Yeah, I change it a lot otherwise I get bored if it looks the same all the time. Change is constant in life so it might as well be for my profile picture too.
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Yeah, I change it a lot otherwise I get bored if it looks the same all the time. Change is constant in life so it might as well be for my profile picture too.
Ahaaa that's a great one there, maybe I'll consider applying that rule to my profile as well but not yet... I'm afraid people may not know me if I do 😬
Lol...I change mine every couple months and it hasn't made any difference I can tell. But I guess I've been around for a while.
Yeah, that may be the reason but I'll still try it out... Not bad having a new start anyways, getting to know people all over again because of my profile pic 😃
You have a hell of a lot more pictures of you than I do of me.
Lol...Mug shots bro.
Ahahahahaha. My mug shots were't published. Thank you God!
Lol...They're so used to seeing me they know it off by heart.