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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

Hi G-dog how are you? ... that's my question...

Lol...Good is my answer to this. :)

Great real question: Would I go forward or back in time?

I'd have to say backward as I love history, passionately. I have a desire to know about stuff that happened, the reasons. It fascinates me.

I'd want to go back in time to see momentous things happen, the ice age, the end of the dinosaurs,, the big bang, the great and might people who shaped our world as we know it today and the events that shaped it but also see everyday people, learned how they lived, who they were and where they went.

I'm fascinated by old buildings, ruins, and I'd like to know who build them, who lived there, what happened to them...Not just the pyramids and great castles, but the little cottage in the woods...There's a story behind everything and I want to know it.

So...Back in time, not forward.

Great question and one I could write thousands of words about.