Good luck with this one, I don't think I've ever had good luck with Samsung and batteries (and we've had a few Samsung devices because they're supposed to be good and J both prefers Android and is a cheapskate).
The lack of charger thing seems to be a thing, 15yo was saying something about how the newer iPhones don't come with bricks either. I guess it saves on waste at least.
After a couple of near fatal accidents (rookie mistakes when I was learning things but I know how to backup) I now smoothly run a Nextcloud server which has contacts and calendars (and a pile of other things but for purposes of phones I guess those are among the most important) so switching phones is actually easy (set up accounts on phone, sync).
Well...easy with an iPhone anyway. The two Android phones I had didn't natively support CalDAV and CardDAV which Nextcloud uses for calendar and contact sync so I had to buy apps for that and they turned my contacts into a hellish spaghetti mess that I was unable to fix but was able to somewhat workaround (I don't remember the workaround or what I had to work around, just that it was painful and made me angry).
I was very glad to switch back, and wasted a couple of hours actually fixing my contacts but at least it's doing what it's supposed to be doing now.
Aaargh those freaking screen protectors! I've been getting fyn-proof cases (aka Lifeproof) because my poor phones need them. Didn't have the air bubble issue (which I have had in previous phones where I've used those types of screen protectors) but somehow despite 15yo and I obsessively cleaning the phone screen and inside part of the screen protector (we were working together on this) SOMEHOW after I got the phone into the case THERE WAS A FREAKING SPECK OF DUST.
Fortunately it wasn't in my way and I was too mad to care XD
Hope your new phone Just Works how you want now that all the nonsense is out of the way :D
nice to know I'm not the only person that hates setting up new devices, I have some friends that get all excited about this "fresh start" XD

Ah yes CalDAV...Good old CalDAV. Where would we be without CalDAV. (I say this as if I actually know what it is despite having no clue.
I'm not a big supporter of phone cases and screen protectors. I mean, phones look so slick and cool these days until they're covered up to protect them. Still, I have one, a pretty legit one, and applied the screen protector as well which, I'm pleased to report, is now bubble free.
Bahahhahahahahahahahaaa XD They're just protocols that let you do contacts and calendars from cloud servers :)
They do indeed but it's no fun when they get scratched or break and I'm a klutz so they're kind of necessary for me x_x
Yay for no freaking bubbles!