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RE: Job done

The time gained by early retirement will be one the very best gifts you can give to yourself. That business of working until you are broken down is a tragedy which was never meant to be. I don't mean just to be sitting around in the rocking chair, but by pursuing your passions. At some point in the past we stopped working for our very existence and started working for money and I believe we got the short end of the stick lol


Most are trapped within a form of slavery and much is self imposed. I'm not into it. The drive for things, the way money seems to have become the marker for success, and the way people completely misunderstand retirement says it all.

People are trained to work, trained not to, and discouraged from, exiting from the workforce and say things like, "I'll get bored and die prematurely if I retire," which seems to me more like a phrase spoken by someone who has forgotten how to live, and is already mostly dead.

Sitting around in a rocking chair..."that's* people's idea of retirement? Sad and fucken pathetic indeed, and not at all what my impression of myself is after I exit the workforce. So many people delude themselves about the fact they will die one day and don't live well because of it, they exchange their entire existence for a few bucks so they can scroll Tik Tok, buy stuff online and sit on their lazy fucken asses ordering home delivered food to their couch...woo hoo,now that's living!* Well, fuck that, it's not my style.

(Also, speaking of rocking chairs, I had sex on one once...surprisingly difficult to do and wasn't enjoyable. Well, it was enjoyable, but the complex nature of physics made it a bit awkward.)

Oooo ouch..a glider sounds more comfortable, or perhaps you should have tried King Edward VII chair instead lol

The electric chair would have made for a better platform but at the time I didn't have one to hand and wasn't really thinking with my head at all. I'm lucky the three of us weren't killed in the process.

Ok, just two of us, but three made for a better story.
