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RE: Breakfast in bed with G-dog

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

It's a small thing that means a great deal and there's many other ways to do it. A note in the lunch pack or on the fridge when the other comes home, a kind word, just asking after the other. We all get so caught up in life that sometimes we forget to do such things and it's often those closest to us that get left out.

I can imagine you have your hands full. I don't have any kids so it's easier for me, but I understand (can imagine) what it's like with little ones.

Lolled at man slave. I'm one of those too. Don't mind though.


Lol my man slave but I guess I'm a bit of a slave as well. Little joke goes back to when we were dating and I didn't want to put a label on it lol. But yeah kids take time and I only have one. She is both the best and most frustrating thing I have done. I miss the days pre kid though, just for the freedom and time. Life was simpler. I was a little running machine. For me at least. Would prob be normal pace for you!