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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

2020 has done some ass kicking huh? Yours, mine and so many others...It'll pass though and your meanderings will be able to begin. I like S.A. Fewer people and some really legit places to hunt, off-road and camp and decent weather for most of the year. It is hot in Summer, but besides a couple months it's really pretty decent.

I'm sure you'll get your travelling done and find somewhere cool to settle down. I'd be happy to drag my caper trailer over, sit around the fire and tell lies with you!


Yes I am sure this craziness will pass soon🤔 I am not adverse to settling back down in Tasmania either. Sure hope we can do that sometime in the future, relax around a beautiful fire and chat the night away👍

It'll happen and happy days shall return. For now, stay connected, ask those around if they are ok and look after yourself...That's all we can do.

Yes indeed 👍

My dream would be to life along the Queensland far north coast. Mackay to port douglas would be ideal. I do like the heat and the tropics. I was a dream of mine for a long time. Still is!