Yeah, I change it a lot otherwise I get bored if it looks the same all the time. Change is constant in life so it might as well be for my profile picture too.
Ahaaa that's a great one there, maybe I'll consider applying that rule to my profile as well but not yet... I'm afraid people may not know me if I do 😬
Yeah, that may be the reason but I'll still try it out... Not bad having a new start anyways, getting to know people all over again because of my profile pic 😃
oh right. That's my question too. Yesterday, I browse through my feeds and I can notice there was something different with @galenkp profile picture and I thought hm he changed the background colour of the photo.
You changed your profile pic? 🧐 Gotcha 😃
Yeah, I change it a lot otherwise I get bored if it looks the same all the time. Change is constant in life so it might as well be for my profile picture too.
Ahaaa that's a great one there, maybe I'll consider applying that rule to my profile as well but not yet... I'm afraid people may not know me if I do 😬
Lol...I change mine every couple months and it hasn't made any difference I can tell. But I guess I've been around for a while.
Yeah, that may be the reason but I'll still try it out... Not bad having a new start anyways, getting to know people all over again because of my profile pic 😃
You have a hell of a lot more pictures of you than I do of me.
Lol...Mug shots bro.
Ahahahahaha. My mug shots were't published. Thank you God!
Lol...They're so used to seeing me they know it off by heart.
oh right. That's my question too. Yesterday, I browse through my feeds and I can notice there was something different with @galenkp profile picture and I thought hm he changed the background colour of the photo.
😂 Now, we know he changes his profile picture to make a little change