Aww, what a nice thing to want to say to your sister. I hope you call her and tell her today, let her know that on hive you spoke well of her and that you genuinely meant it. I think it'll make her feel nice and I think also it'll make you happy.
Hmm...On the 20 year old self comment...I guess as 20 year olds we don't take things as seriously as we will later on in life; that's the way of it for most anyway. As you say though, as older people we can work towards a better understanding of ourselves and the things around us, make amends for mistakes of the past.
I wonder what a 20year old engager would say for that option 2 question
Probably not something as wise they will come to wish they'd said 20 years later as a 40 year old.
Great comment! ✅
I'll sure do call her and trust me when I tell you that she would be like "Awwwww thanks sis 🤗" and that always gives me joy.
I kinda played with my 20years time and I regret some things I didn't take seriously but I'm learning and growing... That's just fine
Thanks for the compliment sir 😊
Not many people have got some great siblings who will stand and support them when they are down but yours is a different case. Your sister is a rare gem and deserves the accolades you have poured out today. I think it's better you let her know how much she means to you.
Yeah, I'll let her even see the comment as well 😊
Thanks for agreeing to all I said about her
Sure. Let's keep engaging. There are more interesting eavesdropping responses today.
Yeah, can't wait to read more of them... I'm so ready for them 😃
The compliment is well-deserved. 😀
🤗 Yeah yeah