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RE: Time: Lost and found

I buy two pairs of runners at a time because I like to rotate after each use. For me, I seem to get longer use out of them. It allows the foam to decompress between wearing them.

I am having a hectic weekend, I have had relatives from the hurricane region at my house, so we have a few extra people here. Although most of them wouldn't have even been affected by anything more than lots of rain and wind, a couple had real damage, so I am glad they came. Some are leaving and going back home, a couple is figuring out what needs to be done.

As for me, it is about time to get back to normal. It has been a crazy house for weeks now. :)

Have a great BBQ!! Sounds fun!

Daylight Savings Time? I see no use for it other than to screw up people's lives and babies' sleep schedules. Long gone is its usefulness.


Two pairs is good for multiple reasons: Your reason and my don't have to go back to the city too soon reason.

I didn't know there was bad weather over there, I don't watch the news. Hopefully all is well when they get back and there's no damage at all. I've been through a cyclone and it's not enjoyable.

I hope you had a great weekend though, and your week starts off well.

I don't watch the news here. It was a category 4/5 hurricane and cause plenty of death and destruction, even coming all the way up North where I am. Anyway, it is over and many went home today and some tomorrow. I have had over a week of a houseful.

This week I will be reclaiming the house! :)

Thanks, Galen.

A Cat 4-5 will get your attention for sure. We get them across the tropical north of Australia but down here we don't. We have strong wind from time to time though and that's enough. I'm not a fan of the wind to be honest.

I went through a Cat 3 in Cairns, Queensland and it was pretty full on with the storm surge, flooding and all. Not enjoyable.

I have been through probably 8 hurricanes, all 3 and above and none were pretty. Tornadoes in the southwest, four earthquakes two in California, one in Germany and one here. Cyclones scare the you know whatbout of me.

Well then, let's see if you can survive the G-dog coming over for Devonshire tea then; your survival instincts are honed, so I think it'll work out ok! 🙂