This week I lost a very good mate of mine and have been very angry since I learned of his demise; I didn't get the chance to say goodbye. He suffered PTSD and now is at peace but I wish I could have said one last thing to him before he left.
in the comments below then stay around and engage with others - On Monday 4th October I'll split some hive between a few who respond to the topic in the comments below. original im srcThe #weekend-engagement concept is simple; respond to the topic
Weekend-engagement topic week 69
➡️ Option one: Name a person and tell us what you'd say to them
It can be a fellow hive-user, family member or friend and tell us who they are and what you'd say to them right now if you had the chance.
Are they inspirational, funny, attractive, intelligent, generous, caring, loving, strong, talented, dependable or kind. Maybe they set a good example, bring out your best, comfort or protect you, turn you on, fill you with hope, love and desire.
Tell us why you selected them, and what you'd say or why you feel the way you do. It's your chance to spark positivity in someone on the blockchain or just think out loud.
➡️ Option two: Tell us what you'd say to your 20 year old self
This is quite self-explanatory. What advice, warning or message would you go back and give your 20 year old self if you were able to do so today.
✅ Be creative and have some fun
✅ Add an image if you would like
✅ Engage below in the comments
❌ Don't drop links to external posts
Read this bit so you know what to do.
That's the topic folks; you have until Sunday night to get your response into the comments below and I hope you'll stay around and get friendly with some of the others who participate as it'll be good to see you around over the weekend. Have a great weekend whether you engage or not though - Life's too short not to.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
Wow you are all very giving people. I have read these comments and although I know perfectly well that I'm exceptionally emotional at the moment, a lot of these comments, interactions and story sharing sessions hit me hard.
You all have great advice and you seem to do it with great cheer, even those that have previously suffered from some horrendous circumstances like @melbourneswest and @dreemsteem currently. I applaud you for keeping up the good fight and sharing along the way.
I'm not going to be answering the engagement topic this week, but I just wanted to write to you guys and say well done on being so good to each other and being encouraging. Every little ripple of compassion goes further than you may believe. Stay awesome all of you 🌱
I love that you know when to engage and when to pause.... that's so important to our spirit, isn't it???
So thank you for taking the time to read and engage with us....while still knowing that you can't quite commit to commenting for yourself just yet!
And I do know that feeling well.... Recently I just needed to be in the silence and seek my own peace before I could speak much at all.
It's been slow coming out of this...so please do take your time as well and know that those who matter...will give you all the space and time you need!
And we'll be waiting for you when you're ready
Sending love....feeling like you just need that tender care right now.
If you need to cry ..cry well, my friend!
Thanks Dreemsteem. I wish you all the best for what you are currently going through. It is wonderful to see the support and care that people have for each other here. It's always inspiring.
My late mother would always say "This too shall pass". It always did eventually.
Keep on trucking 🌼
Ranger Andy
So sorry to learn about the demise of your friend. Do accept my condolences.
You are one of a kindI have always wanted to say something to @dreemsteem and now it is. Just want to say:
Calling someone one of a kind is a nice thing to say I think. We are all unique in our own way, all offer value, and all deserve nice comments like you've left here. Well said.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
What I have to say to some people may not be as nice though. Except a person adds value, he/she doesn't get the comment good people may deserve.
I understand of course...But even those who don't add value to you may add value to someone else and so from that person they deserve a nice comment. Make sense?
This makes sense a lot, I've never thought of it that way before now... I'm learning a lot from you sir, just know that 😊
That's great, I guess that's one of the benefits of the community-nature of hive huh?
You changed your profile pic? 🧐 Gotcha 😃
Yeah. Makes sense. However, an injury to one is an injury to all. I will rather we don't paint a wrong image of ourselves to other people. Not forgetting that one good turn deserves another.
I disagree with this, but respect your opinion.
If a man murders another man does it make the murderer a bad man?
What if the first man killed the other to protect his young daughter who was being brutalised by the second? Is person one good or bad in this case?
Generally speaking, the act of self-defense is just another issue. What I meant here is the ability or in ability to be fair in our relationship others.
This boils down to the general question i actually saw in a TV series but I really want to ask everyone who sees this commentt. Are humans fundamentally Good or Bad?
Make sense to me. We see people in different light, definitely who doesn't add value to you will add value to someone else.
Yeah, it's how I see it. Sort of makes sense to me.
That's why you shouldn't expect much from anyone unless they are willing to give
Also, being a nincompoop person is actually a way of adding value. It may not be the kind of value I'd cash in at the bank, but it is a value in itself. For starters, it gives the rest of the ability to really appreciate people like dreemsteem, for instance. It also helps us to know what we don't like, so we can go after the things we do like.
Wow. That's mind-boggling. Negative attitudes have a way of adding values too. And not all values can be positive or productive. It's just getting clearer.
Yes, well, value can be negative, but value is value. It adds something to something. Even if it is a negative experience, it is an experience to gain from.
Well said. I desire only the positive values though.
$PIZZA@mrenglish! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @xplosive.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)
@mrenglish, you've been given LUV from @xplosive.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/3)
Awww @dreemsteem is surely one of a kind... We at Dreemport can attest to that, I just pray she grow stronger for us all.
Happy new month to you and welcome back to the weekend engagement 😊
Thanks, @merit-ahama. Right from.our time at uptrennd she has been a good heart and that has made many of us won't rust her judgement.
True sir, we love her and she lives us so much too as well.... That would always keep us going and growing strong 😊 thanks for mentioning her here, I hope she gets to see it once she come online
I hope she finds it amazing. She is a strong woman, our captain.
Very much agreed
What happened, did she get sick or something? Or is this just a hope she becomes more of what she already is?
Yeah, she was sick but we're hoping she gets better for us all... She's a gem
I think we are all 'one of a kind' in some way or another. Some times that's a really good thing, some times not so much. But it's ALWAYS good to find that 'thing' for myself.
Nice comment, a great start to the weekend.
Awn. What I meant there is that @dreemsteem is full of positivity. She is an amazing person.
That is precisely how I took your comment.
Mine was much more general than yours.
You know, the mind a strong processor. Different ideas on the same issue breeds from the mind.
True, dreemsteem is nice, I just know her in hive but I could tell she is.
I have elsewhere with her and other friends too. Not just on hive, she is someone who doesn't break relationships anyhow.
@mrenglish, you would be correct about @dreemsteem. She is one of a kind. Not just one in a million. There is, nor will there ever be, another like her.
I have been opportune to meet people, @dreemsteem is class. Humane, kind and a hardwood- goal getter. Her generosity knows no bounds. Yeah. That I can vouch for.
She is. She has a kind heart.
So sorry about your friend, may his soul rest in peace. Sometimes we don't get to say words we would like to say but I want to believe that some words unsaid may have been heard somehow so just comfort yourself with the fact that your friend has gone to rest.
I will like to mention my younger sister here... She's almost everything you mentioned above to me. She can be very inspirational to me in the sense that she always tries to do her best and Laziness is never in her dictionary, I love that so much about her.
Here is her picture, a beauty I was blessed with as a sister and she's worth so much to me than I can say. I have so many plans for her and one of them is bringing her to Hive to explore and impact some of her knowledge too.
If I were to tell my 20 years old self anything, I would ask:
Why didn't you take your pre degree program seriously? Things would have been different if you had been more serious and be happy about the privilege you got. Well, my present age will right all the wrongs as I am working towards learning from my mistakes and becoming a better me.
That's all, I wonder what a 20year old engager would say for that option 2 question 😂 just wondering
Aww, what a nice thing to want to say to your sister. I hope you call her and tell her today, let her know that on hive you spoke well of her and that you genuinely meant it. I think it'll make her feel nice and I think also it'll make you happy.
Hmm...On the 20 year old self comment...I guess as 20 year olds we don't take things as seriously as we will later on in life; that's the way of it for most anyway. As you say though, as older people we can work towards a better understanding of ourselves and the things around us, make amends for mistakes of the past.
Probably not something as wise they will come to wish they'd said 20 years later as a 40 year old.
Great comment! ✅
I'll sure do call her and trust me when I tell you that she would be like "Awwwww thanks sis 🤗" and that always gives me joy.
I kinda played with my 20years time and I regret some things I didn't take seriously but I'm learning and growing... That's just fine
Thanks for the compliment sir 😊
Not many people have got some great siblings who will stand and support them when they are down but yours is a different case. Your sister is a rare gem and deserves the accolades you have poured out today. I think it's better you let her know how much she means to you.
Yeah, I'll let her even see the comment as well 😊
Thanks for agreeing to all I said about her
Sure. Let's keep engaging. There are more interesting eavesdropping responses today.
Yeah, can't wait to read more of them... I'm so ready for them 😃
The compliment is well-deserved. 😀
🤗 Yeah yeah
Your sister sounds like a great person. A true beauty indeed. It's nice you appreciate all.that she is for you. Pretty sure she'd love to hear you tell her.
Some opportunities we let pass us by and wish she had done some things differently. On the bright side maybe you won't be who you are today if you have done things differently.
😂😂He/she will most like just advice themselves right now or advice their younger self
My sister is the best sister I'll ever have, I'm very proud to say that... Thanks for your compliment dear.
You are very right about this dear, I can't imagine how life would have been if it were different... Better or worse? Anyways I'm still grateful.
Advising himself or herself would be better 😂
Awwwwww that's really sweet.
That's the thing, we can never really tell. All the decisions we made both good and bad got us to where we are today and if we're happy with where we are then I think it's great.
Yeah, and I am happy because I got to know a lot even if not academically 😊 and I'm still growing
That's great
This is where I say las las everybody go dey alright
😂😂 indeed
So today, I'm missing my sister. My baby sister. I can certainly understand the sentiment...
You know? I have come to the knowledge (late in my life) that it took every single thing I did or did not do to get me to this point. And right here, right now, is pretty damn good all things considered.
And that is all that matters sir, feeling almost no regret at the end of everything you did and didn't do
It may not be all that matters, but few regrets is certainly a good way to live a life.
That is true sir
Do you live apart with your little sis, you can make video calls often and check on each other, just making you will feel closer except for physical distance, that's what I do when I miss people so much.
Yeah, we live a long ways apart. She just got a 'not a flip phone' in the last couple of months. She was in and out of the hospital and covid protocols prevented her boyfriend from visiting so they got new phones.
I really miss her because she passed away just exactly a week ago. A very bright light has gone out of my life.
😢😭😭😭. Oh no
Am so sorry about her demise.
The pandemic kept family and friends apart and now that everything is going away, not been able to see your loved ones hurt the most.
Be consoled dear one.
Yes, it's not too late. As long as we still live we always have the chance to make things right.
It's kind of you to idolize your sister. I have always been fond of siblings sharing love.
That is it @mrnightmare89 i chose to be happy with my decision in the end and find ways to keep this happiness growing
Your sister sounds amazing.
To your 20 year old self, I'd say - Is this what you really want to do? Do you really want to be here? Was there something else you'd rather be doing? If so, what is it, and go do that, and do it with gusto. Otherwise, make this happen, cuz it's the only "here" you got!
That's it dear, it's only now that we've got so we got to utilize our now and become better in the unknown tomorrow
Your sister is a beauty, and it sounds like she is a truly beautiful person, too. You are lucky to have her in your life! As for your studies, just know that you are not alone. The university years are often somewhat wasted. People should have a college training program so they can truly make the best of those years. But kids are so happy to be exploring new things and new friends that they often don't make optimal use of the learning opportunity. It's great that you are working to become your best self, @merit.ahama.
Indeed ma'am, I'm just so glad I found out a lot of things that have been putting me into shape despite my negligence during that age
Wow you're sister sounds like an amazing person!
I like your words to your former self, I think a lot of us would like to tell ourselves to take things mor serious or to work a bit harder haha. I let some things slip as well and now I'm like whyyyyy
That's just the sad truth about our past, we tend to make mistakes and take things unseriously
Yeah but then the reason we had so much fun in our twenties was also because we slacked on everything haha
I guess a lot of people have this question. What course were you going for?
Your sister is so beautiful. You know there are some people that are just everything in one person.
For me, its my mother.
I wanted to study medicine and surgery but I think everything spoilt from my pre dregree program where I couldn't go for the course anymore.
Mothers are almost every ones favorite
Hope you know, its not too late.
I studied medicine and I am done. I finished 11 years after graduating from secondary school.
If you want to go for medicine, pursue it
If it will make you happy, go for it
😂 I know it's not too late but it seem I don't have the fire anymore... So I'll just go with next one that makes me happy and excel in it too
My dear.. Anything that makes you happy.
Me wey dey the medicine no too happy.
Las las school na scam
😂 Stop naw, after 11 years? You've got to find what makes you happy in it and make us proud... Our doctor 😊
Your sister is beautiful and once you are opportune to be with reasonable caring and loving ones you feel on top of the world.
I have seen sisters full of hatred for each other and a twin who wouldn't let her sister borrow her mobile phone just because her is bad.
Lots of love and regard to your sis.
That is so true, sisters go against themselves so when we find the true ones... We should cherish and love them more.
Thanks for your kind words
Thank you for introducing your sister to us. It would be great to see her here.
Unlike you, I took my study serously in my 20s and I was stress so much about it. I was worry about everything. I wish I could be easier to myself.
Wow what an opposite 😂 let's just make our present and future better and be happy
Agree. Let's live our lives to the fullest <3
😂 So funny, maybe they should do that instead
It is very sad when we lose our loved ones. But what can we do since death is inevitable. May the good moment you share together ease away your pain. Kindly accept my condolences.
I would just say:
He is a ray of light that reflects on people around himIf there is someone I really want to talk about, then it would be @flaxz
That's a great way to mention what we feel for other person, special persons. @flaxz is indeed a great light that beams hope. Nice mention you have here.
Thanks so much ♥️
Wow, now I feel like knowing this @flaxz too... It's a great thing to have such a review from someone, I envy him already 😃
If you want to know about him. Kindly follow #wearealivetribe. And you get to know more about him
That's nice, I'll do that 😊
Wow this is a beautiful thing to say about someone. @flaxz must be a great person
Yes, it's inevitable but it's not just easy to accept when it's too sudden. However, all we can do is remain stronger for our loved ones.
That's great to hear about your friend @flaxz. My dear friend @trangbaby and @clarahuynh also have this super power. I feel motivated and full of energy when being with them.
Thank you and always love you sis 😘😘
Aww thank you my girl. I also feel the same when I'm with you ❤️😘
It's great to have someone like that
Wow. Short and directly on point. I think I have to follow a person that gets that sort of review from another. Thank you.
Why not. You welcome
What a cool thing to say to someone...He must be a truly inspirational person to deserve such a great comment. How has he impacted upon you so greatly, what has he done? (If you care to share it I mean.)
Thank you for your kind condolences.
When I was down and my account was taken over by hacker. I thought I have lost it all. All my friends try everything possible but it doesn't work. I thought to myself that I should talk to him maybe he can somehow help me about it as a member of his community #wearealivetribe. It's not been long I joined hive, but he didn't think like he just know me and introduce me to someone to put me through. After many conversations, I regained my account even though I have lost all my Hive and HBD, but nevertheless I am happy to regain it back. The attention that he gave me catch my heart and words couldn't express how special he is to me. Because I believe someone that put ones through is nothing but a light to others.
This is good. I'm not sure who you refer to but it seems the person helped you out of a tight jam.
Yeah, he did
Wow, what a cool person to go out of their way to help you like that? I'm happy you got your account back. How much was stolen?
100 hive with 15hbd
I'm sorry for your loss and may your friend now rest in peace.
I'll go option two and what I would say to my 20 year old self.
*Stop being so hard on yourself, you're going to be OK. *
I know it isn't much, but through my late teens and early 20s I experienced a significant bout of depression. It's like my entire shitstorm of a life came rushing forward and hit me like a tonne of bricks. By that stage I had already experienced homelessness, extreme poverty to where I would go days without food, seeking support from friends. But so many times I felt like walking off from life because at every corner when I'd think I'd be at rock bottom I found another ledge to fall down too.
At 21 I was king hit in the face which literally caved my skull in and gave me an orbital fracture which required significant amount of surgery and plastics. Half my face is Titanium. It wouldn't be for another two years until I regained my muscle control and almost full function of my eye.
It wasn't for another 4 years later that I'd sign upto uni because I didn't have much else going on. 3 years after that at 30 is when life started to turn around only for 3 years later the pandemic to hit and what a shit show the past 2 years have been for everyone.
Life's a B!tch and then you die, as the saying goes.
Going back to age 20, sending warnings back... hindsight 50/50 would take too long.
Sounds like you had to endure a 'shit show' for quite a long run, picked yourself up by your bootstraps and here you are.
More balanced still knowing that life is a bitch and then we die, pity it's not smooth sailing for everyone, but that is how it is, not so?
@joanstewart, you've been given LUV from @melbourneswest.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)
Yup, unfortunately. It is what it is and we make do with what we have. I always am shocked to hear of people with trust funds and enormous amounts of generational wealth. It's something I want to do for my kids and future generations.
I think alot of people don't plan for next gen and gen after I come across alot of people that focus on the now and the here and leave their kids out to make it on their own.
Hmmmm that gives me an idea about a post.
This sounds interesting...
Unfortunately not many after war years were able to come back and make a fortune, many parents who stayed behind did!
Leaving something for the children I also feel is a must, life is pretty hard locally with unemployment and excessively high numbers in younger grouping not working. If, as they plan to move, converting will not be much either!
Answer may lie in cryptocurrencies in the future, not quite there yet either.
Oh my goodness, I felt really emotional reading this... Life is surely not fair to some but we can't control who deals with life that way, we just have to be strong to go through it and be happy in the end.
I'm glad you didn't let depression win you over and you're getting better by every year. The pandemic hit everyone badly but it also has its positive effects, we should be grateful for that as well.
I hope your years to come become better than your 20 years time
Thank you, and please no need to be emotional I have done well and have two beautiful children and a loving partner and quite successful in this decade. Let's see what the next one brings.
Oh great, now I feel like jumping up in joy 😃 I love your story, it's so inspiring and I pray you keep enjoying what you couldn't back then. God bless your wife and kids also
Aww I'm just feeling happy right now 😊
Thank you :)
This all sounds pretty bad, well, having a titanium face would be pretty cool I guess, but not having to have it for the reason you did.
Being hard on ourselves is taught to most as children and by society along with other traits that hold us in place, the fear of failure for instance. I think it would be a good thing to go back and beat into your self as a 20 year old. Still, you worked out ok, probably through a lot of ownership and effort.
Pretty much, as the other saying goes when asked how you are Can't complain and if you do no one will listen to you anyway for most parts what we do with our lives is upto us. I have lost alot of friends along the way and I wish they were still here but unfortunately fate is as it is. What we do with what we're given is what defines the next day. I've always been one to not give up, I'll always find a way.
Doesn't always work or happen but I still try.
Falling in a heap but getting up and taking another step is all one can ask of oneself.
Yup, alot of people just give up or blame someone else
Laying blame is a national past time.
Yup, I think the current pandemic gives us a front row seat in it each and every day. Lol
I can't say I disagree! That sounds crazy cool! I am amazed at the medical technology available to us today.
I know right?
If I had a titanium face as a kid it would have saved mea lot of pain when I stacked my bike and landed on it. Titanium other parts might have been good too.
Wow. This feels somehow. The fracture in the head isn't an ordinary issue, it is as serious as it appears. But like you said, you have overcome the time when you have to worry much.
Don't be hard on yourself.
Thank you, yes time heals all wounds, even a hole in the head as it appears 🤣
My experience is, time doesn't really heal all wounds. But the process you go through during that time does. I am sure you will find so much peace in the future with a spirit like yours.
Thank you, that really means alot
I agree with you, not all wounds can be heal by time. I think along the way we just find better ways to deal with the wound.
I think so too. And I think we find better ways to heal them.
Yes, life is always like that but even so, we live because we want to. Although, there are still things we can do. Let's just keep holding on and don't lose that faith because that will be our strength in fighting this world.
Wow. Great story. There is no doubt my 20 year old self could have used the same advice.
I see this as a story of victory. My favorite line:
I am familiar with that concept. Sometimes I think we have more looking out for us than we realize. And you are on your way, my friend. You have come so far. At this rate, think where you'll be able to look back to in another 5 years. And the progress you surely will have made by then.
Wow, what a challenging life you've had, @melbourneswest. I'm so sorry for everything you have had to cope with! But you sound like a true fighter to me. I am inspired by you, and I'm sure others would be too.
I'm not sure what you do for a living, or for involvement, but have you considered helping young people in some way? So many disadvantaged kids go through some aspect of what you experienced, such as poverty, homelessness, self-loathing or depression. It's so good for kids to see that people went through what they are going through, and that there's a world beyond it, if you are committed to being a survivor. You have an amazing story.
Thank you, yes I worked in mental health then transitioned into law where I am now undertaking policy work. My wife is a nurse by trade but also a local councillor on local government and we work to address social and youth issues. COVID has been hard but we are working on it
That sounds like really important work, @melbourneswest. The kids and families really need that guidance and support.
Wow, you've been through a lot. I'm here wishing life would just give you a break. You are a strong person to have gone through all of that and still be standing today. It's not everyone who is able to go through all that and still be here, most don't have the strength to keep going.
I wish you better in the years to come.
This is one thing I told myself recently.
Don't be too hard on yourself, just do your best.
Oh really.. I never knew Titanium was used in plastics.
Everyone will be fine at last. I just hope we make the right decisions.
It's not unless you have an allergy to nickle which is found in steel so I got Titanium. Free upgrade 🤣
Good stuff mate, we need to be more easier on ourselves
Note to twenty year old self:
You only get one pair of knees. Do not climb dead trees. Do not jump off walls or buildings for fun. Do not run down mountains and never swim alone when the tide is going away from shore.
You are not a scientist even if your lab partner tells you otherwise. Everything in undergrad is easy compared to graduate school. They want your life. Don't give it to them. Do what you really like to do not what you think you should do.
Drear @galenkp,
Many of us share your pain. It is still shocking to many of us that our good friend on Hive @samrisso had suddenly departed earlier this year. At least three times a day I give thanks for the lives around me. But I really need to make an effort to tell them how thankful I am.
I wonder how much !BEER and !PIZZA I have left. I also have a lot of !LUV to go around.
I like your list of things you'd tell yourself. Concise but really great lessons to learn early on. I laughed at the knees one. As a 52 year old that has been around a bit...Yeah, I wish I'd taken care of my knees a little better. 😊
Great answer.
Thank you for your kind words about my friend. It prompted this topic as I think so many do not say how they feel enough. We take people for granted and should not.
Thank you. We have a three day weekend in Korea !LUV
Us too...Monday public holiday! 😀
Every Monday is a public holiday or just this Monday?
Not every Monday unfortunately, just a handful a year. Here's this years list which is the same every year, just some of the dates change.
Wow!! More than us !WINE
@galenkp, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/10)
@galenkp, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (4/10)
$PIZZA@galenkp! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @mineopoly.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (4/10)
Sorry to hear of your friend passing man, that sucks! I have had that happen and it’s pretty difficult to deal with sometimes! The things left unsaid unfortunately..
For the topic this week hmm.. I have said a lot lately to a lot of people so that ones a little tricky lol.
I think I’ll go with something a little different but could go a long way. I’ll say something to those who are of the political spectrum of being scared and fearful of everyone around them, there’s always a boogeyman out to get them, or some invisible threat that’s quasi-there but mostly not. I just want to sit down with folks like that and try to just tell them that you don’t have to be so scared of everything. There’s always something in life you are afraid of or angry at and it’s not a healthy way to be. You need to step back and realize that you have been programmed into that constant state because you are being controlled. I don’t hate nor fear you and you have no real reason to be that way towards me or countless other people. All I just want to do is exist and be left alone, let me do my own thing. You have no business or right to intrude upon my person or family with your ideologies but even at that point I would welcome you to sit at our table and eat food and have a drink with us because we are all just average people. At the end of the day if we stick together we are far stronger than anything else on the planet. Divided and scared, angry and fighting we will be destroyed.
I have been able to briefly talk to some people along those lines recently although don’t get to say as much but it’s nice to see them relax and realize they have no boogeyman to fear or reason to hate me. Some are so programmed though that they just can’t let it go and you just have to walk away from those people.
I don't really have anything I could add as you say it all pretty well.
I like that bit a lot.
Awesome I made Galen speechless! Lol
It's more relevant as the days go on it seems, people want to just intrude into others lives for no good reason.
It doesn't happen often.
I don't get it, why would people be afraid of everyone? Because of a difference of opinion or something???
The New England area has lots of terrified people it’s pretty sad. Scared for many different reasons but most often because they listen to things that scare them more than they need to be.
That's not a good way to live. All you can do is try to let them feel safe. There's no reasoning with one who wants to be afraid.
It’s not indeed but sadly what so many live through. I see it all the time.
My condolences to you, @galenkp. People leave this world under so many different circumstances. The hardest ones are tragic, too soon, and without goodbyes. I'm sorry for your loss.
For my weekend engagement entry, I have some words for one of my soul sisters, my cousin Marianne. We grew up together and had 50+ years of mutual adoration. She was beautiful and hilariously funny, and had the most amazing singing voice. I know I will never meet anyone like her again in my life — a person with such spark that she could light up a room. But her inner demons were too much for her. And as we all know, emotional pain that is not reconciled is like a cancer of the mind and soul.
What I would like to say to her is...
Thanks Jayna, suicide is never a straightforward or easy thing to deal with. We, family and friends, will move it forward as best we can though as we have little choice. I find myself wishing I'd made a call, wishing I'd said one last thing. I think that's what's so difficult right now.
I really appreciate you sharing your words here. Your emotions.
I always wonder whether there is really anything we can do or say in those situations. Especially with a person who is truly suffering and absolutely cannot find peace and solace in this world. At any rate, I hope you can heal from your grief, and from your own misgivings about what you might have done. I suspect he was pretty committed to the outcome, and that he is at last at peace.
I agree, there's little that can be done and I'm one who believes a person should have that choice. Want to check out? OK, do so. That doesn't mean I don't miss the person if it happens though.
Thanks for your message.
Agreed. It is a very unfortunate choice and a sad one. It leaves so many people aching. But it's hard to argue with someone who feels they are just done. Depression is a terrible thing. Again, I'm sorry for your loss. I hope it helps somewhat to know he's not suffering.
Thank you for your words of comfort.
Suicide is most difficult, you never knew how to answer, happened in my early twenties when close family friend took his life a couple of years younger than myself. Mother would knock at our door trying to find answers, simply no answer, ever!
Plant a tree, give it his name and remember the good times spent together, talk to it and watch it grow.
As a family we plant something to remember the person by, it's not ours to question what if!
Thanks for your message Joan, it's greatly appreciated.
Life is strange, keep the good memories!
Ma'am, I could feel your love for cousin.. I do hope she gets to see this and become who she really is and make the world around her beautiful.
Nice to talk about a loved one like that, she's sure a good one to know.
Thank you so much, @merit.ahama. Unfortunately, she is no longer living. But I imagine her in heaven, hearing my words of love and acceptance.
Oh so sad, didn't even think that... My bad,so sorry for your loss ma'am
Thank you. I only hinted that she is no longer with us. But it's true. It has been five years now. Her alcoholism took her away from me way too soon.
Oh dear, that's sad to know... May her soul rest in peace
I wish she got to hear all this and let it find a way into her soul. It's never easy to lose someone to their demons. The light she left behind will never be forgotten.
Hello fellow weekenders👋👋...
I wonder why I'm always late to these things 🙈.
Uhmmm if I could say something to anyone, I'd like to go back in time to say something to a 20 year old girl who just made it through a situation that was made worse by her anxiety disorder.
I would say - baby girl, don't panic, don't overthink things, nobody has got everything all figured out, don't let your fear about what tomorrow will be get the better part of you, enjoy everyday as it comes, face presents tasks head-on, the future will be alright, Most importantly thrive baby girl, I want to see you thrive. 💓
-yours faithfully, your not -20 anymore, older self😊
PS: I'm sorry to hear about your loss @galenkp
Thanks for the opportunity to comment here.New user,taking my first uncertain steps.
Going back in time and being 20 years old,I would give some advice.Keep your health,be brave,be persistent and follow your dreams.Do things that make you feel happy those,small things in your daily life ordinary and good,but of great importance.Believe in the good,to achieve your goals.
It has been a long time,since I was 20,but with age one gets wiser.It age is not a vice.
PS: My condolences for the loss of your friend.Take a bow!!@galenkp
I lost my brother just recently.
Don't over think, no one has it all figured out, don't let fear paralyse and face current tasks head on.
This is what I take away from your comment and I cold not agree with it more strongly! Very nicely said Sylvia!
Thank you for sharing, clearly you have had some challenges, like most of us, and have managed to overcome them quite well - To say what you've said above you must have.
Thank for you for your kindness also.
Thank you for your kind words also.
Yes we must share these words to let others know that such situations are not peculiar to them and that they can overcome theirs too.
Well, sorry to read about your friend too - never a good time with those types of situations.
Hmmm, I'd go back to my 20 year self and tell him to invest in internet stocks in the 90's. I'm old and I remember fellow students taking out student loans to load up on the bubble before it burst. I was too cowardly to do anything that crazy, of course.
I'd also tell myself to enjoy life more; back then, I was all about getting through school, paying off debt, and trying to figure out my career. I should have been having fun, meeting new people, dating more...all that good stuff that I realized I missed out on after the fact. So that's where I would start with that clown 20 years ago, lol
I was only talking to someone yesterday about people making choices and used the example of BTC and what buying $100 worth of it in 2010 would mean today if one still had it. We all make decisions based on what we know at the time though I guess.
I like your self-advice but you made the choices you did, went through processes you thought were right at the time and now...Well, you have that wisdom to deploy moving forward. It's just how life is...And you made those decisions back then based on what you know. Just like I did when I could have bought BTC in 2010...And didn't.
yeah, bitcoin would have been nice. I was buying first around $200 USD / each, but even then I wasn't all in. Yet...part of me thinks we'll be ok over the next few years in crypto (not jinxing anything here!)
I have my fingers crossed for a nice next few years in crypto.
Oh, I would also add I'd tell my 20 year old self that he should buy a van, do weekend excursions at national parks, meet some ladies on the trails, and enjoy life (don't worry, Liza doesn't read any of this, lol)
Lol...Now that sounds like very sound advice!
So. You read my mail, right? Jeeze.
I lost my sister last Saturday. Her long brutal battle with cancer came to it's inevitable conclusion. As recently as two weeks ago she just wanted to go home. If there is justice in this world, I think she has. Gone home.
That's not where I'm headed with this today. I'm going to kick my 20 year old self's ass for a bit.
"Worry a hell of a lot more about the people you meet and a lot less about the stuff you acquire."
"Go for it. Let some body else tell you that you aren't good enough. That decision is way over your pay grade."
"Ride more, work less" or "Fish more, work less" or "Love more, work less". I'll sweet ass guarantee you that at 70 years of age I'll not say "Damn. I wish I'd have worked more."
"Don't give up on people. You will never ever know who can save your sorry ass until it's done."
I suppose the rules said 'one thing you'd say to your 20 year old self'. I'm a dumb ass old person and bend the rules to suit me. Sue me.
Oh yeah. I'd have told my sister that I loved her. But I did that anyway so it doesn't count.
Haven't seen you for a minute. Sorry it's under these circumstances. I'd like you to drop everything you're doing and insert:
The cheeriest sentence you've read all week—Tada!
Thanks for the part about don't count'em out. Really. I've always preached second chances and how I love giving second chances. I can do more.
As he cheerfully inserts
No sane person would have believed that might happen 6 months ago.
I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I know she had some challenges. Condolences.
I like your first advice a lot Tom. Such excellent advice we should all have heard and heeded at 20 I think.
They're all good though, well thought out and wise. That's what experiencing a life well-lived can do...Bring wisdom.
Again, sorry about your sister.
Thank you. I'm trying to write a post (I seem to remember how) to talk about Karen. It's a thing I need to do-talk about her. And you all are my current audience, for better or worse.
Thanks also for calling my life well lived. "Good times, bad times. You know I've had my share." It's been a pretty good life all in all. I don't have many regrets.
Write the post mate. Pour it out. It will be well-received.
Oh dear Sir Tom 🥺 so sorry about your sister, I believe you are a strong man so keep it up for us here and your family over there... May her soul rest in perfect peace.
Now, I wish I was 20 by now so I'll take those advice you want to tell your 20 years self... They are worth emulating and becoming better.
Even at that, you've become who you are now and that is all that matters, right?
Thank you.
You are right, of course. I've been shaped by the journey and all the things on it.
That's great to hear sir
It's sad, it's not easy to understand this kind of pain of losing someone. I hope you're better now.
Yes, let those people and focus on what you want to do. It's your life and they don't know the hardships you've been through.
Oh my, I'm so sorry for your loss, @bigtom13. What a sorrowful time. Your sister is at rest. I'm glad you got to tell her how much you love her. May she rest in peace, and may you be comforted by her memory.
Older you get I think the more you realize many go before you, many with big "C" too, and there is nothing we can do about it.
Work more, sounds like you balanced it all out OK! At 20 you still baulk the system, questioning, stubborn or hard headed to really know what you want, so keep fishing, riding and loving that you can do into old age.
Sorry to hear about your sister, cannot believe my oldest brother hit the road three years ago already!
Losing someone can be heartbreaking and even more painful when we are unable to be with them at their last moments.
I wished I could see my mommas face just once after she slumped and I was trick into staying away from the location when they knew she was going to give up.
I was angry too but it was in my bat interest because I can't handle it emotionally, that was practically seen when I fainted the moments I saw her coffin been lowered into the grave...
It took me few mins to become conscious again. I can never forget this.
Reading this comment brought me a lot of emotion. I've lost many people in life; some naturally, some very slowly and others in the blink of an eye and it never get's easier. I think I just toughen up a little - To outwards appearances anyway. I know that death is part of life, and it's inevitable for all of us, but I also know the value of life and that those who leave would never want, or expect us, to waste it. It's far too precious.
Yes it's tragic losing people we love and value but I feel it's just as tragic to see a person waste life...And so I try not to.
We're lucky to have memories and so those who leave aren't really gone, *we take them wherever we go in our memories.
I can't imagine what you went through ♥️ It was probably her wish for you to remember her as being well, maybe that was why you were kept away?
That's a good one and another area of thought, I will keep this in mind and enjoy the good memories of her so the bad ones wouldn't hurt any more.
Thank you for these words, they mean a lot to me
I'm honored that I helped you find some comfort ♥️ She would definitely want you to remember the happiness that she brought you :)
Thinking back over a lifetime, my answer to question would be an apology to my Mom, she was right on so many levels, I am ashamed to say I didn't hear her words of wisdom/warning.
To young generation who still have their Mothers, read between the lines, listen!
Mothers know us.., don't be stubborn, experiencing life is one thing, listening to good advice another.
Sound advice all round here Joan, and I feel the same. It is what it is though, sometimes we need to make our own mistakes.
Imagine avoidance may buy you years, but yes we learn eventually!
We do...Some never do. 😀
Ha ha, yup! Don't have ears, then you must feel the pain....
I am sooo sorry to hear about your dear friend, what he suffered from, and how he went, and how it left you feeling so angry and betrayed. I know a bit about that. I have a unique set of skills that bridges the earthly - heavnly gap and may be able to help at some point, if you are interested. DM me if you wanna chat. But if it's too soon, I understand too. Just know I'm thinking of you and your friend. And all will be well in the end for both of you.
Advice to 20 year old self - My 20 year old self was doing ok. I'd like to pop in about ten years later and say:
It's an interesting concept to wonder what one would say to their younger self because would we be the same future-version if we didn't go through the past? Going back and advising oneself could change the outcome of the future which could mean one doesn't indeed go back from the future to the past in the first place. Headache-inducing.
Still, I like the advice you'd offer your 30 year old self. At 30...Well, I was coming out of a series of situations that ultimately shaped my life and helped me become the man I am today...I'm not sure if I'd offer myself advice...Maybe just count to ten before acting.
Thanks for joining in and your kind words.
If I had had the ability to listen to my future self, or my higher self, at 30, then I would have become the person I am today, and I would not have needed the horrific events that ensued in order to push me to this point of growth. I would prefer the growth without the pain, obviously. And I dispute it is possible.
I think we're all the same in that. I've been through a lot...It's been a journey. Forged by fire seems a good description. I'd rather it wasn't so.
Wow @littlescribe those words are amazing and so encouraging and determined... Your 30 years self is sure going to be better than now with such words you've said to it... Let's believe everything we say to ourselves, after all we want the best for ourselves
It's kind of a revision, of sorts. So I can still benefit from the growth, without having to go through the pain of it all. LOL.
😂 That's great! Really nice
I like this one telling you to trust yourself. Often when we were around 20 we doubted so many things we did, while we just had to have a little trust in ourselves!
I think we don't know what or who we are capable of. And for me, it was a matter of not knowing HOW to listen because I had a playlist of teachers, parents, siblings, and church leaders telling me what was right for me. And how I should think and feel. And not one of those individuals, bless all their hearts for trying and not knowing any better at the time, but not one of those individuals ever taught how to listen to the self. I think it is interesting we don't teach that in schools or in churches.
We teach how to listen to the teacher, or how to listen to god. at best. And nothing against that, per se. But god is a different meaning for everyone. And not always accurate or helpful to think of something outside of you dictating what you should do. What about just trusting ourselves, and having the confidence that our own higher or older future self will have much to say about something?
➡️ Option two: "Tell us what you'd say to your 20 year old self..."
Dogs are chick magnets.
But kittens are kryptonite. They leave many powerless to resist.
I would tell my young, know it all already self...
Get Ya some KITTENS..!
...and HOTDOGS.!!
Hahaha this made me laugh, wonder how well it would work with the ladies
Sage advice from a very switched on and intelligent fellow.
😂 He's back and with very interesting words to his 20 years self
Not the hotdogs again!!! 🤣

Everyone loves kittens and hotdogs.
Am I right..?
😂 You are very right.... I dare not say you're wrong 🤣
Oh I often thought that kittens are subtle and would just creep on me
In the future there will be these amazing things called Hive and Splinterlands. Stop what you are doing and join them as soon as possible. Stay there long enough even if you don't get what you want. your wishes might change in the future but you will have a damn good time.
Are you saying you're not up to 20 yet? Or am I the one getting it wrong? 😬
Anyways, Hive is a future we all must get ourselves in to build together... I still wish and pray more people get to know about the privileges on the Hive block chain.
I will be 30 in december.
😳 I was the one not getting it right 🙈😂
Lol...I'd like to give myself that same advice. I'm not into playing the game but only recently bought some SPS. I wish I'd done so a few years ago.
I feel this one! I have just started with splinterlands but I wish I had done it so much sooner!
It's such a shame that I took long breaks from Hive and splinterlands. Only this year I started taking it more seriously...
My condolences about that friend. It's a hard thing to lose someone and still want to tell them something.
I think I'd use the chance to tell something to my younger self. And my, it could be a lot of things in one grandiose speech. But certainly, I was in a bad place when I was 20. I might be able to pull myself out of it and get on a better track for the future. I think the most important thing would be telling myself to get a job on something I can manage to do while getting all the side projects of track. It sucks to want to do stuff and have no money whatsoever.
This is very understandable, we have so many plans in mind but don't have the resources to go on with it... This has killed so many people dreams.
Well, don't ever give up and keep having those dreams and you'll see ways to make them come to pass for you
They are coming through slowly as I work as much as I can around them.
Thanks mate, it has been a little difficult especially considering the method he used to exit life. We'll push on.
I think we all had times when we were in a bad place and it is likely to happen again. It's the nature of life. The great thing is that you see it and are making the changed, made them and are on the right path now...Also better prepared for what may pop up.
I only have a faint idea of what having PTSD can do to a person. But it sucks to lose anyone regardless of their exit from life.
Indeed. I think we all might have this thought of giving one's younger self a royal slap and getting some stuff together. I mean I'd totally do it for any version of my younger self; however, those mistakes and everything else is what has molded me into who I am. So, if I were to slap them, I'd have to do the same for me.
We need to go through things to understand other things; just the way it is. Slap yourself, but no too hard because making mistakes is part of learning.
And yes, PTSD isn't a nice thing, same with moral injury. I'll not share here how many I have lost around me due to these things but no matter the number it never gets easier.
Something like this.
And I reckon it'll never get easier.
Exactly like that.
your this self is able to give these advises because your younger self made mistakes and learned from them 😄
Yes, that's exactly why I can do it. A person can only foretell its past.
I love you is a word that I don't usually say, but for many it is important to listen. I am one of the people who show that someone interests me with gestures and attentions and I thought that was enough. I was raised in a way where they did not show affection to me either with gestures or with words and saying something that an adult would not want to hear was a punishment for the child. With my children I have tried to say it and make them feel that I love them, but they still demand it from me.
I easily say: sorry, I was wrong, but I have a hard time saying I love you. I have to say THANKS to you because you changed the photo on your profile, the one you had put up you look like a guerrilla, in this you see a cordial and kind man, with whom you talk every weekend. I'm really sorry about your friend.
Saying I love you is probably overused these days, the meaning misconstrued. Having said that I feel it is so important to say it, to those who deserve it.
I understand that it might not come naturally to you but I'm sure you show it in other ways; actions speak loudly too you know.
@isabelpena, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (5/10)
I would rate this comment this on top. By the way I've found his photos cool his beard makes him look mature though😄
It's a nice topic, I must say and again sorry for that friend of yours. I hope soon you will be fine.
Okay, it's time for me to be serious.
Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did in the past. I couldn't tell you how much I love you because I'm always stupid not construct words to say in front of you. I don't know how to express my true feelings, it's not just I have no idea what to say but a stupid attitude of me keep holding my mouth not to open up. Also, I hate you when you closed your eyes when I arrived from school. I traveled for many hours to catch you looking at me but sorry, sister notified me late that I needed to go to school. If I just learned you were at that state I should have been absent from school and stayed at the house. You know Dad, there were days I was crying in my dreams and when I woke up I noticed my eyes were wet. I just miss you.
The old me? How come you're always ashamed of yourself when all of us in this world are the same. If you just didn't shut yourself that time, maybe the "me" in the present will have the confidence to face this world. If you just socialized before, maybe going out will not be hard because of being always conscious.
Oh, sorry I got carried away.
You got me all teary with this, it's so sad to have little regrets when we lose a loved one but you don't have to be so sad about it, I'm sure your dad is resting well and would want you to be happy always... Just do that for him please 🥺
You are socializing now, you are better than you were before even if I didn't know you before so therefore... Be grateful for the now that you have and make your tomorrow even better by keeping up the pace
All the best to a better you dear 😊
I really like your answers here as they show honesty and ownership. I think it's sometimes difficult to know what to say to those around us we value but I've found the more I try the easier it becomes.
Thanks for getting involved.
Thanks, well it's not easy to let go of the words in my heart. Thanks as well for letting me to speak about it.
Hmm, I can relate with this pretty well.
So sorry about your dad.
That feeling of low self esteem still ties me down sometimes.
I had this tall wall around me that no one can break or get in my area, even in my room I had this tiny portion I often coil up myself just to be alone.
Totally not able to socialize.
Thanks to hive I can talk here but outside here am still that lone me.
I feel so emotional writing this, I know how you feel because I've been there, it hurts not to say goodbye at least. Last two years I lost my sponsor and I kick myself when I remember that I didn't even say 'hello" weeks before his death. Time heals all wounds and hopes you stay fine and be sure he'll rest in peace.
I came across this for a reason and yes it's time to speak my truth.,I would like to tell a friend that I'm grateful for everything he has done for me, He is a Professional Chess player like myself but he is not here on Hive, he helped shaped me to be a better person.
I see him once in a while but I find it difficult to let him know.
And I was 20years old last year and honestly I wish I could go back, I made a lot of mistakes and got into a lot of trouble. If I could tell myself, f something it would have been,
Thanks for the opportunity to express me.
Telling people what they mean to us can be difficult at times but I feel there is a great value to come from it and one must chip away at it until it becomes easy to do. The recipient and ourselves both benefit.
Nice lesson to tell your 20 year old self indeed! ✅
Thanks, I needed to hear this. Hive is a big place but I can say boldly that people like you here are very few. Thanks again.
Thanks for your nice comment...Now go and think about how you can make someone's day by offering them a nice comment. 😀
You and your friend are good cheese players? I've always wish to be part of that gang - The Chesse game players 😃 its fun when I see people play it but somehow I don't just get it right 🤦♀️🤣
I wish your friend could read all you've written about him here, he's a rare one and I'm happy you're grateful to have him... Keep that friendship growing and be your best selves.
You advising your 20 years old self to avoid such schemes has already shown a big improvement in becoming a better person through the right ways, all the best with it 😊
So sorry about your dear friend, he looks calm and peaceful.
But am glad you are able to find yourself and correct every wrong footsteps this early.
Continue to do good whatever it is you do.
Thank God for the life of this beautiful young man and how he has influenced you Samuel. I think you will never forget and also cherish each day a little wiser than the last.
I'm not so frequent at telling others the stuff that runs into my thoughts so I'd rather chose the 2nd option.
It was 4-3 years ago since I was 20 years young and to be precise I'd advise myself to overcome come my fears because that's what I needed the most st that time. I skipped a lot of opportunities because of certain fears and those fears were the actual hurdle. I'd advise myself to live life to it's fullest.💝
I could not agree more. Do you have any idea how many things I passed up on in life because I didn't think I was "ready" enough? OMG. Next time you want to do something, just goddamn do it cuz littlescribe says so.
Trust me I am on it and not even thinking about what happens next. Just do it man life is too short for these what ifs!
Overcoming fears and living life to the fullest is a good message to give your younger self indeed.
what would you suggest your younger self?
Give no shit. Take no shit and lift more heavy shit.
The last means work harder.
I totally agree
Life is indeed to short to feel allow fear deprive us of the beautiful opportunities that presently comes our way. Everyone deserves to live to the fullest, including.you.
You too mate😄♥️
Ahaa would have love to knwo what's on that mind of yours... I'll sure learn a lot from it but it's fine, let me give you the privacy you want 😃
Fear can be a very powerful thing that deprive us of so many opportunities, I guess I also had that as a problem during my 20 years time but we can only get better.
I was afraid of what happens next and thousands of such what ifs hindered me from doing what I wanted
It's very understandable my dear, but you must be strong to keep conquering your fears... They may come at anytime, you know that right?
I know it and I don't fear anything now
We often wish we could tell our younger self something to make our life a little better.
Good thing is you can take that advice now, I believe there's still time to overcome your fears and live life to the fullest.
I have given it a thought and given myself the advises which my elder self would have given me 😁
I am really sorry for your loss @galenkp it can be really shit to lose someone without having that chance to give them last words or consciously spending last moments together. I have found with losing people and not having a chance to say goodbye it's helped me to write what I wanted to say down and send it to them in thoughts...
One person that I lost and didn't get to say goodbye to was a good high school friend of mine. She died very suddenly and it had a huge impact on 16 year old me, but also on my later life.
Anyway, in a happier light I would right now really like to talk to my mom face to face, haven't seen her for 1.5 years because of pandemic and border closures, but we should be seeing each other in about 6 weeks! Can't wait for that time to fly by, give her lots of hugs and just have a super long talk about how we're doing and how much we missed each other!
Thanks @plint I appreciate your comments. Losing people is pretty terrible. My mate suicided (PTSD) and it hit home pretty hard.
I hope you get home soon to see your mum, but I also hope you call here today and tell her how you feel. 😊
I will tell @dreemsteem that I am so happy you are feeling better ♥️ May your recovery and everything else go well, we need you back on here again soon. Take good care of yourself 🙏
Yep, she's been through the wars. I think she's on the mend though and that's a good thing.
I saw that she spent a lot more time in Discord yesterday, that's always a good sign :)
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, his life was cut off way too soon :( ... But we never know the full story, as we can't know what went through their minds fully. Even if they try to explain. Still a tragedy though :(
$PIZZA@galenkp! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @wrestlingdesires.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)
I've not said a great deal about the matter although know a great deal about the situation, how he felt, the lack of support he got from the government and the way a person such as he feels. It is a tragic situation as was the way in which he decided to leave the Earth. He is at peace though and we'll all deal with his absence knowing eventually we'll all go out too. It was sudden though, not unexpected, just sudden. I feel sad I didn't get to speak with him one last time.
Somehow I think he probably knew what you would have said. But either way I am pretty sure he knew your feelings.
I suspect the same.
My brother named Abrar Hussain is missed badly, given his way of teasing. Actually right now he is in Lahore for css purpose and distance between Lahore and larkana is more than 1500 kilometers. Whenever, he got bored at home, he teased me and made my fun to make himself Laugh. At that time, I shouted on him loudly yet right now I miss him and asking myself would that he were here. Actually, his funny activities were not to tease me negatively but it was his love and care for me which I feel now.
Own content
He is the only man in my life who understands me more and he always guides me a good path. Whenever, I get hesitation in any work or an activity, I try to share with him so that I may find a simple way to solve that issue. Honestly speaking, he is not only my brother but also he is a good guide for me. Love u brother 😘
What a nice thing to say to your brother. I think he probably misses you too so maybe he'll leave a comment for you here too huh?
What's the best thing about him in your opinion?
This cute little thing called me few moments ago and told me to comment here saying that @galenkp wants you to comment on his post 😂 and Obviously I had to because she's close to my heart ❤️
Yeah, she misses you mate. ☺️
I do the same
At very first main opinion is that my brother always loves me in hidden way ❤️🦋and another point is that he is a good guide as well as good brother.. on other hand, I am sure he will comment on my post too..❤️🦋😻
Some people are not good at expressing themselves.
Awwww your brother would be so happy to read this, really. Many loved ones always tease each other not because they hate each other but because they love each other so much.
I hope your brother comes back home soon.
I took a screenshot of this comment 😁❤️
😂 Why did you do that? I'm feeling shy 🙈
Exactly, it doesn't mean that any one of your family is teasing you it means he/she hates you.. actual thing is that he/she loves you silently...❤️🦋
And I think I love that kind of love more, what do you think? 😃
I also love that kind of love sweet 🥰
😊 Sweet you say? I agree 👍
Perks of being an elder brother & I know everyone loves me😎
I feel blessed to have a brother. His birthday is coming up next week and I should really tell him.
Thanks @galenkp for the question of this week. I would realy like the opportunity to have a fews words with my 20 years old self. I know at that time she was stress and worry about everything in her life. She questioned her decision about studying, she doubted her ability to find a job, she compared herself with her peers a lot and couldn't stop thinking about it, she felt miserable with her own future, she was upset with her own comfort zone... But honey, I have to tell you this: Your 30 years old self are so proud of you, After everything, you worked so hard to bring us here. Remember there was a time you work days and nights, more than 14 hours per day so we could have enough money to study. Wow that time was crazy, right?
I am crying when writing this comment because of happiness. So my dear: Keep doing what you have to do, keep questioning things in life with your eager mind. But there is one thing I want you to do differently, one thing that would make your life easier. So here it is: I want you to keep this in mind: Everything happen for a reason and always come with a lesson to learn. Don't blame yourself, don't regret it, just keep your head cool and say thanks for the lesson. I know you are a good student, that's why life give you a hard lesson to solve. Again, smile and say thank you. That's all my dear. Love you.
This is a good line. When negative things happen people often lay blame rather than embrace the lesson which negates the lesson most times. It seems you turned out well and that you learned from your past indicates you'll do so again and make your future even better.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. In the last two years, I had a chance to learn more about resilience and mental wellbeing which helps me understand myself better.
There are a lots of things I need to learn more and I am so excited. Enjoy your weekend.
No matter how strong we are, the loss of a good friend always softens us, my condolences.
There is a very dear friend that I have always admired and represents for me a true example to follow, I met her in my first years of study and I still have the same admiration for her as the first day. She is an integrated, kind and loving girl, and the best thing is that she does everything genuinely and with great maturity. Her name is Laura Torres and I miss her encouraging hugs.
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I think it's clear to see a person who acts genuinely as opposed to having an agenda which dictates action. Laura sound like a good friend. Do you see her often?
Sorry to hear about your friend bro. May he rest in peace.
Thank you, I appreciate it. He found none in life, PTSD robbed him of that, but his fight is over now.
Alright 👍🏻 but galenkp where do we post
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Sorry to hear about your loss bro! I know it's not easy to face all this and know what one feels when going through this situation. I have myself gone through a similar situation in the recent past so I know how it feels like. I know you will never meet him again but that's part of life. May God rest his soul in peace.
Thanks mate, it's been a fairly tragic situation. I've known the fellow for 25 years and will miss him a lot. If the government supported veterans a little better this sort of thing wouldn't happen.
Sorry to hear about the demise of our friend. Accept my condolences
So so so so so sorry about this , it really sad!
No wonder the weekend engagement didn't came up on time, from my observation, I think it was a little bit late this time, but with what I heard now, I can see the reason why, may his soul rest in peace.
Yes, I was late with it this weekend, posting the topic. It's up now and I hope a few people get involved.
Sure, a lot get involved
Honestly, it hurt when you didn't have the time to say all you ever wanted to say, that makes it incomplete, at time's I wish death was something we don't have to face, taking people precious who are precious away from us is the worst feelings we could ever imagine.
But, What has happened has happen but we pray may death never make us loose anyone precious to us again. Amen.
Thank you for your kind words. It was such a sudden thing; my mate died by his own hand, and I feel a littler cheated. I'm coming to respect his decision though.
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Hunnnn I missed this how I wish I can still be a partaker maybe even for no reward @galenkp
Hi there, yes you've commented before that you missed it in previous weeks. The easy way not to miss it is to check my post feed every Friday as that's where you'll find the post. It runs all weekend so you have some three days to get your comments in. Then you won't have to miss it anymore.
Thanks for the information @galenkp
What a very excellent piece of advice to yourself Nine.
This last...Perfect for any time in life I think, but much more profound after having lived some. So good.
I don't know what all to say here I guess other than I urge you to frame this into a post. I htink many will get some benefit from what is essentially your life's experience wrapped up in words.
I might be psychic...Or psycho...It will change depending on who you ask. You should do the posts though. Sounds like a trilogy to me.
This right here! I feel like if you're 20yeae old self knew all of this, he will go through life with a lot more confidence. I'm glad you overcome your dark times and learnt to navigate the world in a new way, it wasn't easy yet you did it!
You really have come a long way, be proud of yourself :) I'm so sorry to hear that you lost everyone though ♥️
What a positive attitude :) Not many would ever acknowledge that!
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That is certainly true, if we change our past - we change too! And who would want to be someone else?
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This is a great advice for a 20 years old. Thank you for sharing with us. One thing that I was struggling when I was in my 20s was the feeling of failures and inability of doing something. I felt embrassed by doing things wrong. I just wish I undersood it's normal to make mistakes and not being too hard on myself.
Thank you. To be honest, I still see myself in the situation where I feel bad for the things I did. However, I don't struggle much compared to my 20s. It doesn't take too long for me to get out of the bad thought anymore. It always end with a smile after I talked with my own self. I really enjoying this stage of my life.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. Have a lovely day.