Week 223 - Alcohol...do you drink it in moderation and to be sociable, simply to get drunk as quickly as possible, or not at all?

Hello friends of the community ❤️ I wish a happy weekend to all who read and visit me on this occasion.

It's already Friday! The weekend is here but it is also the sign that a new work and school week begins, at least in my country, but that is no reason not to take advantage of it by doing some useful activity or just go out to enjoy, dance or drink something, and that's just what I will talk about this time ... alcohol and the way we consume it, according to the question we will realize if we are the type of person who controls alcohol or let it control him. Very interesting round this week and then I will share my opinion about it.

Alcohol...do you drink it in moderation and to be sociable, simply to get drunk as quickly as possible, or not at all?

The truth is that alcohol does not represent much importance in my life, and of the three options I choose the first one because I feel it is the one I identify with the most. I am one of those who think that alcohol does not control me but on the contrary, because if we let ourselves go, it can have so much control over us to the point of making us lose consciousness and even fall into depression.

I do not know if it is true that by drinking we become more sociable, what is true is that in some countries it is a kind of custom or tradition to drink alcohol at a celebration because without it the celebration would be boring. So if I am one of those who consume it in moderation, until I feel it starts to take effect, then I stop because I am aware of what comes next if I do not control it... and because the effects the next day are very unpleasant.

Normally in my family we drink alcohol in important celebrations like a birthday or New Year's Eve, in those dates we can't miss the beers, rum, wine, and the cream punch at Christmas with the traditional food or during a good karaoke or with a dance floor in front of the house.

I hope you liked this little story in my participation in the round number #223, if you want you can share your story too. See you in a next time, happy new year and happy weekend!!!💕.

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  • Camera: Redmi note 10s

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You are right, it is better to drink in moderation, enjoy and share than to get drunk and lose your mind.

Moderation is very subjective. Each person has his or her ‘moderation’ or none at all.
It is good to always be aware of the choices we make when it comes to alcohol. Thanks for sharing!
