I've just spent an unpleasant Sunday afternoon setting up my new phone. This, on the back of an unpleasant couple of weeks dealing with my old phone and it's dysfunctional battery. I'll be honest and say I'm all phoned out and almost, maybe, definitely, probably reached the end of my patience.
A couple years ago I had my work phone (iphone) and personal phone (Samsung S9) stolen almost from right under my nose - I'm still ashamed of allowing that to happen. They were replaced though, and I moved on.
It was stressful considering that pretty much everything is in my phone (personal and work) and losing them wasn't at all pleasant; I wasn't keen to repeat the episode anytime soon. I ended up with the Samsung S20 as my personal phone and the latest iPhone for work. The S20 was a great phone although the battery was a bit on the fucken shit side - That's the professional terminology used in the industry.
This battery nutbaggery became markedly worse in the last few weeks and I decided to get a genuine battery replacement at the cost of $189AUD. Problem solved. Only...not really.
The phone would deplete to about 30% charge in only six to seven hours with very light use (and settings designed to preserve battery life) then from 30% to dead flat took about ten minutes from there. Apparently the motherboard is leaking power? I have no clue. What I do know however, is that I need a phone to run all day and so I had no choice but to address it. I hate the reliance I have upon a phone these days but in this modern world it's pretty much an essential item; for me at least.
I went to buy a new one today. I went to the Telstra Shop (that's Australia's number one carrier) and had planned to put it on a payment plan over the next 24 months along with my service plan and after going through the motions with the chap it came time to select the phone.
Now, I hate the iPhone with so much passion and was only ever going to select an Android phone deciding, based on interwebs research over the last couple days that the S22 and the S22 Ultra were my options. I ended up selecting the S22 Ultra for various reasons and then...
...there's a four week wait
The guy tells me that both the S22 and S22 Ultra will not be in-stock for four or five weeks; he managed to say it with a straight face although I think he knew I was about ready to pummel him into oblivion.
I wonder why he didn't tell me that from the outset when I initially told him I'm considering those two phones but I managed not to kill him not to get visibly annoyed and asked if another outlet may have it. Nope, none of the Telstra Shops have them. To his credit, he made a few suggestions of where I might go and I thanked him before leaving then headed to the electronics store he suggested. He will live to sell another day it seems.
The problem with going elsewhere, however, was that I'd have to buy the phone outright rather than put it on my phone bill and make monthly payments. I don't much like credit so I wasn't too upset although had I bought it from the Telstra Shop it would have been a little more comfortable I guess. As it was, I selected the phone and forked out $1849AUD for it along with another $125AUD for a screen protector and case.

The funny thing is when the girl, who looked like a cross between a cute Smurf and a pixie, was finishing up the sale she said, "oh, would you like a charger as well?"
I'm like, "what the fuck, Smurf-pixie?!"
I was about to fork out $1849 for the very latest (and apparently best) phone on the market and it doesn't come with a charger?
"It has a cable in the box," she said. "Have you got the charger from your old S20?" She said the last with this cute little Smurf-pixie smile which levelled out my incredulity.
I do, and said so, and that was that. New latest tech, old fucken charger.
Seriously, I wondered for a moment if I was being punked; like, for one of those TV shows that record people's reactions to absurd situations. Apparently not though. Samsung, in their great wisdom, feel it's totally legit to sell a phone with a charging cable and no charger. Go figure.
I asked about swapping over my data, apps and settings and she said, "you just do this, it's easy."
She was referring to Samsung Smart Switch that easily sends the data and settings, apps, contacts, messages and photos to a new phone. She showed me and I thought it looked easy enough. Oh how naïve can a G-dog be?
I paid over the money and headed home to do the easy Smart Switch.

I'll admit that the process was easy. Make sure both phones are connected to the same Wi-Fi network and press some buttons: Send data and receive data. It took about nine minutes and then another thirty to forty minutes to organise my stuff, whatever that means. Great.
From there I put the screen protector on which always drives me bonkers. It's those little bubbles you see, they don't sit well with my slightly OCD nature. In short, me no likey. I just took another look at the screen and there's a few bubbles in it so...I'll probably rip that damned thing off and buy a new one. I know it's wasteful but those bubbles...No bueno for the G-dogo.
But here's the thing, as I was checking my apps I realised that very little had actually been transferred over and I ended up having to go through each individually. This, on top of three or four screen protector bubbles, tipped me over the edge of being miffed, to wanting to declare world war three on my new phone.
I don't know how many times I entered my username or email address and corresponding password but I'm going to say about twenty nine gazillion times, give or take a few. My passwords aren't easy ones either. Point in case, here's the password to my Bittrex account: 80085RaWzum
So, there I am for hours on end getting things set up mumbling and grumbling to myself mimicking that sales girls' words in condescending tones: You just do this...It's easy.
Speaking of Bittrex...I got caught in a space-time continuum with that app. I couldn't log in without the authenticator app and could re-set up the authenticator app on my new phone without logging in. Thanks Bittrex you asshole. I had similar experiences with other apps as well. So much for Smart Switch.
I'm phoned out at the moment but when I have some time will play around with the phone, get it set the way I like it, turn off all the rubbish that Samsung continually add to their phones like Bixby, otherwise known as Shitsby. I'm looking forward to playing around with the camera though as it's supposed to be the best on the market today. I'm not sure if it really is but I've heard it's very legit and I know it'll be good enough for me.
Have y'all had similar experiences when switching phones? Tell me about them below if you like, I'm keen to hear your stories of woe, they may cheer me up.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
The image is mine
Good luck with this one, I don't think I've ever had good luck with Samsung and batteries (and we've had a few Samsung devices because they're supposed to be good and J both prefers Android and is a cheapskate).
The lack of charger thing seems to be a thing, 15yo was saying something about how the newer iPhones don't come with bricks either. I guess it saves on waste at least.
After a couple of near fatal accidents (rookie mistakes when I was learning things but I know how to backup) I now smoothly run a Nextcloud server which has contacts and calendars (and a pile of other things but for purposes of phones I guess those are among the most important) so switching phones is actually easy (set up accounts on phone, sync).
Well...easy with an iPhone anyway. The two Android phones I had didn't natively support CalDAV and CardDAV which Nextcloud uses for calendar and contact sync so I had to buy apps for that and they turned my contacts into a hellish spaghetti mess that I was unable to fix but was able to somewhat workaround (I don't remember the workaround or what I had to work around, just that it was painful and made me angry).
I was very glad to switch back, and wasted a couple of hours actually fixing my contacts but at least it's doing what it's supposed to be doing now.
Aaargh those freaking screen protectors! I've been getting fyn-proof cases (aka Lifeproof) because my poor phones need them. Didn't have the air bubble issue (which I have had in previous phones where I've used those types of screen protectors) but somehow despite 15yo and I obsessively cleaning the phone screen and inside part of the screen protector (we were working together on this) SOMEHOW after I got the phone into the case THERE WAS A FREAKING SPECK OF DUST.
Fortunately it wasn't in my way and I was too mad to care XD
Hope your new phone Just Works how you want now that all the nonsense is out of the way :D
nice to know I'm not the only person that hates setting up new devices, I have some friends that get all excited about this "fresh start" XD
Ah yes CalDAV...Good old CalDAV. Where would we be without CalDAV. (I say this as if I actually know what it is despite having no clue.
I'm not a big supporter of phone cases and screen protectors. I mean, phones look so slick and cool these days until they're covered up to protect them. Still, I have one, a pretty legit one, and applied the screen protector as well which, I'm pleased to report, is now bubble free.
Bahahhahahahahahahahaaa XD They're just protocols that let you do contacts and calendars from cloud servers :)
They do indeed but it's no fun when they get scratched or break and I'm a klutz so they're kind of necessary for me x_x
Yay for no freaking bubbles!
Hey G-Dog.
While reading this, I could feel my energy levels going down in sympathy with your irritation - that catch 22 you got into would really do my head in.
Keen to see the photo quality, although I still believe that it's half the phone camera and the rest the photographer, I know your photos are top notch so they won't disappoint.
My last phone transfer I didn't really bother to transfer anything. My banking app is still on my old phone which is a really poor idea because if that phone dies, well then I have a problem... but the fucking bank requires a DNA sample, half an appendix and a statement from the local sheriff's office to move your banking app over to a new phone number - needless to say, I haven't done that yet, I'm still rather attached to my appendix.
I think that once you've got it all set up, the frustration you endured will seem somewhat worth it.
It was a little frustrating, but probably not quite as bad as I made out in my post - That's the beauty of this being my blog, I can write whatever I like, add a little poetic license, and have a bit of fun. But yeah, it was mildly annoying.
I'll be doing a factory reset on my S20 and throwing it in the cupboard for a spare. I don't think I'd be keen to keep banking apps on it. It sounds like your bank has some next-level security though, it's not even that bad here.
First of all, typing over fucking bubbles waiting for new screen protector so I can go again.
Second, OPPO FIND X2 is awesome competition for flagship Samsung. I bought a used A Grade one from Phone Bot who are in Melbourne and their service impeccable. I'm talking AS NEW.
Bought and delivered in two days, 600 bucks, fab phone, great camera, 500 GB storage and great battery life.
But you don't need to hear that ..
Maybe I'll get an Oppo next time. What I know for sure is that I'll never get an iPhone again.
Why did you give out your password?!?! I have no doubt there are some out there who could get in, even if you can't :( ...
I remember when I got my first external hard drive. I still had Windows 98 and it wanted XP. There's a reason why a driver is called a driver 🤣
You must think I am the king of fools if you truly think that's my password, or anything even remotely close to it...or that I'd actually give it out at any point.
It actually spells: Boobs are awesome.
🤣 I figured it was something different, but I had to ask!
The Samsung S22 ultra is a great smartphone. You chose right. But the iphone is also very interesting in my opinion. I think 2022 should have the newest iphone. 😅
I've had several Samsung phones and have always found them to be good. I hope this one is the same. I've had iPhones and will never do so again.
I think IOS is a good operating system. I don't find any problems there. In contrast to Android, I used Android a few years ago, but I did not find comfort there.
Changing Android phones is a pain in the ass. You realize when you have experienced migration from an iPhone before, as they have managed to create a decent smooth process. Also, the new policy brands are embracing of keeping the price but taking away most of the accessories such as the charger, headphones, screen protector and so on is not too smart, can you imagine getting a new car with no replacement wheel? would they also tell you to use your old car?
Then battery life. I remember a few years ago when you could easily open the phone and replace the battery, you can still do but you first need a screwdriver and sometimes they make it not easy using special screws. iPhones also have this policy.
I know more than a smartphone, what we carry is a mini-computer but still, I hope sooner or later manufacturers come up treating better their customers. Maybe what we need is a decentralized DAO launching an integrated hardware/software smartphone offering you continuous savings for usage, for additional accessories, for phone replacement, and for Smurf-pixie sales attendant doing the migration for us :)
It doesn't make sense a phone cannot be opened easily and have the battery changed by the user. Still, it makes phone companies more money to have consumers simply throw them away when they're not performing. That's the way of the world I guess.
I don't really get into the iPhone V Samsung debate. I hate the iPhone, had many of them, and will never have another, even if they gave them away for 50 cents with a donut and free coffee. Still, many people like them.
I guess I don't really get into phones much, it's just a tool. I don't watch movies or videos, play games and all. I just need communications and a few apps like banking and Hive. That's about it. The S22 Ultra is way more than I'll need but it seemed like the best option today and so I went that way. Time will tell if I have erred.
hahaha. And for a double chocolate donut and free coffee for a year?
Hmm, now it's getting very tempting! 🤣
That's just how it is nowadays for some of the best phones and brands hahaha. Chances are you'd end up getting a charger with a cheap $200 phone instead of a $1000 flagship.
Samsung really makes some good phones, but the user experience surely is annoying, to me at least. But you surely did do good by going with the 22 Ultra. The cameras on this thing are next level. Looks quite alright too, a clean finish, keeping it simple. Not sure about user experience and longevity though, Samsung barely keeps up in these categories.
I myself prefer a cleaner experience, which used to be provided by HTC and the Pixel phones. Sadly, HTC is no more and the Pixel is the only option I have. The Pixels are a bit overpriced in my country though. That is why I was thinking about getting a Mini Series Iphone. The last Iphone I had was the 4s, been waayyy to long since I've last used Apple products. Gonna be a pain the ass for sure haha.
I plan on getting a new one ASAP. My current phone, the HTC 10 has been running for 5 years now. It surely has served me well and deserves a break haha. 🥃
OPPO Find X2 is a great alternative too!
Yeah, saw that one a while ago.
I figure I'll get a couple years out of this phone. So, over those 730 days the phone cost is $2.53/day plus the network service plan I'm on at $2.13/day...Seems a lot to send a few text messages huh?
I was pretty keen on the Oppo phones but I just don't know enough about them, nor do I know anyone ho has one so had no real read on the situation. Maybe next time. Good luck with your iPhone...I just can't bring myself to do it. Been there, done that, will not do so again.
I have one!!! And my son and daughter in law.
Oppo phones are quite alright I would say, they're doing good, they surely have some phones that stand out. But the user experience isn't for everyone I'd say. The phones run on ColorOS and I myself am surely not a fan.
I'd suggest the Pixel 6 pro against the S22 Ultra, but the 6 pro is a bit buggy. Even though it surely would've costed wayy less.
I know I'll need it, most people say that Apple devices are easy to use, to me it's the opposite hahaha.
That's a sweet phone, I'm looking forward to the photos you'd take.
I'd really be pissed if my phone didn't come with a charger.
It surely is.
And...if no charger will annoy you don't buy an S22 Ultra, you won't get one. Yes, annoying indeed, but that's a sign of the times I guess.
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I am having an out of body electronic orgasm as I type this braggadoshus comment.

Hey You asked...
The One Plus 7 Pro I am
Orgasamingtyping on right now is absolutely the BOMB.!!Love this De-GhoulGooled Phone with the e/OS.
Sure I have to keep an old S4 for a few Android spyware apps that will not work on this one. And a Tablet for a few others.
My phone has ZERO TRACKERS. An F-droid app spoofs the "Android Ghouls" into thinking all is normal and that I am just another clueless cell phone zombie lemming with a spy device in his pocket.
My Proton VPN makes the goobs trackin' and pimpin' my data think I am in another country.
And 3MA that some really kewl dood hooked us up with keeps the gov. goons from trolling our texts.
Long Live the e/OS.!
It's quite crazy to think that we all generally carry around a device that destroys any real opportunity for anonymity. It always makes me laugh how people on Hive maintain their "privacy" and yet, in the real world, splurge their entire lives on things like Facebook and through use of their mobile phones. Weirdos.
Here we go with another one of our parallel universe ironies today my brother from another...
I chuckle headed it up on Ya about your phone issues by bragging, and now have a shit-bricked & crashed phone!
I shit You NOT..!
I Just ordered another one. 2019 One + 7T Pro, Same overall phone, The Model I originally wanted tho, A Mclaren Racing edition of it. It will be delivered Friday. Older Phone, but new still in the box. I am nearly $500usd lighter right now. We Got it on EBAY.
The universe giveth, and the universe taketh away. Still, I think that McLaren phone will be cool!
This is what I terribly hate about changing phones - the transfer of data. I'm not someone who changes phones every year. I'd only change when my phone has zero change of repair (or if the repair would cost me a new phone). I could totally relate to the frustration of transferring data and ending up only 30% of the apps, settings are successfully transferred. 😤
I understand...They call them smart pones but the term most often doesn't fit so well huh?
Wait you gave out your password? I don't want to believe so
Lol...No, of course not.
If you look carefully and use your imagination, that password actually spells out some words; a phrase. I did it as a joke only. I'm not an idiot and would never give out a password to anyone.
My instinct was right though. I know you are smart. Well done
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My response to that question would depend strongly on which side of the bed I woke up on... but I can only imagine me saying:
"Oh, so I guess I'll need my old charger after I securely attach that new one to your neck, right?"
Remember these original Nokia mobile phones with immortal batteries? (when mobile phones were simple and straightforward?)

I've owned about 5 of those in the past...I had one stolen off my desk in the early 2000s...I was proper annoyed for a long time when I discovered who the thief was...the barefaced thief kept smiling and chatting with me daily, but I never got it back.
I had battery problems with all my Samsung phones...I hate gadgets, and it pains me deeply to fork out cash to buy them.
I wish that you will enjoy your new purchase and marvel everyday that it is the best phone that you've ever had. AMEN!
Btw Galen, I really like that painting in the background. It looks like a dutch barge?
The old-school phone batteries used to go for days! Alas, when the smart phone came along batteries began to struggle. I hope this one goes ok. I'd hate to have to get another anytime soon.
That painting is of a couple tug boats here in South Australia. It's acrylic on canvas and measures about 1.5m square. My dad painted it. Looks better in real life, but here's a snap I just took. I'm fortunate to have it hanging on one of my walls.
Your dad painted that?
Wow! that's awesome.
Thanks for sharing a better image of it. I could only glimpse it from the first photo, but this is spectacular 😍
I bet it's a treasured piece of yours.
He was an artist. I've shared some of his works before. Yeah, I have a few and treasure them.
So, were you the main inheritor of your dad's talent?
Haha, nope. Not in art anyway. I play music and do other things. No artistic skills at all. 😳
Oh, you play music! 😁... As in an instrument? Or, are you into more technical (hands-on) things like operating a CD player, or shuffling music on Spotify?
This is a painting? HOLYYY. Looks more like a picture that was later edited to look like a painting. The details though, amazing work.
It surely is a painting. My dad had some skill.
Without a doubt. 🥃♥️
Switching phones sux😩
Indeed it does. I got there in the end though. 🙂
Baahahahahahahahah! I shouldn't laugh but, damn, you speak for all of us who have ever had the need to get a new phone. Personally, I look at all the things and apps on my phone as well and realise I only use about 4 or 5 of them regularly; why do I have four of five screens of apps? If the authenticator apps and Lyft worked on a dumbphone, I'd be all into that.
And yes, 100% to the plastic film screen-thing. I hate'em too.
Yeah, I figured people would relate to it...Such an annoying afternoon. (I was talking to myself like a mad man...mumbling and grumbling.)
I'm with you on the apps thing. I actually had a big cull and got rid of many. Just the bare essentials now. Bloody phones mate, I hate my reliance on the thing but it's there, I'll not lie. Fortunately I only have Hive as my social media so don't have to worry about Facebook and all. I don't understand how people have the time for that. Anyway, I'm happy with the phone, despite a few teething issues and screen protector bubble annoyance. 😭
Congratulations on your new phone that you acquired.
This doesn't sound fun !
Charger not included ??? Really ! I believe I would have been fully tempted right there to take a deep breath and say... hey... I've changed my mind, let's just cancel this sale ! I know, I know, then you get to start all over again, but some things are just principle. (and madness ! ha ha)
I have never bought an expensive phone like that. After taxes and etc, I think I paid right over $200.00 (US) for my LG phone and that was double what I ever paid before.....and I thought THAT was a rip off....LOL... but the craziest thing is that you can't change the battery. The phone lasts as long as the battery does and then it is throw away. I've had it a couple of years and it is still going strong. I also don't play games or watch TV shows or movies on it, so I guess that helps. I am totally curious about how long it really will last.
I can't believe what the different industries make "a la carte" these days. A good number of years back, clothes dryers began to be sold without the electrical cord ! ....totally ridiculous ! I mean, a clothes dryer is nothing but an anchor without being hooked to electricity. 🙄
A friend of mine did that nonsense about ordering a phone that was suppose to be back to him in a month. I think it eventually took several months as it kept being delayed (without notice) .... and then, UH OH ! ...."we don't show your order" What?? So he had to reorder and then they would not honor the "sales and specials" that were included the first time ! Talk about madness ! You put out a special deal on a phone that you don't have ready to sell?
Industries get away with anything these days. So wrong !
Glad you got yours together though.
I know Jace, it's a lot of money for something I'll stick in the pocket of my jeans and walk around with. Crazy really. We are so reliant upon them huh? I made a concerted effort a year ago to leave mine home but vivid messed it up as I was required to check in and all...So I abandoned my leave it home initiative.
Anyway, I got it set up and it's working fine so far. I'm looking forward to testing out the camera.
What about the no charger thing though? Come on Samsung!
As you say, they get away with it because we keep buying their stuff. Also, I had a laugh about the logged dryer thing and...Your friend with phone order? That's exactly why I didn't go down that path. Been there, done that...will not do so again.
Thanks for your comment.
Yah, had the same issue with Bittrex and one other app when I did my last phone switch. Even though I had meticulously recorded the hash and followed instructions to migrate to my new phone, it would not let me install a new authenticator on the new phone and utilize. It literally took me a month and a half and at least 6 support calls/emails, identify validation checks, etc. to get them to remove the MFA from my account, let me log in and then reset it. Very frustrating when they could simply do a text or other MFA method as backup to the authenticator app. I moved everything out of that account as soon as I had access restored so I would never have to go through that again.
I'm holding on to my last Pixel phone until they hopefully come out with a reliable folding model later this year or next. I'm fascinated by the ability to use as phone and unfold to tablet size for reading, videos, etc. Last set of attempts seemed lame by most vendors, but this round they should have the bugs out.
It was so annoying. I wanted to break something...but wouldn't find something I wouldn't miss, so struggled through. 🤣
I looked at the Samsung folding models yesterday, seem pretty good but I wasn't sure about it, didn't feel totally confident so went with the S22 Ultra. I think it'll work for a while. (It even makes phone calls) 🤪
Looking forward to the photos you take with the new phone. I’m team Apple but Samsungs seem to have better cameras.
I've been told the camera quality is awesome and all the research I did points to that fact. Let's see huh? I mean, for a non-photographer like me I'll probably not get the best of it but it's sure to be better than my S20 and that's fine by me.
I think with the iPhone/Android thing it just comes down to personal preference. I had many iPhones and it was a big leap to Android but I prefer it now and won't go back.
P.s. I really hate the phone-reliance thing but what choice to we have these days?
I actually think a non-photographer gets more out of a good phone camera because us semi-professionals just always know the real camera (that we left at home because we is lazy) would be capable of capturing the scene so_much_better.
Yes, preference, most higher end phones are really great, no matter the brand. I used to be really into reading tech news about phones but can’t be bothered anymore because there hasn’t been anything new in years. The next one has to project holographs or some shit for me to get interested.
Life would be very different without a smartphone, not necessary worse or better. I think I’ve gotten into a good place with the phone, I can easily just ignore calls and messages when I don’t want to be social, and just keep the audiobook rolling 24/7.
I ignore mine most too. Most of the time it's on silent and even when I see someone calling rarely do I answer it. People complain about it, but my phone is for my convenience, not theirs. Could I do without it? Yes, I'm not a slave to it. Would it make like difficult? Yep.
I'll test the camera out one of these days. 😁
My phone decided that it would be fun to invite me to a barbecue. The fully charged replacement battery lasted long enough to pull about 10 phone numbers, before it got too hot to hold. Fortunately, I had downloaded my pictures about a month before this happened.
So now I'm operating on my old phone, to supply power from my bench supply to allow me to grab another 10 phone numbers...unless the heat is from the abused battery, then the power supply can just take the hit. Then I can recover all my lost phone numbers.
Of course, I had to hand type my hive and steem passwords, because the ones provided won't work!
I agree with you on the apple trash, had one hated it. I want a Unix phone, as soon as they are stable; just not yet!
At least I didn't have to cut off any body parts....
You'd think, after all the millions of mobile phones made they could get the battery right huh?
Good luck with yours, may it not spontaneously combust.
Amen to that! My new phone reset my display intensity to 1% today...I had to find a dark room to reset the intensity so I could see it again. Smart phone is an ironic name! But at least I got the new one running again.
The new case was turning it off, by the case being too tight over the power button...never saw that one coming, LOL!
I cut that area of the case out, and now it works fine. Never a dull moment.
Yes, ironic and moronic.
I've been in this position. Not good.
True but they couldn't sell many 'moronic' phones, LOL!
No matter how accurate the description is....
Really hoping for a Unix phone soon!
Yeah, I'd say *moronic phones aren't ever going to be a great seller. I can see the advertisement now:
Are you a moron? Well, here's a phone designed with you in mind! It has a moronic operating system, a camera that takes "moronic" to knew and greater heights and what's more the battery only lasts nine months. How much more moronic do you need? But wait, there's more. It divulges all your personal information to anyone who wants it, won't accept transfers of data from your old phone and will be obsolete in about one month.
Hmm...Sounds like every phone ever.
If truth was allowed in advertising...you'd have another vocation, real professional! ROFLOL!!!!
Computer crashed today, so it's sadly not just phones! It's a hardware failure, not the Linex OS,; so I guess I should be happy, SMH....
It made me laugh because it is something that happens very common, in my personal experience when I buy a new phone or a family member does it, the most important thing is always to transfer the WhatsApp conversations to the new phone, for that WhatsApp gives us the option to save the last one backup you can do it at the moment or you configure it so that each week or month the conversations are saved, the irritable and sometimes funny thing about the black humor is that either you save the conversation 1 week before or 2 days before buying the phone never passes the conversations to the day, it shows you your conversations from like 1 month or 4 weeks ago, whatever the phone is, it is a battle that you fight countless times and nothing.
It's annoying since there is no way to retrieve the current conversation.
Yes, WhatsApp. I actually lost all my WhatsApp conversations when I switched which annoyed me. Also, my Threema ones as well. I have a Threema messaging group that I can't get back into as I was the one who set it up (no one can invite me in except me) but so can't do that because I lost the data in the phone switch. So, they'll have to continue without me. 🤪
Let me know how that one is when you finally get settled with it. That was the one I am looking at as mine is starting to get utter battery shit. I hate setting them up, it's a pain in the chuff. When I got my phone a couple of years ago it has trouble accepting SMS messages. So setting up everything that required a text passcode became a nightmare!
And that is why you are a Titan!
I'll let you know. All good so far. I didn't charge last night and it's on 64% after 36 hours so that's ok right?
It's a big phone, bigger than my S20, which takes getting used to but so far I like it a lot.
Titans be Titans huh? 🙂
Funkin hell, that is good going. My S20 right now last about five to six hours on a charge kinda like the way you were describing yours did before!
Yeah,seems like your S20 went the way mind did. I'm happy with the S22 Ultra so far and whilst I know I'll have to charge nightly usually it's good to know I can get it through two days with light usage. (I still use some battery saving settings. Habit). 🙂
I can't wait to be able to last a day without having to supplement charge. Sounds good dude, if they don't try and fleece me too much for it I think I will be going for that one!
Get on it...we'll be phone buddies again.
Hehe, I will start the checking to see if I am eligible for an upgrade nonsense today. Bloody better be
It is always stressful when one changes phone. You have to transfer your data and familiarise yourself with the new good. Good luck, take a deep breath and hope for the best.
Fingers crossed for a good result.