
it is loaded with so much fun! and i'll never get tired of doing it. thank you for including my article in the curangel list :)

I've not done it to be honest but would like to give it a try. And you're welcome for the curation, it was a good post. Thanks for being involved with my community. 😊

try it sometime... you'll never regret it...there's a river rafting and tubing in Perth.. just sad I wasn't able to try it when I was there. Loved your community actually... all articles are mood lifter :)

I'm not too far from Perth, (Adelaide)...Ok, it's thousands of kilometres. There's a few places in Australia where one can do it actually and I'll be at one of those locations (Cairns, QLD) in April so...Maybe then.

i'm getting excited for you LOL. have a good day Galen! and will wait for your post about it in April haha