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RE: You just do this...It's easy

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Ah yes CalDAV...Good old CalDAV. Where would we be without CalDAV. (I say this as if I actually know what it is despite having no clue.

I'm not a big supporter of phone cases and screen protectors. I mean, phones look so slick and cool these days until they're covered up to protect them. Still, I have one, a pretty legit one, and applied the screen protector as well which, I'm pleased to report, is now bubble free.


Bahahhahahahahahahahaaa XD They're just protocols that let you do contacts and calendars from cloud servers :)

They do indeed but it's no fun when they get scratched or break and I'm a klutz so they're kind of necessary for me x_x

Yay for no freaking bubbles!
