Humans are funny creatures Zac. Makes me laugh sometimes, and want to throw up my hands in exasperation at others.
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Humans are funny creatures Zac. Makes me laugh sometimes, and want to throw up my hands in exasperation at others.
So glad that you and I are not human lol. Some dare to call me eccentric, and I have a suspicion that you wear the same suit lol.
I've been called many things in my life, many uplifting and respect things I can be proud to be called, and many that are much less flattering. All I can be to others is what they perceive me to be...Some get it right, and some are blinded by their own ignorance. Yep, been called eccentric also.
Humans can be terrible creatures I guess, the way the act, the sense of entitlement and the callous way they treat the planet. I'm glad I'm from another planet, just an alien on a mission to gather intel on humans. 😁
Well, join the club, as a child I was called many derogatory names because I had a single parent. She was a stunner and all of the married women feared that their husbands would run after her. We were also banned from playing with their children, or entering their homes. But luckily we lived in a cosmopolitan area and I had a league of nations as friends.
In the late 60s things changed because people knew that I didn't care and in fact that I despised them and their pastors, plus I was a boxing champ, so they started to treat me differently with much better names, but the damage was done and I continue to this day on my own with respect to all.
I perceive you to be a fellow alien and that's why we are friends!
Ps. Only my wife calls me eccentric and like you, I couldn't be bothered what others call me, just as long as I am kind to everyone. lol.
That's one cool green body suit that you have on here and I wonder if they have xtra large in that color.
They have all colours and sizes on my planet, everyone wears those suits...It's the height of fashion.
Ah cool, then I must have a suit laying around somewhere here in the cupboards. Only for use on our planet and not on this one hahaha!
Eccentric is a way lot more polite term than I usually hear about me :)
Hah, yep I've had way worse, but it's all good, build character.