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RE: [WE109] Weekend-Engagement posting topics - I Think It's Stupid.

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

It's an interesting, and sad, thing really.

I know a woman, super attractive, good personality and all, who was put into intensive care by her partner who bashed her severely. That's bad right? But here's the thing, she went there three times, for the same reason, meaning she went back to the guy after each time and he did it again. Eventually she left him but it wasn't soon enough you know?

Anyway, the last time I saw her she was drug-fucked, walking along the street with two burly motorcycle gang members half holding her up and whilst still pretty, sort of, looked like total shit and was repellant to me. I walked passed and she didn't notice me thankfully.

Seems she hasn't got much respect for herself and gravitates towards the wrong people. Stupid? Yeah, I think so.

I don't really understand it.


Oh my! That's so messed up. I don't understand and can't understand why they always want to go back. It's not love it's just plain stupid. Yes sir, they don't have enough love for themselves so they just gravitate towards what looks like it. It's such a sad thing. She got out from the guy but the effect still lingers. This is really sad.

It was very sad. She was a vibrant, pretty, very sexy girl and I liked her a lot as a person. I ended up distancing myself and now I don't see her at all and most do not know her story. It's such a shame. But, do we blame the guys she chooses, or do we blame her for being there? Choosing to be in those situations. Hmm, it's a complex situation but also simple at the same time.

It's really complex because we can blame both the guy and the lady. The guy for not working on being a better person and being abusive. Like you said sir, a bit complicated because that guy's upbringing must have shaped who he is but still not an excuse for who he is to become, which is why I blamed him too. She has a part of the blame too because she accepted the love she thought she deserved. When we know better we must do better and she didn't do better. It's disheartening...such a beautiful life...

Yeah, well said. Violence like this often comes from a lack of self esteem, the need to dominate and feel powerful usually due to their own life circumstances, upbringing and happenstance in their own past. Still, we have the ability to break the cycle right. Those guys chose not to.

And the girl? I felt very sad for her for a long time, and was there for her, but I can't be party to that sort of self-destructive behaviour, it's not good for me, and I was getting nowhere with her. I drifted away and left her to take her own journey. The same as many others in her life have done. I hear some terrible stories now, but that's her weight to carry.

I like what you did. You tried to help but the truth is you have to watch out for yourself before she drags you down with her. We can only help those who show interest in being helped. You have to do what's best for you and that is what I would have done also by letting her carve out her journey since I am not making any headway with her. I hope she doesn't self destruct beyond repair. Such a beautiful life going to waste. It's saddening.

True brother I've seen that way too many times usually I get involved but these days I just tell them stay if you want to be treated like a punching bag because they know better actually and they got used to the abuse which is sad.

It's a bad situation and one that sometimes defies logic. I wonder if those committing the act if abuse ever gets what they deserve. So many just get away with it which isn't very good.

Just be successful when you leave them it actually kills them to see you do so much better without them. I still get harassed from time to time whenever they see me grow being successful and happy afterwards is the punishment for them actually.

You won't be able to hurt them physically because of course u go to jail for that haha but they can't be happy when they see u happy without them. The only thing we can do is move on.