Thanks for getting involved and showing the hive world your picture, and uncontrollable hair!

Hehe thanks Galen, always a pleasure to share (and show uncontrollable hair too, that's for sure lol) on weekend-engagement. I'm talking with the Louvre to work out a deal for my masterpiece 😎.

You're going to be famous Gabriel, I know it...And it all started here on the #weekend-engagement topic and with a rogue head of hair! 😬

The power of #weekend-engagement. I will duly sponsor as a token of my appreciation when I become famous 😄

You're an arty-rockstar!

Absolutely Smashing, the likeness is scary, spooky, mirror like...

I must ask tho, is that bed head hair, or just another Tuesday hair doo...


Here is my crazy just got outta bed head -o- hair...

Thanks a lot! Hahaha it's my hair normally after getting up. It goes on like that all day long, sometimes it was torture so I just decided to live with it.

Cool! Long live to Rock-hair lml. Although being honest, I have time since the last time I cut it (a year and a half being exact), I'm tempting to cut it off haha. Let's see.