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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

At the moment my weekend starts around Friday morning; Sure, I may still have to work, but my mind has already begun weekend-mode. I try not to let anything negative ruin that feeling and that way Friday goes quickly and I can crack into the actual weekend in a better mood. It ends on Sunday night about midnight when I go to sleep...A sad time, but I start to focus on the next weekend, and of course, living my best version of life throughout the week.

How about you? I know different countries have different weekends...I think Thursday and Friday in Iran for instance.



Hi @galenkp,

Sorry, I didn't answer you sooner ... I usually disconnect on Friday, just at dusk until Saturday evening, in this rest period, it is my weekend, and then dedicate myself to my business for the next six days, Jewish style, without being Jewish.

As you know, I am from Venezuela, a country with a Catholic tradition, where the weekend begins on Friday night and ends on Sunday, although in the not too distant past when my country was very prosperous, some said that Thursday was like a small Friday, and then they began to celebrate in restaurants and parties, thus making a long weekend, a time now forgotten by the disastrous crisis.

As you say, I know that in countries with Islamic faith like Iran, they have Friday and Saturday as their weekend; Although I was baptized in the Catholic tradition, in recent years I have abandoned that faith for many reasons, in fact, I am not affiliated with any religion, I respect them but keep my distance from them; Nor am I an atheist, I believe with intelligence in God fervently, in which, the one who ordered Abraham to leave his homeland.

What does faith have to do with the weekend? A lot ... I think you will also know as a lover of history, that in ancient times, the socioeconomic system was based on slavery, and weekends were unthinkable, well, the Abrahamic religions are responsible for contributing and instituting one day for the rest in the weekly routine, the purpose, to fulfill a commandment based on the example to the creator of the universe, who did it in six days and in the seventh, rest of the creative work. How many psychiatrists and psychologists would lose their jobs if the majority fully complied with the mandate to rest, well, surely they would manage to give therapies to optimize the rest, ha!

I just like weekends and live them as best I can. I'm not of any religious persuasion preferring to hold to my own beliefs and follow them to the best of my ability. I work towards being the best version of myself as often as I can be and live the best life I can, based on my beliefs and ethos. I'm a simple person.

My friend, you have hit the mark as a good marksman, it is very wise to work in the best version that one can become. And that is what I have been able to appreciate from your writings and initiatives with this one that you promote on weekends. And yes, it is good to cling to beliefs, especially when they make you a better person, although time has shown me that you have to recycle some values ​​and discard others. I think you have to walk the right path and have fun while looking for the goal.

With regard to the religious reference, it was only a framework to establish based on the little research on the origin of the weekends. Many people do not like to talk about religion or politics these days, they avoid it because of what is politically correct, why? Religions throughout history have divided humanity. I think it would be an excellent topic to write a post, from an objective perspective without dogmatic passion or proselytizing, of course, in a proper community here at #hive. For the rest, I also love the weekend, and I also want to be a better person. I think the world needs it.

have to recycle some values ​​and discard others

This is a good line...I like this concept and also the next bit you said about walking the right path and having fun while looking for the goal. Very well said and I'll be using those lines in the future. Thank you.

The weekend is about to end, but we have five days to continue enjoying life until the next meeting.

Yes...I'm deep into Monday myself, (lunchtime)...Come on Friday afternoon! :)

It's still Sunday here, in an hour it will be Monday, I'll go to sleep soon. I hope to be participating again on Friday in the dynamics that you promote, fun learning to self-knowledge on the weekends. Less philosophy and more fun ...

Have a great day, my friend.