Job done

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago


Each year at about this time I mentally close off to the year that this case 2024. It's a conscious thought that comes after a few weeks of reviewing and measuring what I've achieved against the goals I set for the year. Part of that is looking into the next year to see what may be possible, what I want or need to achieve, and setting goals with plans attached for the upcoming year and I'm now complete and I'm feeling good about what has been and what is to come.

That said, there were goals I've not achieved for 2024, some of them remain completely undone and some are partially met; I set my goals high so I'm not altogether dissatisfied, although there's always a little disappointment in not having attained my yearly goals.

link to it here and while I usually don't join in on my own concept figured I'd give it a crack.I'm reluctant to open up too much about it all but can divulge a couple; I set this topic in the #weekend-engagement topics for this weekend,

One of my major goals this year was to make a change of profession which I achieved. It wasn't easy of course, but it needed to happen and was worth the effort I had to go to. I've been rather content since then and even though I desperately needed some time off (which I'm enjoying right now) I'm looking forward to getting back to it for 2025 so that I can push on with my master plan. So...job done.

A second goal for the year was that I wanted to get my master plan down on paper, Excel spreadsheets to be more accurate. I used the year to gather information and do research around exiting the workforce and while extremely complex I've managed to put together the vision, some goals and plans that will take place over the coming years and have plotted the journey out. My plan (goal) is to exit the workforce many years ahead of the government stipulated "retirement age" and to gain back time, my life, well before I fucken die. I'm really chuffed to say that the goals (quite a few within this overall goal) were ticked off so...job done.

I've had a few failures in 2024, not huge ones, just minor goals that time and circumstances didn't permit me to get to or complete. Some will carry over to 2025 and some will fall by the wayside as unimportant. I think it's really critical to know what really needs doing and, if something doesn't hold value, to have the flexibility to pivot away to something more relevant or important; wasting time with the unimportant things is a waste of life.

So that's about it...a few failures or changes of direction and some major things ticked off as job done; overall it was a productive, if somewhat lifechanging, year and I get the impression, based on my goals for the coming year, that 2025 will be similar.

How about you?

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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I bloody love excel. There is nothing quite like tracking your shit on it. I have all our expenses and the like mapped out and like faffing about with additional tabs on my main financial spreadsheet to aim for different options on when/how retire etc. The good lady thinks I am nuts but one days she will see the light!

Excel is a wickedly annoying but oh so fucken good tool indeed. It's so great for plugging in carious numbers and stuff to work around contingencies and all. I am doing that tomorrow morning (today morning actually because it's just after 1am 1 Jan 2025...That's right man, I'm in a whole different fucken year to's glorious, 2025, but that might be the several beers, two G&T's and one (or two) scotches talking. Never drink and Hive they say...fuck that, I fucken nailed it!

Eye deedn't eevan git whon typo in theese hole koment.

Happy new year my bro, and yeah man, you are fucken nuts but I reckon Mrs. Boom loves you exectly like you are...full on fucken bonkers!

Nevah drink an 'ive, I never post shit attention to that! Lol.

Happy new year mucker!! May only good things come your/you guys way!!

 2 months ago (edited) 

I might have ended 2024 with too many drinks...but it seemed the right thing to do. Did a fucken awesome BBQ though, one of my best get.. and I do alot!

Yay for 2025, may we dominate it like fucken Titans!

Bloody hell, I love the idea of a BBQ at new year!!!

Get in my fellow Titan!!

The time gained by early retirement will be one the very best gifts you can give to yourself. That business of working until you are broken down is a tragedy which was never meant to be. I don't mean just to be sitting around in the rocking chair, but by pursuing your passions. At some point in the past we stopped working for our very existence and started working for money and I believe we got the short end of the stick lol

Most are trapped within a form of slavery and much is self imposed. I'm not into it. The drive for things, the way money seems to have become the marker for success, and the way people completely misunderstand retirement says it all.

People are trained to work, trained not to, and discouraged from, exiting from the workforce and say things like, "I'll get bored and die prematurely if I retire," which seems to me more like a phrase spoken by someone who has forgotten how to live, and is already mostly dead.

Sitting around in a rocking chair..."that's* people's idea of retirement? Sad and fucken pathetic indeed, and not at all what my impression of myself is after I exit the workforce. So many people delude themselves about the fact they will die one day and don't live well because of it, they exchange their entire existence for a few bucks so they can scroll Tik Tok, buy stuff online and sit on their lazy fucken asses ordering home delivered food to their couch...woo hoo,now that's living!* Well, fuck that, it's not my style.

(Also, speaking of rocking chairs, I had sex on one once...surprisingly difficult to do and wasn't enjoyable. Well, it was enjoyable, but the complex nature of physics made it a bit awkward.)

Oooo ouch..a glider sounds more comfortable, or perhaps you should have tried King Edward VII chair instead lol

The electric chair would have made for a better platform but at the time I didn't have one to hand and wasn't really thinking with my head at all. I'm lucky the three of us weren't killed in the process.

Ok, just two of us, but three made for a better story.


Congrats, mate, on your achievements!!

It looks like it was a solid year; Happy for you 😃. 2025 will definitely be an even better year.

In my case, the work was also done; 2024 was more of a transition year, 25 is my last year at University , soon an MD 😁, but the important goals were met, and now it's time to spend some quality time with family.

New year, new goals, but above all, a solid plan for each goal

Thanks man, I work at it and get some results for that reason I guess; although something just aren't meant to be...or I change priorities which is what happened with a few things in 2024.

MD soon huh? They'll be saluting you on the ward right? Ok, maybe not saluting, but certainly bowing to your magnificence. (I joke of course). Well done on getting through so far, in what's definitely difficult circumstances there. Maybe you'll make a change and get your ass to Australia and be a doctor here someday?

You've also got it right with the plan thing...a goal without a plan attached is just a dream (that won't likely happen).

Mate, you must be very close to the New Year already. Anyway, I wish you the best for 2025.

Thank you for everything I’ve learned from you this year and for all the content you shared. I’ll be reading you in 2025

P.S: I already have a plan to get my ass to Australia!

Yep, was already into it...but asleep. I didn BBQ for a couple people and had a reasonable night to round out 2024 and it's onwards from here...although I'm fucken tired as it was a late night and an early morning. I'll have a nap later though, too much to do today to sleep in.

Happy new year, hopefully a really good one for you, and good luck with your Australia plans. ✅

Awesome on the second goal! Congrats! :)

Yeah, 2025 worked out pretty well overall, it was not an easy one but looking back I'm content.


I congratulate you on these great achievements, they are very important and of great magnitude. What was not achieved and was minor, well, nothing... let's move on.

In my case, this year I laid the foundations I wanted, solid in terms of work and from now on I'm planning new ideas that are partly compatible with what I'm doing right now, it has to do with art and writing.

But the biggest achievement I made this year was the organization of many pending things, in terms of papers, paperwork, powers of attorney, banks... all that kind of stuff, I've been doing it for months and a lot of money... too much, but I've achieved it and that gives me a lot of peace of mind to deal with other things from now on.

Good foundations are required to build upon so well done on that success. Hopefully you're able to carry the momentum forward and at the end of 2025 you can say that you've begun to build upon those foundations.

I know 2025 will be great. What I had to do I did and now I'm moving forward with strength!

Hopefully the world generally has a good year...could easily be shit though.

In fact there will be a lot of shit.... everywhere.


Hi Galen, the first thing is to congratulate you for the goals accomplished.

In my case 2024 has been a very good year. I set as goals for 2024 to improve my working conditions and to get back in touch with the university, and I have achieved both of them. As for Hive, I have met the goal I set for myself in terms of the regularity of my publications and I have also met other goals, such as time spent reading other publications and making comments.

In 2025, my goal is not to spoil the progress made in 2024.

Well done on achieving your goals for the year and I hope you're able to consolidate on your work this year in 2025.

I hope so, the hard part is already done, as you say, 2025 is a year of consolidation of the work done.

I also wish you all the best for next year.


I am going to have to check out the weekend experiences post again this week it seems!

I spent 2024 trying to further a business I created from scratch in a tough economic environment. So, that comes with its constant share of challenges, failures and successes. Easy to focus on goals not met as there is where the progress can be made for the next year.

At a higher level, I prevented the universe from killing me another year and came out better than when it started in the things I can see. When hopping from job to job and surfing the instability of working for someone else, it is easier to measure year vs year. As an entrepreneur, the ups and downs are incessant but it is like crypto, constantly heading in the right direction.

So, good year and fixin to get even better this year for both of us!

Hmm, seems you just write the framework for a post that answers the topic quite nicely, maybe you'll expand and actually post in the community. If not, well, it seems like a good year for you and probably challenging too, but that's not a bad mix. I don't mind a little challenge now and then with the overall goal being solid progression.

Nice work, and all the best for the continuation of your forward progress. May 2025 be challenging, rewarding and one in which you don't die...or at least don't die to any great degree that inhibits your overall enjoyment of life.

Congratulations for your achievements, and I think I know why you achieve them, worth the redundancy, is that you don't deviate, you don't lose your way, you stay focused all the time and that Constancy is what people lose along the way.

The plans are reorganized and prioritized, not that it is something easy but it is achieved, as long as you do not move away from what you want.

This year 2024 has been important, because I managed to include myself in a necessary life project, it has been a race against time but it feels good from where I am now.
My state job doesn't feel so good, because I will be like a tugboat during this 2025, I hope I can do it because it will be a great challenge, and I am fascinated by challenges.
I have high hopes for this 2025, because work multiplied for me and I will be busy, I have Hive included, I am less afraid of life because I am not afraid of failure, I will always have new plans on my hands and a lot of paperwork too.

I wish you a happy end of the year and lots and lots of good things for you and your family during 2025, especially that you can fulfill your biggest dream.


Hopefully you can make it work at your job, and if you see Hive as more of a hobby than a job you'll do better at it and enjoy it more. So many people make it their job which shows in their posts and is a turn off, for me at least.

Also, if you turn those "high hopes" for 2025 into goals with plans I reckon you'll have a better chance of making 2025 a year of achievement and enjoyment.

Good luck, which translates into, go and make your own luck.

I consider Hive as another life project, and yes, it's also fun, and I love it.
In fact, at certain times it sucks me in because it's an infinite place, and when I start interacting with people "I don't exist here in my space".
Writing for Hive, sorry, for me and publishing it on Hive is highly addictive, and no one calculates the effort and exercise it represents for our brains, a very positive exercise because even the way you talk and act with the people around you outside this virtual world changes.

As for my work, we will see if it is worth it...but I will continue to be me with everything I have inside, if not, it will still continue with its people and its course but far away from me ( it is a new plan within the plans of 2025...🙂 )

That is what it is about creating our own destiny.

Hug buddy.

I’m still figuring out how to set meaningful goals and plan for the future, so reading about how you achieved such major milestones like changing professions and planning for early retirement is really motivating.

It can take some practice to learn and understand effective goal setting but once that's occurred it's very powerful and will help you progress much more effectively and quickly. Good luck with it.

It's actually very nice to see you accomplished alot of your goals this year and here is to even achieving and accomplishing more of them in the next year. Also,you definitely took part in making me achieve some of goals for this year and I really do appreciate you for that. Enjoy the rest of the week and do have fun sir 🙏.

Goals are there to be achieved and it's a good feeling to look back on that; now it's time to lean into new ones and the new year. All the best for it, and keep working on those goals.

That's good that you were able to tick off a lot of the boxes you wanted for the year. I don't think I had any specific goals for 2024, but looking back now, I can see a lot of things I accomplished that I am really proud of.

Looking back on the year and being happy with the achievements is good enough I'd say.

Congratulations on achieving a career change and mapping out your long-term master plan that are huge wins. It's inspiring how you approach each year with such intention and reflection. It's great to see how you're prioritizing what truly matters, ain't that what everyone should do? Best of luck with your 2025 goals.

How about you?

I decided to change my professional career not long back in 2024 and I'm planning to do something far better with that starting from 2025.

Well done on your change of career path and hopefully you consolidate that in 2025 and make it work well for yourself.

Thanks a lot for that wish.



It always nice to set a goal that will beat the former achievement

Oh yeah, I agree with you.


I'm glad to see that you put plans in place to ensure an early retirement. There has got to be more to life than working all day. Well done and hopefully your vision comes to fruition in due time so you can enjoy life.

I wish you an even better year ahead!

Happy new year to you also, hopefully you can tick a few boxes in 2025.


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Tomorrow is not promissed man!! ⚡


Hey, can you not call up those stupid fucken shitokens on my posts? I mean that alive, dook and luv shit; it's childish and so fucken stupid. Please consider this my first and final request on the matter.

Sure sir, i find that shit token not funny enought or out of context always but its cool to have it.
Good call, atleast u honest won't drop any in future.

Hey yo, i make this for the;

Hope check it out if is not too late.

It's not is like garbage thrown into the street.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/10) @danzocal tipped @galenkp

Kicking back and enjoying the free time you get from early retirement is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. The idea of working ourselves to exhaustion is a tragedy that should never have been. It's not just about lounging in a rocking chair—it's about chasing your passions. At some point, we stopped working to live and started living to work, and I think we got the short end of the stick, haha!

 2 months ago (edited) 

You are farming votes with your posts about picking up garbage over and over again. It is your right to do so, as it is my right to disagree with it. People are free to do what they like around here and you're choosing to do what you wish to do, I'm not asking you to stop...just remember that everyone is free to act as they wish.; that's what the blockchain is all about.