This doesn't sound fun !
Charger not included ??? Really ! I believe I would have been fully tempted right there to take a deep breath and say... hey... I've changed my mind, let's just cancel this sale ! I know, I know, then you get to start all over again, but some things are just principle. (and madness ! ha ha)
I have never bought an expensive phone like that. After taxes and etc, I think I paid right over $200.00 (US) for my LG phone and that was double what I ever paid before.....and I thought THAT was a rip off....LOL... but the craziest thing is that you can't change the battery. The phone lasts as long as the battery does and then it is throw away. I've had it a couple of years and it is still going strong. I also don't play games or watch TV shows or movies on it, so I guess that helps. I am totally curious about how long it really will last.
I can't believe what the different industries make "a la carte" these days. A good number of years back, clothes dryers began to be sold without the electrical cord ! ....totally ridiculous ! I mean, a clothes dryer is nothing but an anchor without being hooked to electricity. 🙄
A friend of mine did that nonsense about ordering a phone that was suppose to be back to him in a month. I think it eventually took several months as it kept being delayed (without notice) .... and then, UH OH ! ...."we don't show your order" What?? So he had to reorder and then they would not honor the "sales and specials" that were included the first time ! Talk about madness ! You put out a special deal on a phone that you don't have ready to sell?
Industries get away with anything these days. So wrong !
Glad you got yours together though.
I know Jace, it's a lot of money for something I'll stick in the pocket of my jeans and walk around with. Crazy really. We are so reliant upon them huh? I made a concerted effort a year ago to leave mine home but vivid messed it up as I was required to check in and all...So I abandoned my leave it home initiative.
Anyway, I got it set up and it's working fine so far. I'm looking forward to testing out the camera.
What about the no charger thing though? Come on Samsung!
As you say, they get away with it because we keep buying their stuff. Also, I had a laugh about the logged dryer thing and...Your friend with phone order? That's exactly why I didn't go down that path. Been there, done that...will not do so again.
Thanks for your comment.