It's Worse Than it Looks

My wife's been in pretty bad shape lately, she's the type who won't take medication for a headache. The contents of our medicine cabinet in alphabetical order are: Ibuprofen. Can't remember the last time either of us took an Ibuprofen but other than those white, oblong shaped, 800 milligram tablets, the only pill type capsule things you'll find at our place are supplements.

She's most likely to take an Ibuprofen for bad cramps. I might split one in half if I can't walk. Supplements / vitamins, that's about it, been there done that with the other stuff.

Since returning to the states last August to participate in a mandatory two week global lockdown to curve the spread of covid 19, we're still curving it. That didn't come out right....

Since returning to the states last August, Pura was quickly hired by a produce distribution company placing purchase orders. We were on US territory less than a month when she started. In the past year and two months - covid restrictions included; working with the public on a daily basis if you could imagine that during a pandemic in addition to more than 50% of her colleagues contracting covid at one time or another - she hasn't missed one minute of work. She volunteers for extra shifts occasionally.

She exercises daily. That and practices decent eating habits—healthy. She'll only drink water or coffee. Won't take medication for pain—dependable employee. She's tougher than me.

Today is the 10th day in a row she missed work. She began feeling better yesterday, I even got her out of the house for a minute. Last night her fever finally broke. She ran a fever upwards 103.9 degrees for three days. We've been in her doctors office twice, the emergency room once and, most recently, diagnostics and imaging for a CT scan.

She has chronic pancreatitis. All she has to do is consume something her pancreas doesn't agree with and it throws her entire digestive system into a pancreatic attack like she's been dealing with the past 10 days. Usually these attacks only last a day or two. Never before now have they been so intense her fever climbs high enough to attempt an emergency room visit at 11:30 at night.

We all have issues.

My spine looks like a windy road warning, how are your issues today? Puras pancreas is currently in a "shriveled state" due to inflammation. No more Thai food in Knoxville, Tennessee—shit's deadly! She's taking antibiotics as prescribed now and slowly but surely beginning to consume food like normal again. She's confident she'll be placing orders next week.

I don't know how to deal with these things - I don't know about talking about these things - I've never been here. My hands are tied, I'm helpless when her pancreas does that. All I can do is what I do; console her, cook, make appointments on time, have a cold cloth on hand, pressure front desk personnel to get off their ass, drive, open doors, twist bottle caps.

We waited an hour and 45 minutes in the standing room only "emergency room" at Mercy Medical Center. There was at least 50 coughing and sneezing and borderline handicap people in there. The only procedure she received the whole time was stand on the scale and even then her weight was recorded by a police officer—not once addressed by medical personnel beyond the receptionist.

I didn't take pictures, she insisted I did not do that. After midnight—about an hour into no treatment she texted her doctor who amazingly enough responded back. She was able to schedule a CT the following morning and suggested if she didn't feel overheated, get some rest at home. Concerning body temperature or not, emergency room treatment in The United States of America is a fucking joke.

"No pictures!"

I'd rather not consider documenting our experience in the emergency room here or in any country. I've never seen chairs that wide, not in a waiting room or restaurant or movie theater or anywhere. Never. We brought it to each others attention afterward. The waiting room chairs were every bit as wide as two first class airline seats (yes). I thought only ottomans were built that wide. If there was 50 people inside that waiting room, all but 10 fit in those extra wide chairs. The people who couldn't stand nor fit in the chairs were accommodated with extra wide wheel chairs unlike either of us have seen—lounged back almost flat like a gurney with their legs kicked out like a gyno exam.

When they weighed Pura the scale measured in kilograms. I've never seen anything weighed in kilograms in the United States, not even marijuana, no public school coast to coast teaches the metric system. That was weird. It wasn't until we left we talked about it, there's only a few logical explanations. Either people in this state are embarrassed to hear 350, 450, 500 pounds and "180 kilos" sounds better or scales don't register passed 350 lbs.

We witnessed a pizza delivery in the emergency room, that's not a joke, first time for everything. :repeat: They delivered a pizza to one of the coughing / sneezing sick couples who could barely fit in those chairs while two armed police officers on duty played chess.

Large pepperoni with extra cheese and Canadian bacon on spicy jalapeño crust.

Dude raised his hand. He got up to meet the pizza delivery guy at the electronic entrance doors, "no pictures!" She angrily whispered out the side of her mouth. He returned to his seat, pizza in hand, both he and his wife consumed the whole thing right there in the emergency room.

Puras doctor scheduled a 10 am CT scan the following morning, back home we go. Cold wash cloths and whatever it takes to keep her comfortable. Next stop: Outpatient Diagnostic Center in Knoxville.


Would you believe me if I didn't show you and instead said less than 20 feet from the entrance doors to a professional medical facility specifically designed to treat sick or otherwise unhealthy people is a "smoking area?" I thought for sure that glowing concrete cigarette thing had a line through the cigarette discouraging smoking at the facility entrance but it didn't. Cigarettes are encouraged. I took pictures.


CT—the one you drink a contrast before imaging so the doctor can view your internal organs and properly diagnose a "shriveled stage" pancreas / inflammation. Not a lot of us in the waiting room that time, less than 10.


30 minutes later we were outta there. Puras current condition was diagnosed by the time we got home. Stopped by the pharmacy for antibiotics, God willing she's up and running tomorrow or the next day.

And just when I thought I'd seen it all, someone's grandma with a mullet walked in the waiting room, checked in and sat across from us. She lifted up her shirt that said in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS DILLIGAF and removed her belly button ring.




@dandays... This post about Pura's pancreatic problem and subsequent response by dreemsteem (in particular) has brought back a flood of memories to me regarding a few family members lost over the years from pancreatic cancer.

Of course Pura's chronic condition does NOT place her within that "cancer" criteria, since the issue was raised and according to the concern you've displayed within that potentiality (probably due to research on both your part) I feel free enough to touch upon it, along with my best wishes and prayers for both of you.

I'll try not to turn this into too long a response. If you want more input, let me know and I'll try my best.

My father died from pancreatic cancer. He probably suffered from chronic pancreatitis for many years before getting sick enough to see a doctor- hence, no pre-cancerous treatment, which may have made a difference in outcome. He always said it was his "ulcers acting up" over the years, which unknowing to him, had healed years before (according to endoscopic examination)

My dad was diagnosed with cancer in January, late 1970's; he was gone by mid-August of the same year. I carried him up three flights of stairs to his apartment in my arms; a vivid memory returning to me...

Two years later, my Father-in-law was taken by the same condition... he had never seen a doctor about why his gut always burned so much either; except till it had become a cancer and the pain along with physical weakness set in. He lasted about as long as my father, after diagnosis, chemo and radiation treatments.

YET... the last one I need to mention to you, was my ex-wife's second husband... He always introduced me to people at gatherings, "This is her husband number one..."

It was different with him, after his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer... He lived for MANY years, even after being told to "Get your affairs in order..." He had that similar operation Dreemsteem mentioned about her friend in Russia.

The operation was considered "experimental" at the time (a few years ago or so) and there was only one American doctor who would perform it - in Chicago, I think...? No insurance company would cover such a procedure either; so it was a cash only remittance deal.

That partial removal of his pancreas gave him many more years to 'bet on the ponies' like he liked to do... and many more years for me to enjoy his Political analysis/tirades of which I usually agreed with :>)

In summary, If you and Pura ever want additional information, leads etc. regarding that doctor or procedure, my ex and I still remain in contact with each other. I'm sure she would be willing to share whatever information she has, of which may be helpful; just in case...

Let me know. Meanwhile... keep showing and giving all the love Pura needs right now, and don't pout when she elbows you in the ribs to not take pictures of fat people eating pizza in Emergency Rooms at the hospital...!!!

What a caring response.. and even though it wasn't meant for me, I read every word!

The more information, the better- right?

Interesting that both your friend (wife's 2nd) and my friend lived much longer than expected after that surgery.

For her, I do believe she had the entire pancreas removed. But your friend... was partial.

I don't know anything about this surgery (other than it worked friend!!) but found it strange that one doctor would simply give up and surrender her to death whereas another would have something so confidently offered for long life!

That memory of you carrying your father... Im sure that brought up so many emotions for you

I cant even imagine the pain of it. I'm so sorry that you experienced it but I can almost imagine your father feeling so loved and protected as the roles were reversed. I imagine he probably thought of carrying you to bed as a child in those moments.

Thanks for sharing so much of you in that comment. I always love to see people in their memories.

Peace, friend ❤️

I imagine he probably thought of carrying you to bed as a child in those moments.

Yes... the thought of 'role reversal' seemed evident at the time in his eyes... I was a new father myself that very same year. We celebrated my son's first birthday on the very day my father was laid to rest, after the procession to cemetery.

My ex-wife's husband amazingly lived a number of years following that operation, even with other previously diagnosed serious health issues, including colon cancer...!!! The will/desire to live must have factored into the equation as well?

Thank you for the message :>)

I'm just soaking in this message. there is so much here.

have you ever seen that little animation clip of the mom taking care of the baby and then the years go by... and just as you described.

And then your son, and your father... wow. that must have been. in some ways so hard. because you want to celebrate when you're in mourning.

but in some ways such a gift - because you CAN celebrate WHILE you're in mourning.

life goes on, doesnt it. and we take them with us.

i'm gonna look for that animation for you. i think you'll like it...

well - i just looked all over for 20 minutes. I can't find it. but i'll keep trying!!!!

"Lived?" With a D?

I just went back to your message, I realize now he's no longer alive. Never mind what I asked I guess, I misunderstood. If for some reason you feel like asking, ask her if she remembers him getting fevers and if and when those began/stopped.

You're doing that thing again where people are gonna think you're a sweetheart.

it slips out every now and then LOL its one of the earliest personalities. She usually is pretty laid back but she knows she has seniority, so she plays that card every once in a while 😆

Can't help with that info; he already was extremely ill from other conditions, including past cancer (operations/recovery) in other parts of his body so, situation was quite different. I only wanted to mention that I knew someone who had a similar procedure that dreemsteem's friend had, which greatly extended their survival, beyond established prognosis at the time.

It was also offered as a comparison to outcome of two other family members who received only Chemo. and radiation treatments, that seemingly proved worthless.

@angryman get back here.

10 day long pancreatic attacks and exponentially high fever, when (if ever) did those begin?

Thank you.

Would you mind asking your friend that one for us @dreemsteem? 10 day attack and fever, when (if ever) did those begin?

Thank you.

Just asked!!!! It's 7 am 7 pm there.

Not sure if he will see it til tomorrow, but I asked him to list any symptoms during that time! I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from him!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

You gave me chills.

He JUST came online!!!!!!

Talking to him now!

That virtual pressure against your cheek was me. Please reiterate the whole thing... healthy, active, 37 yrs, very strict eating habits. Thai food one night, something we've always done.... Here we are.

Thank you more than THIS.


Can't help with that info; he already was extremely ill from other conditions, including past cancer (operations/recovery) in other parts of his body so, situation was quite different. I only wanted to mention that I knew someone who had a similar procedure that dreemsteem's friend had, which greatly extended their survival, beyond established prognosis at the time.

It was also offered as a comparison to outcome of two other family members who received only Chemo. and radiation treatments, that seemingly proved worthless.

Virtual hug. Thank you sir. Really appreciate it.

I've only read the first paragraph and thought you should know a big cup of middle fingers is headed your way for the c word. I'll be back.

I'm back. I know you can't tell the difference but I wasn't here. Before I finished reading your comment a bunch more cups of middle fingers were en route so thanks for the happy ending!

Are you on discord? I'd like to know what she knows about this fever and when/if he began overheating.

I just edited this paragraph because I realize now I misunderstood who's still living.

Ed was on my phone earlier, I truly appreciate each of your concern. Had I known this much help was available on the blockchain maybe I wouldn't be such a little female dog about it.

But I am. I behave inappropriately and childish and do things like crack jokes around potentially dying people so I can pretend everything's ok.

Dear @angryman, Thank you for caring.

It's crazy how badly the health care has declined. So many people being laid off - when there isn't enough care to go around. ugh. don't get me started.

I really hope she feels well soon. I have a friend who had pancreatitis and it was PAINFUL. so I know she must really be suffering terribly. Well from how you described it - to be off work for 10 days when she's that kind of worker... yeah. that's bad

I hope the antibiotics work fast!! (and then a round of probiotics hehehe) i'm sure she already has it picked out LOLOL

Has anyone told you lately it's nice when you stop by? I cracked an upside down helicopter joke on your daughter.... :crickets: 🤷🏼

When we left Long Beach in 2017 it was still acute. Every time we get checked out now it seems like it won't stop progressing. She's been stabbing her fingers the last few weeks so they can diagnose whether or not to start insulin.

Insuwhat? We never mentioned that word a month ago. Everything is accelerating so fast. Prayers.

Oh trust me she's not a fan of antibiotics. With the enzymes and probiotics and everything she has to take regularly it kinda starts everything at the beginning again.

Thank you.


hahahahaha she was working all day today and then went to a costume party -i want to show you her costume and my son's so badly!!! but she will probably want to post hahahahaa

but they looked FABULOUS!!!!

SO - ok - i wasn't sure how fast its progressing - but that's how it went for my friend too. They told her all kinds of things and her husband wasn't having it. He found a doctor in Moscow (they are Russian) and he told them - she will be fine - we just need to take the pancreas out - no need for chemo and radiation.

so they did that. and she is doing well today! (this is...8 years ago)

and get this - they couldn't have any more children after their daughter (who is now 20)

and about 1 year later - she gets pregnant. She was like huh?!?!?! husband was like huh?!?!?! LOLOL

she is now the FIRST woman in Russia to have a baby after getting through all her pancreatic stuff! hehehehe

she was on the news and everything :)

so - if you don't like your doctors now? GO FIND AMAZING DOCTORS to get you both through this. Seeing as how healthy she is - you probably have great docs!

I am already praying - as soon as I read the post I started. Please tell Pura!

That's why we need to get back to England. She's British. As of now it's looking like maybe we'll get outta here March'ish.

Are you sure it was her pancreas? We're reading now. It's such a super advanced procedure that requires the patient has cancerous glands to be considered. But even then only portions can be removed.

Find that out for us if you can. It's super advanced and would then require manual insulin all day and manual enzymes all day. Those pancreatic enzymes (Creon) are like $9/each here and she can consume up to three/meal. I can't imagine how daunting it would be to check blood levels that regularly. Your friend does that now too then yeah?

Take your time. I'd like to know what you know. 💖

100% it was her pancreas. Hers developed into pancreatic cancer - FAST.

like fast fast. scary fast.

She is now like a diabetic, and on insulin - no sugar - all that.

but living a totally normal life, no chemo/radiation. just removed the inflamed pancreas - and now she's fine.

Thank you.

That's as advanced as it gets. Patient has to be life and death cancer to be considered. How long ago did she do that? Are you aware of the survival rate?

I'm glad you responded.

Well - for her, it was.

She was feeling sick for a bit. stomach not well, burning i think - and constipation too i think (i'm just gonna tell it all here cuz i just want Pura to get the help she needs so what am I gonna mince words for -right?)

so she went to the doctor - and the doctor literally told her, get your house in order. you have 30 days.

That's when her husband told him he's stupid and he's supposed to be a doctor - get her the help she needs.

He looked all over - found a doctor in Moscow (15 hours from their village) and that's when he said - we can operate.

but it went from pancreatitis to pancreatic cancer so fast.

and I know that if you find it quickly - you have the best chance.

So - just.. rule OUT pancreatic cancer you know?

but the fact that she has gotten so ill so fast - and she is normally in such good health... I'd say just get her that clean bill of health to be sure right away.

After reading this post several days ago, my first thought was that sometimes life just is not fair. For Pura to be dealing with this condition for such a long period of time has to be the most difficult ordeal the two of you have ever been through.
There's no situation worse than feeling helpless when your partner is suffering.
You would like to think that the medical community would be able to resolve this issue, or at the very least, respond to what seems to be an emergency situation in a timely fashion and not have you guys waiting around for hours before even being seen.

Better days are hopefully in the forecast as the both of you do whatever is necessary to get through this situation.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

I know I can count on you guys for prayers. It's my most valuable asset too, thank you.

That was a pretty bad one. She's back at work now but complaining of stomach pains still. I think it's cuz she could hardly eat for awhile plus now the antibiotics. Yeah that was a rough one sir.

We've been back here a little over a year now and have learned so much. Medicine between here and England are worlds apart. I never guessed I'd be shopping flats in Liverpool but then again I used to think medicine in America was the same everywhere else

Life is a trip.

Thank you Sweed.

Taking any medication without some food in your stomach usually doesn't go well.
Pura is a trooper, returning to work and still not feeling like herself, her toughness puts us all to shame.
Looking for a flat in Liverpool.
Once Pura is up for traveling, good luck with it all!

Oh no @dandays, and I thought our public health system was the worst, but sounds like yours is not far behind us! Why are the police there though?
Pulling belly rings out right there sounds disgusting AND makes me wonder just how sick the person eating pizza was??? A real circus!
BUT, I am SO sorry that Pura had to go through all of that (and what you went through as well) but feeling hopeful after reading the comments about the pancreas removal, I hope and pray that Pura somehow finds help and healing!
Take care of yourself too @dandays🙏🏻

You're the best. Good morning.

Make no mistake, medical treating in the United States is the worst. We (me personally) have received treatment abroad in several countries, USA should be ashamed of theirselves but wait! I can prove it.

Turn on the TV, flip the radio station; 240 something countries around the world mimic American fashion, language, trends, music, movies, see where I'm going with this? Roadways, "democracy," education, like the Americans.

Not one time Lizelle in person or in a single book, theater, picnic, G7 meetup, nowhere did anyone say "America's medical treatment sets the bar."

Nobody goes to America for an eye exam, stitched finger, bad cough. Americans born and raised here travel to Mexico for dental work, Dubai for things like plastic surgery, anywhere but here is the bar America sets. Can't treat a debilitating disease here, that's for sure. "March," that's what we're thinking, we should be on the other side of the Atlantic no later than April.

Thank you Lizelle.

I'm shocked reading what you're saying here, but it kind of echoes what another Hive friend who lives in Minneapolis shared with me as they had a long wait for his wife to get specialist medical treatment! It is so wrong!!! And this is a country that supposedly is the perfect dream for many all over the world!!!

Oh, yes. Just to be in contact with a Pancreatic Specialist, we arranged two or three appointments and paid co-pays with her treating physician to receive medicine while properly diagnosing.

Her physician then schedules imaging / blood work/ etc etc which you pay another co-pay at each, that's called a "referral." Referral results are then sent to university and you pay another co-pay to receive them, nowadays that's done via Zoom. Results are then placed in the hands of a treating specialist, now schedule and pay to see them.

It's a process valued around $300 out of pocket expense if you have premium medical coverage otherwise I can hardly speculate the price tag of a referral process here... 3-5k?? The entire duration, between day 1 with a personal physician to "specialist" and you're only exchanging dialogue at this point, treatment is yet to come: 2-3 months.


By that time you'd need a new specialist for complications of the initial condition, or you may no longer be around to see the specialist!
Plain crazy!
This is called a health system?
Our specialists are busy people and it can take time to get an appointment but if it's serious, they would squeeze one in or admit the patient to hospital and all the tests would be done there, which makes for less co-payments.

The best treatment she's received since we began fighting this was in Panama. Costa Rica helped too. Italy was VERY helpful we just ran outta time. Then we got to England and they really made some progress. Welcome covid.

Before that we thought everyone had medical like USA, we had no idea. In the US you can't even ask a pharmacist to check your blood pressure without paying money first. <-- FACT.

We'll be able to take this information back with us now to England (March'ish) and we're confident they will help and not let her die.

They call it "health care" here but I've always called it Healthless care. And everyone who lives here thinks it's normal to walk in an emergency room with a sick wife surrounded by sick people and nobody asks what your symptoms are.

First thing you'll do is enter your credit information, social security number and bank card. Only then will they offer you use of an ink pen.

In answer to your previous question, armed police officers are probably on duty at the hospital because in the United States of America, you have to have money to be treated even if your young child is dying.

Followed you now :)

Let me know if I disappoint and I'll kick my own ass for you.



Non Fiction...

And a bummer.

Real life seems to be all bad lately. You document this reality well. Really...

I am on my way home from a wake...

The uncomfortable kind where you know most of the people and family, but have been out of the loop 20+ years. The kind where someone you love looses the one they love, but you did not really know that one that they loved very well. But you are there for the ones you do know and love...

I got nothin' man. No words of wisdom. No breakthrough advice you ain't heard 50+ times already on this feed.

Just deal with it the way you do. Strong and unbreakable. Real. Like this post... Really real.

No giphys. Just sending love and strength thru a simple reply. A real reply.

That's honorable to go to that wake. I hate those things—wakes and funeral. I'm tired of speaking at funerals too!! They know I can't say no and take advantage of me. I wait in the parking lot in a tailored suit until everyone goes inside. And then I stand by the exit door by myself as long as I can.

That was an honorable move.

I received two responses here that have since sent our thoughts down avenues we were mistakenly informed are deadly avenues. Maybe that's why I wrote this. Not sure I should've. I have no clue what I'm doing, thank you for always being cool to me.

Wild. Trip. Hey Pura, I hope you're feeling better.

They delivered a pizza to one of the coughing / sneezing sick couples who could barely fit in those chairs while two armed police officers on duty played chess.



Funny. Not one person called bullshit.

I didn't even know delivery joints were open that late. I'm always the last to find out.

Thanks man.

I hope soon to be able to read about how good you and Pura feel and what more healing than the love you give her through every little gesture, detail and care.
And just yesterday I commented on a situation that happened in one of the hospitals here in Venezuela, a patient who is hospitalized in came had a large part of the roof fall on him, thank God nothing happened to him, but please, it is unbelievable.
Well that's for another topic.
It's good that they are home, together and getting better... so much to read about.

It's always a pleasure when you stop by. One thing no Venezuelan ever said is "I wish I had Americas healthcare!" What a joke.


How are you? Everything good these days? I appreciate you keeping an eye on me. Pura has since returned to work. Her stomach is causing her a lot of pain though, we're hoping it's a cross between abstinence from eating and the antibiotics and everything will be fine shortly.

Thank you for caring.

Hopefully she will soon be well again and pain free.
So far so good, with a lot to write and little time and bad internet connection to do so but I am still persevering and enjoying very much to be able to transmit my thoughts in prayers.

Keep taking good care of yourselves and keep getting better.
See you soon

Hahaha, I wonder if that grandma knows what DILLIGAF means😂

All these must have been really tough for you @dandays, keep being strong, man, as the good days are here already 👍

She rocked a mullet and a belly button ring, oh for sure she knew what it meant.

Have I told you lately I'm glad we met? Thanks man.

Every once in awhile I allow this vulnerable persona to speak up and, in return, I receive comments like this and have yet to convey a proper thank you.


I'm glad I met you too, you're a sweet fellow.✌️

If I might make a suggustion For something that has helped me. Nice helping of Sauerkraut with each meal.. Restores the gut bacteria growth after taking antibiotics. You can find it in any supermarket in cans. It has live bacteria in it. The ones in plastic bags have preservatives and are useless. The ingredients on the can should read "prepared cabbage, water, salt". You can make it yourself using organic cabbage. A healthy gut using sauerkraut may give the liver and pancreas a needed break to heal.

Coolest thing I've read all day. Thanks for chiming in, much appreciated.

Funny you mention sauerkraut of all things, I enjoy it and she can hardly stand the thought of it. I'm that way with mayonnaise. Go figure—food she crosses her fingers has helping potential.

Thanks man, I'll research now and see if I can't stock more sauerkraut around here.

I would eat dirt if it would help me..

Diatomaceous Earth is what you want. 1/teaspoon per day in a glass od water, working slowly up to one tablespoon. Also bentonite clay and borax. Find details with links here (not for bentonite - but i can find info on request):



I trust you'll let me know if you find some good dirt.

Just send her my regards and I won't grass you up for sneaking in a few pics!
I'm sure she'll be perfectly fine and back to giving you 'that' face for almost throwing in some fat jokes into her absolutely deserved sympathy post.

Kilograms? That is absolutely off the scale bizarre, however, in the same way, US gallons are bigger than Imperial gallons, I'm sure your kilograms will be bigger too. The metric system is not officially recognised in only three places, the US, Liberia and Myanmar. No relevance. Draw your own conclusions.

Did I send my best regards to your infinitely better half yet? She will be fine. No doubt.

PS DON'T COOK. I see the correlation.

When did these nonstick pans get so sticky?

I hope you're right. I'm as optimistic as you are. She says the craziest things to me sometimes, worst things you can think of. I try to keep my game face on.

I've received some really nice comments on this one, per usual you don't disappoint, thanks for being cool.

Kilograms. Anyone tuned in unfamiliar with USA I'm not exaggerating, that's the first time I've ever seen kilograms in this country. USA measures everything (fish, cars, freight, humans, everything) in pounds and anything extraordinarily heavy is measured in Tennessee emergency rooms tons like Myanmar and Liberia.

Prayers for you and Pura man, seriously! I’ve seen people in that state a bunch of times and it’s very difficult. That pancreas is a little shit of an organ let me tell you! I wish it was like an appendix and we could cut it out and live mostly normal.

I can’t say much else that others haven’t said except that I’m thinking of both of you and praying that things come out alright. Nobody deserves to suffer through that crap, especially when we try so hard to take care of our bodies!

Much thanks. That was a long attack. Now her stomach's a mess from the antibiotics. I say some days are better than others quite often but we've had quite a few bad days lately.

Thanks for keeping up with me. She got in a couple days at work this week. She's way tougher than me.

Our women seem to be! My wife’s a trooper and she’s dealt with some shit in her life. It’s painful to see it and not be able to give her a massage or a good hug/cuddle or something and make it go away. Glad she’s feeling better, though those antibiotics can do a number that’s for sure.

No more Thai food for a while that’s for sure!

In Knoxville, no more Thai in Knoxville for sure. This whole state has been disappointing really. I've visited annually in the past for many years, really loved it when I did. Moral of the story it's a nice place to visit.

I totally get Pura
I am not big on panadol and antibiotics and the like

Those seats are wide - you should see our hospitals! We'd be shoulder to shoulder.

Nobody should have anything bad to say about hospitals and emergency rooms, it's just so wrong. Cracking jokes about an emergency room, really?!


Thanks for keeping up with me, I appreciate it, it's always a pleasure when you stop by. Now rub their ears for me please. 💖

And hugs to Pura - hope everything is sorted out soonest for her

i am quite confident that a personalised 30 day holistic healing protocol, including the MMS Health Recovery Plan would reverse your wife's dis-ease to a large extent. Happy to help design and guide with that if she (and you) would like me to. Reading required. I can supply reading matter. No charge from me. Very little costs for what is needed.

Sat Nam

I appreciate this concern, anything you think you know that she hasn't already studied extensively feel free to shoot my way. Judging from the read and the fact neither of us take even OTC medication, we're quite holistic people.

It's a birth defect, not something that has progressed naturally. She was diagnosed at age 16. She doesn't drink or anything, smoke etc, word is she was born with 'a bad gene'. The precursor shows no cancer but the next step is cancer regardless what precursors show so we get MRI imaging every three months and deal with attacks as they come. This last one was intense.

She went back to work last night but still weak and can hardly eat. That last attack tightened up everything in her stomach.

Thank you!

You are VERY welcome.

My understanding is that MRI scans, like mammography are a CAUSE of cancer (DuckDuckGo this to research yourself if you like, but beware that there will be many debunking posts to counter them out), whereas Thermography is non-invasive and does a far better job of detecting problems (and does not give cancer).

Re. Genes, my understanding is that genes are not the cause of disease, but make us more susceptible IF we create the conditions for dis-ease to thrive. It only appears to be hereditary as we mostly live in similar conditions (helping dis-ease to thrive) as our family.

Juice fasting and colon cleansing, (ideally with Chlorine Dioxide cleanse) alongside (most importantly as it is the root cause of ALL disease) an emotional integration procedure (i recommend The Presence Process) in my opinion would be very effective. i could send you pdf's of The Presence Process and MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (both slightly older versions than the current versions, but still valid) if you like. If so send me your email, or Telegram or something on BeeChat as i don't wish to publicly share them.

Sat Nam

I hope you understand how much I appreciate this concern and consideration. Blockchain support has been no less helpful and more often than not more helpful than in the flesh.

Absolutely, sir, if you have useful information, we are interested.

I don't know what bee chat is, do you have discord? I know it probably sounds weird but to this day I don't have a computer.. chat, bee chat, etc I'm so not tech savvy I don't know what bee is. dandays#6299 if you're on discord, I'll shoot you a good email from there. Bare with me if it takes a minute to respond.... it all goes back to that non tech savvy thing again.

Thank you

Sorry, i don't use Discord as it supports the #massmurdermachine via censorship.

Bee Chat is here
or you can send encrypted chat (cost 0.001 HIVE) here

i appreciate your appreciation :-)


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How did I miss all this?

Weekend. :(

Thinking of Pura. Hoping she is feeling a little better. ❤️ You people go big or go home, yes?

Yeah we can't help it. I'd so much rather this time we didn't.

We've been monitoring numbers between her meals before and after so they can guesstimate a decent insulin suggestion. Meanwhile we check mine occasionally, it's heartbreaking. I can eat/drink whatever I want; pure sugar, pure spice, dirt, coffee, doesn't matter, my cells are between 108-113. Same coffee, spice, etc and hers is between 60-300.

It's horrible. It's confusing. Her pancreas doesn't work. It's sad. It's words I don't know yet.

That is because you are the luckiest guy I know.

I am sad for Pura, she doesn't deserve this and doesn't seem to complain about it.❤️ Works anyway? Life just isn't fair.

So many friends I have in the UK hate their medicine and I have found that it is a love/hate relationship almost anywhere. Whereas my aunt was going to Duke for a lackluster liver for her entire life and got the best treatment I have ever seen, my brother got sadly left behind for treatment. I have no answers for that, but, it isn't fair. Especially if it affects you (or me, but, you know what I mean) If they have the means, for God's sake, give it to me!

The guy with the pizza and the ER scene is insane. Inner-city ER's or teaching hospitals are notoriously accepting of stuff like that. Here? They would boot you. Seriously, but, in NYC, OMG. It was almost hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

I feel for you and Pura in ways you can't even imagine. It's scary and it is your reality. My prayers to Pura and you. ❤️

Oh I know those places! I will do almost anything to avoid them. I hope Pura feels better very, very soon.

That place.

We know better than to go to the emergency room especially after hours. But once she had it in her head that her temperature wasn't going to get better it was time to put on shoes and drive.

Thank you @owasco. Why I haven't been making normal rounds

Hope your wife gets better soon. In my place, people even smoke where they get their tank filled.

Thank you.

I don't think you've stopped by before @dodovietnam, this is a nice surprise. Welcome! What's mine is yours.

Smoking like that strange to me. In this state I guess it's normal to smoke like that, I'm just not familiar with it and can't make sense of it.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Stop by any time.

Hi there @dandays. We have been down in Jersey the last few days loving our grand daughters while their parents jetted off to the Jersey shore for a wedding and a few days for themselves. It was so much fun, you know how I love those little kiddles.

So happy to hear Pura is doing better, although I know this condition can take time to really allow her to get back to herself. My sister-in-law had the same condition after surgery, just last July, she suffered, was in and out of the hospital 5 or 6 times. But she came through, thank God and was able to come to our daughter's wedding just a few weeks ago. I couldn't hug her enough, she is a champ, so strong. I sense your beautiful Pura has that same grit, she will get better, I know it.

Your support means more than you know, don't ever change. You two are soulmates and love can pull you through, help her to heal, you have the power.

I am sorry if I have been too personal, but both @thebigsweed and I genuinely care.
Our prayers are with you everyday.
Now please go hug Pura for us will ya!

You're never too personal.

I would still be undefeated if I went to your daughters and now your daughters friends weddings. I'm undefeated every wedding I've ever been to.

Well except maybe the second one where I was the groom. We had on jeans and sweatshirts that day. Would've been December, 2017, San Jose Ca you know how it gets in Ca in December Brrrr! It was like 77 that day!

A lot's changed since then.

Thank for being the same. 💖

So, @dandays, you two went allllll out for your wedding day, were you barefoot also? Did Pura have flowers in her hair? You probably did, pink ones, am I right?

Negative, we didn't even do flowers. And know what else? Only she had a ring so we used a orange rubber band for mine. @farm-mom, you're never gonna believe it but it gets funnier. Immediately following the courthouse ceremony, we went to a church in San Jose, cooked and served homeless community who stopped by. I'm not making this up.

I always wanted her to write about that one but she never did and now she's not here anymore.

I wish you guys well, that's all I can say. Feeling helpless is caused by love, you can't fight it. It's an uncomfortable feeling that needs to be acknowledged, but don't let it rule. You two have each other and your bond is what keeps both of you going. In all the challenges that lay ahead of you, it is something other people wish for.

I've since decided to censor my original reaction on account of sensitive levels climbing exponentially nowadays

Yeah well go censor yourself for being so nice. And sweet. And good timing. And had I known you'd drop that part about other people wish for I woulda said go censor your self a lot sooner.

Apologies.. The more curse words I drop the more appreciative I am, I swear. Sorry.

Can you tell I suck at this? It's obvious huh? Probably written all over my homepage.

Thank you. 💖

Sending all my love to your half; I am always terrible with reacting the proper way to these moments, so no joke for me, You're doing great and being a good husband, a good lad, I think you would hate France if you can't stand the cigarette smoking 😁 (damnit I did a joke)

When they weighed Pura the scale measured in kilograms. I've never seen anything weighed in kilograms in the United States, not even marijuana

Dude!!! Hahaha you couldn't help cracking a joke neither!

Much love, I enjoyed the reactions from the comment section, you know who you are!

I'm humbled by the comment section. When I get to loosely cracking jokes in inappropriate situations or fumbling F words every other word like @bulldog-joy got a mouthful of, it means I'm lost.

But don't tell anyone. I don't think. Unless they can help I guess. Or maybe not. Probably should. See what I mean?

More than THIS. Thank you. Leaves are changing colors so fast. I wanna go out there and snap pictures of them. Anything other than this.

Sounds like a really tough woman, your Pura. That's why you make a perfect match I guess.
Hope the antibiotics will do the job.
Take care you both.

P.s. guess you'll have to live in the US to know what DILLIGAF means. Because I don't, sorry.

Don't apologize.

Thanks man. My ailments we can see, I point to my knee or something and they address it. We can't see hers, she grimaces regularly and points to different spots in her stomach, back, side. We can't point to it.

Antibiotics are double edged too, I'm sure you imagine. She's hyper aware to immediately get probiotics cycled.. WTF am I even saying Smasssh?! I don't want to understand these things.


Sorry to hear that Pura isn't feeling good. I hope she feels better soon. Pizza delivery in an emergency room is wild. I've never seen anything like that before (obviously) lol. Sounds like quite the experience there.

Thanks for the kind wishes. Happy Sunday!

I would've had a hard time believing it if I didn't see it myself. The word "emergency" you'd think we at least were treated by medical staff but were not.

Hey while I got you, congrats on the attention your content receives, particularly travel docs. This is frikkin incredible, I practically smelled the air.

Yeah it's crazy that no one saw you guys and you had to talk to a doctor on the phone - if I understoodthat correctly?Madness.

Thanks. I appreciate it :)

You understood correctly. And the doctor we spoke to was off the clock in her private residence.

You're French correct? Medical treatment doesn't concern you does it, it's just humane in your culture.

It is good that the doctor responded to your text though.

I'm actually Canadian. We are in France on an expat for my wife's work.

Ok I understand. Interesting. Is she French or you're both Canadian?

Both Canadian. It was a career and life experience opportunity so we took it. It was supposed to be 2 years but will be 3.5 in the end (at this point).


Cheers my man. Sunday funday.

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

100k is a lot in anything.

Yes, that's a lot of upvotes @dandays. 👍

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Hey @dandays, sorry to jump in off-topic.
Do you mind reviewing and supporting the Hive Authentication Services proposal? That would be much appreciated.
Your feedback about the project is welcome too.
Thank you.

Hell no I don't mind.


Thank you for your support @dandays, really appreciate it! 👍

I hope soon to be able to read about how good you and Pura feel and what more healing than the love you give her through every little gesture, detail and care.
And just yesterday I commented on a situation that happened in one of the hospitals here in Venezuela, a patient who is hospitalized in came had a large part of the roof fall on him, thank God nothing happened to him, but please, it is unbelievable.
Well that's for another topic.
It's good that they are home, together and getting better... so much to read about.

Got it, @dandays - no need to explain. Sorry I missed it the first time around xxx

Can I kiss you on the face, I mean is that cool? Big huge smooch young lady. 😘 Thank you.

This is the first message I read this am and whoever says they don't like starting the day all big smiles can't be trusted!

I"m up for smooches and hugs, anytime! Right back at you!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

I wish life had a throat sometimes, I think it would be easier if I could see it when it's choking me.

Thank you.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Dang man, a knock-out cast of producers like that I gotta know "who the hell wrote it?!"

Thank you.

Wassup dude? Thanks for checking this one out. I don't mean to get real like this, I've never done this before. I swear I'd rather talk shit on the internet connection in Venezuela or anything else.

The virtual support I already received on this one makes me feel like a little female dog. I don't know what the fuck is going on.

If anyone would understand, it's you. Have you always had a serious side? You're starting to make me think it's ok.

Your italicized use of Holy crap followed by an exclamation was astounding enough this conversation should be the background as credits roll.

But so far it seems that no one has noticed it yet.

If you believe that this should be quality cuisine.