Bloody rule-bender huh?! 😉
This is a great answer. Touches on some nice aspects and hints at your legitness as a thinker and someone with respect and honour. (The dad bit).
That boat sounds good too. If you read the fine print in my Think like a Viking post from you'll see I could find good use for such a boat. (The fine print at the top of the post) 😂
Bent or broken mate? I'd say broken, but that's ok.
It should be bend because when broken it of no importance
Bent or broken, the result is the same.
unless its a bendy straw.
then they bend and still work quite nicely.
A bendy straw? Reminds me of my prom date
was she plastic?
Ah yes, I forgot about that. 12 years of university and a PhD and look at how dumb I am!
I think anyone who has known me, knows how I feel about most rules.
I push... not a fan of settling... I like to push the edge
I've been over the edge a time or two; sometimes it went well, sometimes not. Edges are there to be looked over and sometimes fall off.
yeah... dip a toe over the line, sometimes the whole body follows!!!