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RE: Weekend-engagement week 18: Your music groove

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

He was a great guitarist and VH were a great rock band...Dead at 65 from cancer...The thing is he was a heavy smoker. Did it contribute? I don't know, but had to play a hand you'd think. A shame though, that he's gone, but it'll happen to all of us unfortunately.

Truth: I never got into the Rolling Stones. (I know, it's bad, but just never really liked them much.)


See my entry :) I'm sad that you were so culturally deprived.

I saw it...By the time I was old enough to really get into music like that it was the early 80's so I guess I missed the hype on the Rolling Stones. It's an age thing sometimes I think. I don't dislike them, just never really got into them much.

Don't hold it against me. 😉

In the 60s it was either or. Beatles or Rolling Stones. It seems the Beatles had a few misguided people following them.

When I say that the Stones set the table it was really in the 60s and 70s, They had settled into a mediocre album and tour once a year by then.

They just completely tore music up for about 15 years. Something new and exciting every 6 months or so.

I don't hold it against you, long as you are capable of learning :)

My best ex told her sister (referring to me) "He's not real bright but he is trainable."

Haha, yeah trainable sums me up. 😉

I just missed the hype is all however it must have been a revolutionary time to be old enough to appreciate their music. These days it's all computers and digitally created music that tops the charts, it's the soulless, bubble gum music preferred by the masses...As if they know what music's all about.

I'm a huge fan of classical music, country, metal, rock and heavy rock. I don't care what it is really, as long as it speaks to me.

I think I would have been a good 20 year old in the 60's. Hmm, maybe that's another topic...What era would you wish to be born in.

 4 years ago  

Your best Ex, now isn't that a great label lol

Well, I have to be able to identify them in my mind. There is my first ex, my best ex and my last ex. Sigh.

 4 years ago  

Yeah same here. I appreciate The Rolling Stones and I enjoy some of their songs but I was never really into them the way others in my group of friends were. I was more of a zeppelin guy myself, if we are referring to music from that era.

Now Led Zeppelin is a band I really didn't get into, them and Pink Floyd...I don't think I could name even one song from either. It's funny really, as they were such iconic bands in their day.

 4 years ago  

Yeah I can't stand Pink Floyd, not entirely sure why. I didn't like their vibe or sound.

I didn't *love *Zeppelin, or any of the other 'classic rock' bands. I would tolerate them and listen to a few songs I liked but my younger years had a lot of rap (not much of the radio garbage), alternative rock and some various other things mixed in. Some of my friends only listened to the classics but I couldn't really get into that too much, for whatever reason.

I always found Floyd a little depressing for some reason, not that it is overly depressive in nature, but it certainly wasn't uplifting music to me.