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RE: You just do this...It's easy

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

It's quite crazy to think that we all generally carry around a device that destroys any real opportunity for anonymity. It always makes me laugh how people on Hive maintain their "privacy" and yet, in the real world, splurge their entire lives on things like Facebook and through use of their mobile phones. Weirdos.


Here we go with another one of our parallel universe ironies today my brother from another...

I chuckle headed it up on Ya about your phone issues by bragging, and now have a shit-bricked & crashed phone!

I shit You NOT..!


I Just ordered another one. 2019 One + 7T Pro, Same overall phone, The Model I originally wanted tho, A Mclaren Racing edition of it. It will be delivered Friday. Older Phone, but new still in the box. I am nearly $500usd lighter right now. We Got it on EBAY.


The universe giveth, and the universe taketh away. Still, I think that McLaren phone will be cool!