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RE: Job done

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago

Thanks man, I work at it and get some results for that reason I guess; although something just aren't meant to be...or I change priorities which is what happened with a few things in 2024.

MD soon huh? They'll be saluting you on the ward right? Ok, maybe not saluting, but certainly bowing to your magnificence. (I joke of course). Well done on getting through so far, in what's definitely difficult circumstances there. Maybe you'll make a change and get your ass to Australia and be a doctor here someday?

You've also got it right with the plan thing...a goal without a plan attached is just a dream (that won't likely happen).


Mate, you must be very close to the New Year already. Anyway, I wish you the best for 2025.

Thank you for everything I’ve learned from you this year and for all the content you shared. I’ll be reading you in 2025

P.S: I already have a plan to get my ass to Australia!

Yep, was already into it...but asleep. I didn BBQ for a couple people and had a reasonable night to round out 2024 and it's onwards from here...although I'm fucken tired as it was a late night and an early morning. I'll have a nap later though, too much to do today to sleep in.

Happy new year, hopefully a really good one for you, and good luck with your Australia plans. ✅