I am sooo sorry to hear about your dear friend, what he suffered from, and how he went, and how it left you feeling so angry and betrayed. I know a bit about that. I have a unique set of skills that bridges the earthly - heavnly gap and may be able to help at some point, if you are interested. DM me if you wanna chat. But if it's too soon, I understand too. Just know I'm thinking of you and your friend. And all will be well in the end for both of you.
Advice to 20 year old self - My 20 year old self was doing ok. I'd like to pop in about ten years later and say:
Trust yourself! And when things get really bad in a couple of years, give me a call. There are things you can do that will make this go a lot easier, and things you can do that will make this a lot worse. And I mean really, really bad. Every time you think it can't get worse, it can. Unless you listen to me. I know exactly what to do. And I'm telling you, you're going to want to know what to do. I'll help you. I promise. I already have. It just took you a little longer to clue in than we both had hoped. So this time, let's clue in a little quicker. And I'm telling you, we can move mountains.
It's an interesting concept to wonder what one would say to their younger self because would we be the same future-version if we didn't go through the past? Going back and advising oneself could change the outcome of the future which could mean one doesn't indeed go back from the future to the past in the first place. Headache-inducing.
Still, I like the advice you'd offer your 30 year old self. At 30...Well, I was coming out of a series of situations that ultimately shaped my life and helped me become the man I am today...I'm not sure if I'd offer myself advice...Maybe just count to ten before acting.
Thanks for joining in and your kind words.
If I had had the ability to listen to my future self, or my higher self, at 30, then I would have become the person I am today, and I would not have needed the horrific events that ensued in order to push me to this point of growth. I would prefer the growth without the pain, obviously. And I dispute it is possible.
I think we're all the same in that. I've been through a lot...It's been a journey. Forged by fire seems a good description. I'd rather it wasn't so.
Wow @littlescribe those words are amazing and so encouraging and determined... Your 30 years self is sure going to be better than now with such words you've said to it... Let's believe everything we say to ourselves, after all we want the best for ourselves
It's kind of a revision, of sorts. So I can still benefit from the growth, without having to go through the pain of it all. LOL.
😂 That's great! Really nice
I like this one telling you to trust yourself. Often when we were around 20 we doubted so many things we did, while we just had to have a little trust in ourselves!
I think we don't know what or who we are capable of. And for me, it was a matter of not knowing HOW to listen because I had a playlist of teachers, parents, siblings, and church leaders telling me what was right for me. And how I should think and feel. And not one of those individuals, bless all their hearts for trying and not knowing any better at the time, but not one of those individuals ever taught how to listen to the self. I think it is interesting we don't teach that in schools or in churches.
We teach how to listen to the teacher, or how to listen to god. at best. And nothing against that, per se. But god is a different meaning for everyone. And not always accurate or helpful to think of something outside of you dictating what you should do. What about just trusting ourselves, and having the confidence that our own higher or older future self will have much to say about something?