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RE: Weekend-engagement 69: The say something week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Wow, what a challenging life you've had, @melbourneswest. I'm so sorry for everything you have had to cope with! But you sound like a true fighter to me. I am inspired by you, and I'm sure others would be too.

I'm not sure what you do for a living, or for involvement, but have you considered helping young people in some way? So many disadvantaged kids go through some aspect of what you experienced, such as poverty, homelessness, self-loathing or depression. It's so good for kids to see that people went through what they are going through, and that there's a world beyond it, if you are committed to being a survivor. You have an amazing story.

 3 years ago  

Thank you, yes I worked in mental health then transitioned into law where I am now undertaking policy work. My wife is a nurse by trade but also a local councillor on local government and we work to address social and youth issues. COVID has been hard but we are working on it

That sounds like really important work, @melbourneswest. The kids and families really need that guidance and support.