The people, those who engage in meaningful ways make it fun and that's a good reason to hang around, a much better reason than the 'financial reward' which is chump change really, when compared to the real world, my job. So, fun is the reward and I'm not surprised to hear you agree.
As for what I'm doing, I completed my last day of work for the year today, although I'll still keep an eye on things I guess. I go back reasonably soon in the new year so it's not a long break but I'll make the most of it.
I'm relaxing right now, thinking about dinner and what series ai might start in TV tonight.
I hope you're well and have a good end of the year and Christmas also. May 2024 be a good one. P
Wonderful. Enjoy your short break. May it be small-but-mighty-nourishing 🥰