
Yeah we can't help it. I'd so much rather this time we didn't.

We've been monitoring numbers between her meals before and after so they can guesstimate a decent insulin suggestion. Meanwhile we check mine occasionally, it's heartbreaking. I can eat/drink whatever I want; pure sugar, pure spice, dirt, coffee, doesn't matter, my cells are between 108-113. Same coffee, spice, etc and hers is between 60-300.

It's horrible. It's confusing. Her pancreas doesn't work. It's sad. It's words I don't know yet.

That is because you are the luckiest guy I know.

I am sad for Pura, she doesn't deserve this and doesn't seem to complain about it.❤️ Works anyway? Life just isn't fair.

So many friends I have in the UK hate their medicine and I have found that it is a love/hate relationship almost anywhere. Whereas my aunt was going to Duke for a lackluster liver for her entire life and got the best treatment I have ever seen, my brother got sadly left behind for treatment. I have no answers for that, but, it isn't fair. Especially if it affects you (or me, but, you know what I mean) If they have the means, for God's sake, give it to me!

The guy with the pizza and the ER scene is insane. Inner-city ER's or teaching hospitals are notoriously accepting of stuff like that. Here? They would boot you. Seriously, but, in NYC, OMG. It was almost hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

I feel for you and Pura in ways you can't even imagine. It's scary and it is your reality. My prayers to Pura and you. ❤️